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ptrs) DBG level var:0x%x bp_tmp:%d attribute=DR_Script_syslog_chattribute=DR_Script_syslog_chUnexpected signal %d received set_env_vars: entry: cmd : %s DR Install Root Directory: %s Error Seeking scriptinfo file Error Seeking scriptinfo file Error Seeking scriptinfo file script_version: 0x%llx(%s) Error Seeking scriptinfo file Error Seeking scriptinfo file s_resource:(Before - ptrs) Error Seeking scriptinfo file Error Seeking scriptinfo file Error Seeking scriptinfo file Error Seeking scriptinfo file s_resource(After- offsets): Error logging to AIX error log \mv -f %s/%s %s/.%s 2>/dev/nullParent: forking of child failed Error calling waitpid, errno:%d Error invoking uname: errno: %d Vendor:%s, Version:%s, Date:%s resource_name: 0x%llx(%s) resource_name: 0x%llx(%s) Error invoking uname: errno: %d Error invoking issue_system_cmd Error invoking uname: errno: %d get_sub_arg returning:0x%x(%s) File name is needed for -i flag File name is needed for -u flag Error invoking uname: errno: %d calling process_output with:(%s) Checksum for the file is: 0x%llx s_resource(Before - offsets): Wrote to file: Checksum : 0x%llx get_remaining_time returning: %d File (%s) is an invalid DRAF file drmgr_common_sig_handler: sig: %d DR script [%s] returned error: %s script_vendor_info: 0x%llx(%s) Script : filename=NULL is invalid Stat failed on file(%s), errno:%d Cannot specify both i and u flags fdopen failed on : 0%llx, errno:%d cleanup_name_value_pair-entry:(%s) No argument specified with -w flag No argument specified with -R flag No argument specified with -S flag File (%s) does not exist. errno=0%d script_creation_date: 0x%llx(%s) cleanup_name_value_pair-exit:(%s=%s) Error Writing to the scriptinfo file Error Writing to the scriptinfo file Error Writing to the scriptinfo file Error Writing to the scriptinfo file Error Writing to the scriptinfo file Error Writing to the scriptinfo file Invalid UnInstall directory argument Error removing the script file, rc:%d Error removing the script file, rc:%d Invoking script (%s) with command (%s) resource_use_description: 0x%llx resource_use_description: 0x%llx Error initing the childs sigs, errno:%d process_output: first:(%s), second:(%s) Resource Name: %s Resource Usage: %s Error Seeking scriptinfo file, errno:%d main: error invoking build_DR_script_info validate_dr_scriptinfo_file failed, rc:%d Error in trustchk -q or creating symlink. resource_use_description: 0x%llx(%s) resource_use_description: 0x%llx(%s) User needs to provide file name to install do_scripts_if_DR_pre_setup: bp_resource:%s Execing:(%s) with cmd:%s, resource_name: %s Error executing/opening pipe to the command Error seeking the scriptinfo file, errno:%d do_scripts_if_DR_post_setup: bp_resource:%s Parent: timeout occured.. Kill the child(%s) User needs to provide file name to uninstall invoke_DR_scripts: command:%x, bp_resource:%s Script Timeout:%d, Admin Override Timeout:%d _getpwuid_shadow failed for file(%s), errno:%d 1: u32_no_of_resources: %lld, sp_script: 0x%llx validate_dr_scriptinfo_file: stat failed, errno:%d execl failed: error invoking script:(%s) : errno:%d cal_dr_scriptinfo_file_checksum : Checksum : 0x%llx validate_dr_scriptinfo_file: open64 failed, errno:%dchk_and_create_dr_script_dir: mkdir failed: errno:%d issue_system_cmd: Cmd string length is too big..Abort open64: Error creating the scriptinfo file: errno: %d set_program_rights: Stat failed on file(%s), errno:%d user_time:%d, current time: 0x%x, DR start time: 0x%x checksums donot match: calculated:0x%llx, from_file:0x%llx ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ check_whether_file_exists: File (%s) does not exist. errno=%d set_program_rights:_getpwuid_shadow failed for file(%s), errno:%d flags: i:%d, u:%d, l:%d, f:%d, wait_time:%d, file_name:%s, dir:%s check_whether_file_exists: File (%s) is not executable. errno=%d File (%s/%s) does not have execute permissions and hence being ignored DRSCRIPT not compatible with the drmgr version: drmgr=(%s) script=(%s) Parent: Waiting on the pipe for any info:out_line:0x%llx, pipeinp: 0x%llx DR Timeout value:%u, Current time: 0x%x, DR start time: 0x%x, Remaining Time:%u Warning: No argument specified with -D flag, default install directory will be used invoke_one_DR_script: entry->command:%d, timeout:%d, script idx:%d, resource name: %s @(#)79 1.42 src/bos/usr/sbin/drmgr/lib_drscript/drscript_main.c, cmdcfg, bos72V, v2020_27A1 6/25/20 13:47:43sp_script->script_filename : 0x%x, sp_script->script_info:0x%x, sp_script->script_vendor_info:0x%x, sp_script->script_version:0x%x sp_script->script_creation_date:0x%x ixklhhhhhhhht`t||tt||tt||||t|tt||||| >h G E J C C M F( G G J GP I N Et FX F D L EH H H, D$ K Lp I J M E C JH F KT C D PL IL H Oh M P B F I G DL K E Hd Dt K D O NP L$ MT >p cpumemphbpmigwmigslotusagemigrateDR_DATEregisterDR_USAGEDR_FORCEDR_ERRORcapacitylvupdateDR_VENDORDR_LCPUIDDR_BCPUIDscriptinfoprereleasepreacquirepremigrateDR_VERSIONDR_TIMEOUTDR_LOG_ERRDR_WPAR_IDvar_weightpostreleasepostacquirepostmigrateundomigrateDR_RESOURCEDR_LOG_INFODR_DRC_NAMEcheckreleasecheckacquirecheckmigrateprehibernateprepacceventpostacceventundoacceventDR_LOG_EMERGDR_LOG_DEBUGDR_WPAR_NAMEwmig-restartmem_capacityposthibernateDR_SCRIPTINFODR_VAR_WEIGHTundoprereleaseundopreacquireundopremigratecheckhibernateDR_FREE_FRAMESDR_LOG_WARNINGDR_MEM_PERCENTmem_var_weightmem_exp_factorDR_TOTAL_FRAMESDR_DETAIL_LEVELDR_CPU_CAPACITYwmig-checkpointundoprehibernatepretopologyupdateDR_WPAR_CHRS_FILEDR_CUR_AME_FACTORDR_NEW_AME_FACTORSHELL=/usr/bin/shposttopologyupdateDR_PINNABLE_FRAMESDR_MEM_SIZE_REQUESTDR_VAR_WEIGHT_DELTADR_TRUE_TOTAL_FRAMESDR_MEM_SIZE_COMPLETEDDR_CPU_CAPACITY_DELTADR_VARIABLE_MEM_WEIGHT 0930-037 Memory Fault DR_ENTITLED_MEM_CAPACITYDR_TRUE_MEM_SIZE_REQUESTDR_TRUE_MEM_SIZE_COMPLETEDDR_VARIABLE_MEM_WEIGHT_DELTAPATH=/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/sbinDR_ENTITLED_MEM_CAPACITY_DELTA 0930-025 Invalid Parameters. 0930-007 Invalid Input arguments 0930-029 DR operation timed out. 0930-006 Invalid Directory argument 0930-019 Failed to set the ODM data 0930-042 %s Script timed out..Killed 0930-046 Cannot remove the last cpu. 0930-048 File %s is not executable. 0930-030 Cpu %s could not be started. Rebuild of Scriptinfo file is complete DR_DRMGR_INFO=DRAF architecture Version 2 0930-016 Error removing the script file DR script file %s installed successfully 0930-024 The DR operation not supported. 0930-044 Attention: Operation timed out. 0930-004 Error forking the child, errno:%d 0930-008 Cannot specify both i and u flags DR script file %s uninstalled successfully 0930-038 File %s does not exist to install Syslog channel id string has been set to %s 0930-027 Resource identifier %s out of range. 0930-041 Too many options specified at a time. 0930-012 DR operation failed because of timeout 0930-003 Error building the DR script information. 0930-009 Error: No argument specified with -R flag 0930-010 Error: No argument specified with -S flag 0930-018 Length of syslog id string exceeds limits 0930-045 Attention: Operation completed partially. 0930-033 Resource %s is busy and cannot be released. 0930-017 Length of directory/file name exceeds limits 0930-022 DR script ROOT directory set to:%s successfully 0930-032 Resource %s was not found for the DR operation. 0930-013 Aborting DR operation due to Check Phase failure 0930-040 uname call failed. Will process only dir: %s/all Consult the system error log for more information 0930-026 Insufficient resources to complete the operation. 0930-005 Internal error. Contact your service representative. 0930-011 Error: Specified Script Root directory does not exist 0930-047 Detected DR Unsafe application. DR operation failed. 0930-028 DR operation failed, since resource %s already exists. 0930-043 DR operation canceled by user scripts/signal handlers. 0930-020 DR Operation failed. Kernel busy with another DR operation 0930-051 Cannot remove threads from the last cpu when SMT is enabled. 0930-021 DR operation failed due to kernel error (phase: %d, errno: %d) 0930-015 Error: Specified DR script file does not exist in directory: %s 0930-035 Memory %s is in use due to DMA activity and cannot be released. 0930-052 Failed to update Trusted Signature Database (TSD) entry for %s. 0930-023 The DR operation could not be supported by one or more kernel extensions. Warning: No argument specified with -D flag, default install directory will be used 0930-050 The following kernel errors occured during the DLPAR operation. 0930-014 Error: Specified DR script file already exists in the Destination directory 0930-049 Memory cannot be released because it will result in exhausting the paging space. 0930-034 Memory %s is in use by a non DR-safe kernel extension and hence cannot be released. @(#)76 1.30 src/bos/usr/sbin/drmgr/lib_drscript/drscript_data.c, cmdcfg, bos72V, v2020_27A1 6/25/20 22:48:11 0930-031 Memory %s could not be released. DR operation failed since a kernel extension controlling DMA mappings could not support the operation. 0930-036 Memory %s could not be released because, system does not contain enough resources for optimal pinned memory and large page memory ratios. ?L > @ > ?X ? > > > B< B| A B( A\ ? ? ?d A ? @L @\ Al A| @ B BP A, ?p @l A B B Ct C4 A A B C Bd ?DRMGR Ϭ W W Xh0TdefltvalueSWservAtattributeSWservAt.vc W  W W W/usr/lib/dr/scripts/dev/error@(#)34 1.16 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/librts/errlog.c, cmderrlg, bos720 5/13/09 10:50:38/usr/lib/dr/scripts/drmgr_scriptinfo(2 >l >t >x > ?| > > A @| @ A< AL > >| >vVx ? > > ? ?( ? @ ? ?4 ? @ ? ?@ ? @ > ? 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