# @(#)88 1.2 src/cmdtext/usr/bin/roff/nroff/termtab/README, cmdtext, cmdtext720 11/19/89 21:01:18 # # COMPONENT_NAME: (CMDTEXT) Text Formatting Services # # FUNCTIONS: # # ORIGINS: 3 # #README 1.1 - 88/12/28" Description of terminal tables for new nroff: (In the following description, "white space" means any combination of spaces, tabs and new-lines). The first line should contain the name of the terminal -- just a string, but with no embedded white space. This is followed by a table of 25 lines (defining the first 25 items in struct t, laid out in tw.h): bset [integer] /*bits that must be set for printing*/ breset [integer] /*bits that must be reset for printing*/ Hor [integer] /*size of unit of horizontal motion*/ Vert [integer] /*size of unit of vertical motion*/ Newline [integer] /*size of line of vertical motion*/ Char [integer] /*size of character horizontally*/ Em [integer] /*size of Em of horizontal motion*/ Halfline [integer] /*size of half line of vertical motion*/ Adj [integer] /*horizontal resolution*/ twinit [string] /*sequence to initialize terminal*/ twrest [string] /*sequence to restore terminal*/ twnl [string] /*sequence to print newline*/ hlr [string] /*sequence for half-line reverse*/ hlf [string] /*sequence for half-line forward*/ flr [string] /*sequence for full-line reverse*/ bdon [string] /*sequence to turn on bold*/ bdoff [string] /*sequence to turn off bold*/ iton [string] /*sequence to turn on italic*/ itoff [string] /*sequence to turn off italic*/ ploton [string] /*sequence to enter plot mode*/ plotoff [string] /*sequence to leave plot mode*/ up [string] /*sequence to move up 1 space in plot mode*/ down [string] /*sequence to move down 1 space in plot mode*/ right [string] /*sequence to move right 1 space in plot mode*/ left [string] /*sequence to move left 1 space in plot mode*/ This table is fixed format, and the order cannot be changed. Entries should be on separate lines, and should contain exactly two fields (N.B. the comment should be omitted) separated by white space. First field is the string identifying the value (this is not verified), then white space, and then the value. The value is either an integer, or a string, as specified above. An integer is a sequence of digits. Integers describing sizes are expressed in units of 1/240 of an inch. A string is a sequence of characters, probably surrounded by quotes (to be on the safe side). For non-printable ascii characters, the following escapes hold (as in C): \b backspace \t tab \n newline \r carriage return \\ \ \" " \ followed by 3 octal digits specifies the ascii character with the value of those digits This is followed by a line containing the word "charset", and then by the table of special characters -- all the non-ASCII characters that nroff/troff knows by 2-character names, e.g. \(hy and \(ga. The entries in this table can be in any order (put the most used ones first), and the entries should be restricted to only those characters that can be printed on the terminal in question. The format of each line (defining one special character) is: the (2-character) name of the special character, followed by white space, followed by the width of the character (in ems), followed by white space, followed by the sequence needed to produce the character. This sequence may be surrounded by quotes. The same escapes hold as for strings above. The best way to create a terminal table for a new device is to take a terminal table for an old device and modify it! For example, here is the first page of the terminal table for lp: lp bset 0 breset 0 Hor 24 Vert 40 Newline 40 Char 24 Em 24 Halfline 20 Adj 24 twinit "" twrest "" twnl "\n" hlr "" hlf "" flr "\0337" bdon "" bdoff "" iton "" itoff "" ploton "" plotoff "" up "" down "" right "" left "" charset em 1 - hy 1 - \- 1 - bu 1 +\bo sq 2 [] ru 1 _ 14 3 1/4 12 3 1/2 34 3 3/4 de 1 \344o\304 dg 1 |\b- fm 1 ' ct 1 c\b/ rg 1 r\bO co 1 c\bO pl 1 + mi 1 - eq 1 = ** 1 *