.nr _0 \n(c. .\" @(#)13 1.3 src/cmdtext/usr/share/lib/me/local.me, cmdtext, cmdtext720 11/21/89 11:49:08 */ .\" .\" COMPONENT_NAME: (CMDTEXT) Text Formatting Services .\" .\" FUNCTIONS: .\" .\" ORIGINS: 26 .\" .\" this file may contain local macros, which are initialized with .\" the ".lo" request. All macros and number registers in this file .\" should be named ".*X", where X is any letter (upper or lower case) .\" or digit, to avoid naming conflicts. .\" .\" local.me 2.1 8/18/80 .\" %beginstrip% . \" *** insert new definitions before this line *** .nr c. \n(_0