'\" @(#)48 1.2 11/21/89 12:36:01 '\" '\" COMPONENT_NAME: (CMDTEXT) Text Formatting Services '\" '\" FUNCTIONS: '\" '\" ORIGINS: 26 '\" . \"DS - display. If .DS C, center; L, left-adjust; I, indent. .de DS .KS .nf .\\$1D \\$2 \\$1 .ft 1 .ps \\n(PS .if \\n(VS>40 .vs \\n(VSu .if \\n(VS<=39 .vs \\n(VSp .. .de D .ID \\$1 .. .de CD .XD .ce 1000 .. .de ID .XD .if t .in +0.5i .if n .in +8 .if \\n(.$ .if !"\\$1"I" .if !"\\$1"" .in \\n(OIu .if \\n(.$ .if !"\\$1"I" .if !"\\$1"" .in +\\$1n .. .de LD .XD .. .de XD .nf .nr OI \\n(.i .if t .sp 0.5 .if n .sp 1 .. .de BD \" block display: save everything, then center it. .XD .nr BD 1 .nf .in \\n(OIu .di DD .. . \"DE - display end .de DE .ce 0 .if \\n(BD>0 .DF .nr BD 0 .in \\n(OIu .KE .if t .sp 0.5 .if n .sp 1 .fi .. .de DF \" finish a block display to be recentered. .di .if \\n(dl>\\n(BD .nr BD \\n(dl .if \\n(BD<\\n(.l .in (\\n(.lu-\\n(BDu)/2u .nr EI \\n(.l-\\n(.i .ta \\n(EIuR .DD .in \\n(OIu ..