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Can't mv %s to %s. Can't mv %s to %s. Can't mv %s to %s. ;|&<>`'\#!?*()[]^/{}$Can't create temp map %s. Map name string too long. ypxfr: First file is '%s' ypxfr: Maps master is '%s' Stat error on map file %s. Stat error on map file %s. Duplicate key %s in map %s ypxfr: Master Version is %s Can't dbm init temp map %s. ypxfr:[a] Last Modified '%s' ypxfr:[b] Last Modified '%s' Can't get local machine name. h @ bind_to_server clntudp_create errorCan't recover from rename failure. Can't recover from rename failure. Can't recover from rename failure. Can't get master of %s. Reason: %s. ypxfr: bind_to_server clnt_call errorRename error: couldn't mv %s to %s. Can't do dbm store into temp map %s. Can't do dbm store into temp map %s. Can't do dbm store into temp map %s. Can't do dbm store into temp map %s. ypxfr: Checking the existence of '%s' ypxfr: Local version of map '%s' is %d Transferred map %s from %s (%d entries). ypxfr(get_v1order) RPC call to %s failed ypxfr(get_v2order) RPC call to %s failed Error from ypserv on %s (get next) = %d. Key %s was not inserted into dbm file %s Error from ypserv on %s (get first) = %s. Map %s at %s is not more recent than local. ypxfr (get_map) - TCP channel create failureCan't do dbm close operation on temp map %s. ypxfr: Map does exist, checking version now. Can't translate master name %s to an address. Version skew at %s while transferring map %s. ypxfr(get_v1master_name) RPC call to %s failed ypxfr(get_v2master_name) RPC call to %s failed Error from ypserv on %s (ypall_callback) = %s. Error from ypserv on %s (ypall_callback) = %s. ypxfr (get_map/all) - RPC clnt_call (TCP) failureRename error: check that old %s is still intact. Rename error: check that old %s is still intact. ypxfr (get_map/next) - RPC clnt_call (TCP) failureypxfr (get_map/first) - RPC clnt_call (TCP) failureypxfr: Couldn't get map's master name, status was %d bind_to_server: server is not using a privileged port *** Count mismatch in dbm file %s: old=%d, new=%d *** Can't send ypclear message to ypserv on the local machine. (info) Can't get master name from ypserv at %s. Reason: %s. (info) Can't get master name from ypserv at %s. Reason: %s. (info) Can't get order number from ypserv at %s. Reason: %s. (info) Can't get order number from ypserv at %s. Reason: %s. ypxfr: Couldn't get map's master version number, status was %d Can't get order number for map %s from server at %s: use the -f flag. @(#)65 src/oncplus/usr/sbin/yp/ypxfr.c, nis, onc720 9/11/07 11:07:02%s hasn't been set on this machine. domainnameCan't get %s back from system call. ( /var/yp/ypxfr.logypxfr_map./var/yp/.maplock/var/yp/.maplock/var/yp/.maplock/var/yp/.maplock/var/yp/.maplockunlock_map: close failed %mlock_map: can't lock file %s: %mlock_map: can't lseek file %s: %mlock_map: can't create file %s: %mlock_map: lock_file already existedunlock_map: attempting to unlock unlocked file@(#)47 1.2 src/oncplus/usr/sbin/yp/lockmap.c, onccmds, onc720 9/29/06 12:09:59ypxfr_bkup.Usage: ypxfr [-f] [-h ] [-d ] [-s ] [-S] [-c] [-C tid prot ipadd port] map where -f forces transfer even if the master's copy is not newer. host may be either a name or an internet address of form ww.xx.yy.zz -S ypxfr will check that ypserv is using "priviledged" ports. -c inhibits sending a "Clear map" message to the local ypserv. -C is used by ypserv to pass callback information. %s argument is bad. hostnamemapname                  H      $ ! ! "H ( , 0 4 8 "P @ h x # # #   #    #         H ` pG?  C___bzero@@)@errno@access@ chmod@ close@ lseek@ rename@ unlink@ 5@ E@ _iob@malloc@ free@ S@ xdr_void@ d@ t@ @ @ @ exit@ strlen@ freopen@ open64@ isatty@ lseek64@ open@ fprintf@ catopen@ catgets@ isdigit@ atoi@ abort@ stat@ sprintf@ write@ getpid@ @ printf@ fflush@ read@ strncmp@ perror@ fseek@ fstat64@ strpbrk@ ctime@ @ syslog@ @ @ @ @ @ @ 0@ @@ L@ Y@ e@ y@ @ @ lockf@ @ __crt0v@@@ __start x!    X h x |     H F E  G     " +       ( %       -    $ (1 ,/ 0 4 8 < @ D H2 L4 P! 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