# This is an automatically generated prolog. 
# bos720 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/suma/msg.map 
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 
# Restricted Materials of IBM 
# COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2004,2013 
# All Rights Reserved 
# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or 
# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. 
# MESSAGE_MNEMONIC         Catalog     Set# Msg#   Default String
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
,MSG_BAD_FILE_LIST_LINE    suma.cat       1 1   0500-001 Bad line in file list:
,MSG_CANT_CREATE_DIR       cmdinstl_e.cat 3 34  0503-028 %s:  Cannot create the directory %s.
	Check permissions and available space.
,MSG_CANT_DELETE_STANZADB  suma.cat       1 2   0500-002 Cannot delete stanza database %s.
,MSG_CANT_DETERMINE_FS_SPACE suma.cat     1 3   0500-003 Cannot determine needed filesystem space.
,MSG_CANT_EXTEND_FS        suma.cat       1 4   0500-004 Cannot extend the %s filesystem.
,MSG_CANT_FIND_SCHEDULE    suma.cat       1 54  0500-054 Cannot find a schedule for Task %s.
,MSG_CANT_FORK             suma.cat       1 5   0500-005 Failed to fork() a child process.
,MSG_CANT_OPEN_FILE        cmdinstl_e.cat 3 11  0503-009 %s: Cannot access or open file %s.
	Check path name and permissions.
,MSG_CANT_READ_DIR         cmdinstl_e.cat 3  8  0503-006 %s: Cannot change to directory %s.
	Check path name and permissions.
,MSG_CANT_READ_NOTIFY_DB   suma.cat       1 6   0500-006 Cannot find or read the notify database %s.
,MSG_CANT_READ_POLICY_DB   suma.cat       1 7   0500-007 Cannot find or read the task database %s.
,MSG_CANT_WRITE            pkgmk.cat      1 62  Write of <%s> entry failed, errno=%d
,MSG_CANT_WRITE_SPACE      cmdinstl_e.cat 3 36  0503-030 %s:  There is not enough space on the system to continue.
,MSG_CLEAN_START           suma.cat       2 26  Performing lppmgr clean.
,MSG_CONFIG_GET            suma.cat       1 8   0500-008 An error occurred attempting to get configuration settings.
,MSG_CONFIG_SAVE           suma.cat       1 9   0500-009 An error occurred attempting to save configuration settings.
,MSG_CREATING_STANZA       suma.cat       2 1   Creating a stanza called %s.
,MSG_CREATING_STANZADB     suma.cat       2 2   Creating stanza database %s.
,MSG_CREATING_STANZAFILE   suma.cat       2 3   Creating stanza file %s.
,MSG_DEFAULT_GET           suma.cat       1 10  0500-010 An error occurred attempting to get the default task.
,MSG_DL_BYTES              suma.cat       2 42  Total bytes of updates downloaded: %d
,MSG_DL_FS_LIMIT_EXCEEDED  suma.cat       1 56  0500-056 This request requires %s MB of filesystem space,
	which exceeds the current filesystem space of %s MB.
,MSG_DL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED     suma.cat       1 11  0500-011 This request requires %s MB of filesystem space,
	which exceeds the task's configured limit of %s MB.
,MSG_DL_LIMIT_REACHED      suma.cat       1 57  0500-057 The maximum download size of %s MB has been reached.
,MSG_DL_START              suma.cat       2 41  Starting download of %d updates.
,MSG_DOWNLOAD              suma.cat       1 12  0500-012 An error occurred attempting to download.
,MSG_DOWNLOAD_FAILED       suma.cat       2 4   Download FAILED:    %s
,MSG_DOWNLOAD_SKIPPED      suma.cat       2 5   Download SKIPPED:   %s
,MSG_DOWNLOAD_SUCCEEDED    suma.cat       2 6   Download SUCCEEDED: %s
,MSG_DOWNLOAD_SUMMARY      suma.cat       2 27  Summary:
	%d downloaded
	%d failed
	%d skipped
,MSG_ENTITLEMENT_FC        suma.cat       2 44  Please go to the Fix Central website to download fixes.
,MSG_ENTITLEMENT_SERIAL    suma.cat       2 43  The system's serial number is not entitled.
,MSG_EXTENDING_FS          suma.cat       2 7   Extending the %s filesystem by %s blocks.
,MSG_FAILED_GETLIST        suma.cat       1 13  0500-013 Failed to retrieve list from fix server.
,MSG_FILESET_EXISTS        suma.cat       2 8  The fileset %s already exists.
,MSG_FIXSERVER_RESPONSE    suma.cat       1 14  0500-014 The fix server responded with the following error condition:
,MSG_FLAGS_MUTEXCL         suma.cat       1 15  0500-015 The %s and %s flags are mutually exclusive.
,MSG_FS_LIMIT_REACHED      suma.cat       1 16  0500-016 The maximum filesystem size of %s MB has been reached.
,MSG_GENERIC               suma.cat       2 9   %s
,MSG_INCOMPATIBLE_BITS     suma.cat       1 17  0500-017 Do not specify %s with %s.
,MSG_INET_REQUEST_FAILED   suma.cat       1 18  0500-018 An internet request failed.
,MSG_INVALID_AFLAG_ENTRY   suma.cat       1 19  0500-019 The -a flag entry %s=%s is not valid.
,MSG_INVALID_ARGUMENT      suma.cat       1 20  0500-020 Invalid %s argument.
,MSG_INVALID_ENTITLEMENT   suma.cat       1 59  0500-059 Entitlement is required to download.
,MSG_INVALID_FUNCTION_CALL suma.cat       1 21  0500-021 Invalid call to %s.  Parameters: (%s).
,MSG_INVALID_IDENTIFIER    suma.cat       1 22  0500-022 %s is not a valid identifier.
,MSG_INVALID_INDIVIDUAL    suma.cat       1 58  0500-058 The update can not be downloaded individually.  A TL or SP must be requested.
,MSG_INVALID_KEY           suma.cat       1 23  0500-023 Invalid task field: %s.
,MSG_INVALID_POLICY_ID     suma.cat       1 24  0500-024 Invalid task ID: %s.
,MSG_INVALID_VALUE         suma.cat       1 25  0500-025 The value %s is not valid for the %s field.
,MSG_KEY_NOT_FOUND         suma.cat       1 26  0500-026 Cannot find the %s key.
,MSG_KV_LIMIT_EXCEEDED     suma.cat       1 27  0500-027 A key/value pair may not exceed %s bytes.
,MSG_LIST_HAS_REGRESSIONS  suma.cat       2 10  The download list contains one or more fixes known to cause regression:
,MSG_LOG_START             suma.cat       2 11  Logging operations started, %s.
,MSG_LOG_STOP              suma.cat       2 12  Logging operations stopped, %s.
,MSG_MUST_BE_BOOL          suma.cat       2 13  %s must be 'y' (yes) or 'n' (no).
,MSG_MUST_BE_LIST          suma.cat       2 14  %s must be one of the following values:
,MSG_MUST_BE_ML            suma.cat       2 39  Technology level must be in the form xxxx-xx or xxxx-xx-xx-xxxx.  For example: 6100-04 or 6100-04-00-0943.
,MSG_MUST_BE_NIMCLIENT     suma.cat       2 16  %s must be the name of a NIM client, or 'localhost'.
,MSG_MUST_BE_NIMLPPSOURCE  suma.cat       2 34  %s must be the name of a NIM lpp_source.
,MSG_MUST_BE_NUMERIC       suma.cat       2 17  %s must be numeric.
,MSG_MUST_BE_PATH          suma.cat       2 18  %s must be an existing absolute path.
,MSG_MUST_BE_SP            suma.cat       2 38  Service Pack must be in the form xxxx-xx-xx or xxxx-xx-xx-xxxx.  For example: 6100-04-03 or 6100-04-03-1009.
,MSG_MUST_BE_TL            suma.cat       2 39  Technology level must be in the form xxxx-xx or xxxx-xx-xx-xxxx.  For example: 6100-04 or 6100-04-00-0943.
,MSG_NET_EMPTY_CONTENT     suma.cat       2 19  Fix server returned empty content.
,MSG_NOTIFY_DB_GET         suma.cat       1 28  0500-028 An error occurred attempting to get the notification database.
,MSG_NOTIFY_DELETE         suma.cat       1 29  0500-029 An error occurred attempting to delete a notification entry.
,MSG_NOTIFY_GET            suma.cat       1 30  0500-030 An error occurred attempting to get a notification entry.
,MSG_NOTIFY_NOT_FOUND      suma.cat       1 31  0500-031 Notification entry does not exist for %s.
,MSG_NOT_MASTER            suma.cat       1 32  0500-032 System must be a NIM master.
,MSG_NOT_ROOT              suma.cat       1 33  0500-033 Only root can perform this action.
,MSG_NO_HOSTNAME           suma.cat       1 34  0500-034 Hostname cannot be determined. 
,MSG_NO_MATCHING_FIXES     suma.cat       1 35  0500-035 No fixes match your query.
,MSG_NO_NEWLINE            suma.cat       1 53  0500-053 The %s field may not contain a newline.
,MSG_NO_SUCH_POLICY        suma.cat       1 36  0500-036 Cannot find task with ID %s.
,MSG_NO_SUCH_STANZA        suma.cat       1 37  0500-037 Cannot find or work with a stanza called %s.
,MSG_OR                    suma.cat       2 24  OR
,MSG_PARTIAL_DOWNLOAD      suma.cat       2 32  The following file failed to download completely.  Please check filesystem space.
	File: %s
	Expected:  %d bytes
	Retrieved: %d bytes
,MSG_PATH_NOT_ABSOLUTE     suma.cat       1 38  0500-038 Path is not absolute: %s.
,MSG_PREVIEW_DOWNLOAD      suma.cat       2 20  Performing preview download.
,MSG_RENAME_FAILED         suma.cat       2 33  Failed to rename file:
	Old name: %s
	New name: %s
,MSG_RESTRICTED_FUNCTION   suma.cat       1 39  0500-039 Access violation. The function %s may only be called
	from the following packages: 
,MSG_SCHEDULE              suma.cat       1 40  0500-040 An error occurred attempting to schedule a task.
,MSG_SYSTEM_CMD_FAILED     suma.cat       1 41  0500-041 The following system command failed:
The error was as follows:
,MSG_TASKID_CREATED        suma.cat       2 25  Task ID %s created.
,MSG_TASKID_NEED           suma.cat       1 42  0500-042 A Task ID must be specified.
,MSG_TASKID_ONE            suma.cat       1 43  0500-043 Only one Task ID may be specified.
,MSG_TASK_COMPLETED        suma.cat       2 28  Task %s was found and completed successfully.
,MSG_TASK_CREATE           suma.cat       1 44  0500-044 An error occurred attempting to create a task.
,MSG_TASK_DELETE           suma.cat       1 45  0500-045 An error occurred attempting to delete a task.
,MSG_TASK_DELETED          suma.cat       2 29  Task %s was deleted.
,MSG_TASK_DELETE_FAILED    suma.cat       1 46  0500-046 An attempt to delete Task %s failed,
	or the Task ID did not exist.
,MSG_TASK_GET              suma.cat       1 47  0500-047 An error occurred attempting to get a task.
,MSG_TASK_NOT_FOUND        suma.cat       1 48  0500-048 Task ID %s was not found.
,MSG_TASK_NOT_VALID        suma.cat       1 49  0500-049 Task is not valid.
,MSG_TASK_REPEATS          suma.cat       2 30  Task %s is a repeating task.
,MSG_TASK_REPEATS_NOT      suma.cat       2 31  Task %s is not a repeating task.
,MSG_TASK_RESULTS          suma.cat       2 21  SUMA Task Results
,MSG_TASK_SAVE             suma.cat       1 50  0500-050 An error occurred attempting to save a task.
,MSG_TASK_UNSCHED_FAILED   suma.cat       1 51  0500-051 An attempt to remove a schedule for Task ID %s failed,
	or the schedule did not exist.
,MSG_THIS_REQUIRES_THAT    suma.cat       1 55  0500-055 %s requires %s.
,MSG_UNSCHEDULE            suma.cat       1 52  0500-052 An error occurred attempting to unschedule a task.
,MSG_UPDATE_NOTIFY_NOTE    suma.cat       2 22  Note: You may need to update tasks that contain this notification entry.
,MSG_USAGE_SUMA            suma.cat       4 1   Usage:
Create, Edit, or Schedule a SUMA task.
	suma { { [-x][-w] } | -s CronSched } [ -a Field=Value ]... [ TaskID ]

List SUMA tasks.
	suma -l [ TaskID ]...

List or Edit the default SUMA task.
	suma -D [ -a Field=Value ]...

List or Edit the SUMA global configuration settings.
	suma -c [ -a Field=Value ]...

Unschedule a SUMA task.
	suma -u TaskID

Delete a SUMA task.
	suma -d TaskID

,MSG_USAGE_SUMA_FIXINV1    suma.cat       4 2   Usage: suma_fixinv [-f xml] [localhost]

       suma_fixinv [-f instfix] [-a instfix_flags] [localhost] 

,MSG_USAGE_SUMA_FIXINV2    suma.cat       4 3   Usage: suma_fixinv [-f xml] [localhost] [client...]

       suma_fixinv [-f instfix] [-a instfix_flags] [localhost | client] 

,MSG_USAGE_SUMA_SWINV      suma.cat       4 4   Usage: suma_swinv [-f xml] [localhost] [client...]

       suma_swinv [-f lslpp] [-a lslpp_flags] [localhost | client] 

,MSG_USAGE_SUMA_SWINV2     suma.cat       4 5   Usage: suma_swinv -f xml [-r] [localhost] [client...]

       suma_swinv -f lslpp [-a lslpp_flags] [localhost | client] 

       suma_swinv [-a lslpp_flags] [localhost | client] 

,MSG_WARN_DELETE           suma.cat       2 23  Deleting %s!"