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K셃x|(,;@K|~K8a@88K`AH:@@(.A allnonerarequithelp, %s%d%s%dopen%s%d%s%d.old%lld%lld%02X, , , , , , , , , , , , %04x%llufinddebugvinittrcon%s-%dtrcontraceioctlioctltracetracetracetracetracetracecreatwriteclosepopen%s-%d%s ? stdin%s.%dtracetrace%s/%s%s/%stracetrace%s/%stracetrace%s/%stracetracetracetrace%s-%d/unixtracelswparchwparrmwparmkwparcommontrcofftrcctltrcoffmain.cmain.cmain.cmallocmallocstdoutBtracemallocmallocmallocmallocmain.cGlobalmain.c%s[%s]%s[%s]mallocmallocmain.cmallocrunwparmigwpartrcsynctrcstoptrcstoptrcstoptrcstatTRCSTOPreallocreallocreallocreallocreallocrealloctrcstoptrcstoptrcstopTRCSYNC  xstopwparsyncwparwparexecrc.wparskillwparresourcesavewparmovewparmtrcsavehlen=%d hlen=%d @global@startwparchkptwparloadqueryrebootwparresumewparline='%s' 01234567sd01234567sdrestartwparsignal %d. /bin/ps -p cmdtrace.cattrcon: TRCONpscmd mallocTRCIOC_LOGCFG/dev/systrace/dev/systrctl/dev/systrace/dev/systrctl/dev/systrace/dev/systrctlpscmd2 mallocMflag reallocMflag realloc/dev/systrctl/dev/systrctlfname && *fname/dev/systrace%s/dev/systrctl%sarg[%d]=%x '%s' save logfile (W) Usage: %s Usage: %s Event group error Usage: %s parentsignal(%d) tracing is now ON tracing is now OFF ldinfo : name = %s /usr/sbin/ctctrl %sliveupdate_operations name %s value %llx main : Father header lhdrinit_file(%d, %d) aix.ras.trace.tracech0Tracemode == M_ALTERNATElhdrinit(), tr_nbufs %d (typ == 0) || (typ == 1)loader: %llx %llx %.16s r.trcevret_nretrieved == 1dv: name='%.16s' rdev=%llx (np <= nproc) && (np != -1)prhdr(%d, %d, %s, %d, 0x%x) prhdr: 64-bit stream output prhdr: 32-bit stream output ioctl(Systrctlfd,TRCON,0) == 0 start %llx with %d symbols. Lsize=%d Tbufsize=%d Logfile=%s bitmap: cp=%s count=%d start=%d The event group %s doesn't exist. /bin/find /dev -print 2> /dev/nullNone of the specified WPARs exist. Only %d registers may be specified. Error executing command: ctctrl %s. The %s register was already specified. The group name '*' is not allowed here. The -C and -o - options are incompatible. Error: Wrong argument(s) specified for %s Error: Wrong argument(s) specified for %s Only one program specification is allowed. nentries %d, lsize 0x%x, logstart_ic 0x%x Trace propagation must be either n, p, or t. Trace propagation must be either n, p, or t. The -I flag is only valid for trace channel 0. prhdr: HDRSIZ 0x%x, ENTRYSIZ 0x%x, nentries %d The -r flag is only valid with the 64-bit trace. -mo comm,uid,gid,THREAD | cut -c0-%d 2>/dev/nullNone of the specified processes or threads exist. Thread-based tracing is only valid for channel 0. None of the specified processes or threads exist. Trace command is not valid in an Application WPAR. 0454-184 Trace log file cannot be a symbolic link. A process or thread must be a valid decimal number. A process or thread must be a valid decimal number. Error: -s and -d options of %s are mutually exclusive No active WPAR exists matching the specified WPAR: %s. Only one thread or process based trace allowed at a time. /bin/ps -ekmo comm,uid,gid,THREAD | cut -c0-%d 2>/dev/null#!/bin/sh while [ -n "$1" ] do echo $1 shift done exit 0 Specified trace buffer size exceeds the limit of %d bytes. Specified log file size exceeds ulimit and will be reduced. Warning: The available space, %lld bytes, may be insufficient. The -p flag is only valid with the 64-bit trace. -p is ignored. Register %s is invalid, or not valid for this hardware platform. Register %s is invalid, or not valid for this hardware platform. vg01234567flbBacC:nDdho:pk::j::J::K::r:Ssm:MT:L:HIF:A:t:P:x:X:e:N:Channel %d is out of range. The range of channels is from 0 to %d Too many active traces. Maximum trace sessions has been reached. vg01234567flbBacC:nDdho:pk::j::J::K::r:Ssm:MT:L:HIF:W@:A:t:P:x:X:e:UN:Warning : The -b and -B options are ignored for a 64-bit kernel trace. Warning : The -b and -B options are ignored for a 64-bit kernel trace. [ h \  \ p \  \ t \, x \,  \, permission denied: WPAR does not have appropriate authority to run trace. Warning : Flags -c and -o- are mutually exclusive. Only flag -o- is accepted. Warning : Option -n and -h are mutually exclusive. Only option -h is accepted. The trace daemon is already active. Only one trace session may be active at a time. p X       p ( 4 @ L ` X d xCannot %s an interactive trace session. Use the trcoff trace sub-command to stop tracing. Error: Maximum logfile size (%s bytes) must be at least the size of the trace buffer (%d bytes). @(#)13 src/bos/usr/sbin/trace/main.c, cmdtrace, bos72L, l2018_16A9 2/21/18 11:42:12Error: Maximum logfile size (%s bytes) must be at least twice the size of the trace buffer (%d bytes). permission denied: trace on channel-%d is restricted by system administrator. You must have root authority or authorization to trace channel-%d. permission denied: trace on channel-%d is restricted by system administrator. You must have root authority or authorization to trace channel-%d. Usage: %s [-s | -d] [-ch] -s : Serialized I/O from multi cpu buffer to files -d : Discard unwritten trace buffers -ch : Channel for which to stop trace. If none specified trace channel 0 is assumed trcon Start collection of data trcoff Stop collection of data q,quit Stop collection of data and exit trace q -s,quit -s Stop trace with serialized I/O q -d,quit -d Stop trace and discard buffers ! command Run command 'command' ? Display summary of trace commands Bad format for traceid %s A traceid consists of 2, 3 or 4 hexadecimal digits. A 2 digit traceid represents a range of 16 traceids, 0xnn00,0xnn10, 0xnn20, etc. A 3 digit traceid represents 1 traceid, 0xnnn0. A 4 digit traceid represents 1 traceid, 0xnnnn. However, traceids of the form 0x0nnx are not allowed when x is not 0. 0Usage: trace -fl -a -g -d -S -s -h -j event_list -k event_list -J group_list -K group_list -m message -o outfile -p -T trace_buffer_size -L log_file_size -C cpu_list -A process_list -r register_list -t thread_list -P propagation -x program -X program -I -b -B -c -n -e ctctrl_args -M -N process_list -f Log only the first buffer of trace data collected. -l Log only the last buffer of trace data collected. -a Start tracing and exit. Default is start trace, enter subcommand. -g Start generic tracing. Option -a must also be specified. -d Delay trace data collection until 'trcon' subcommand -s Stop tracing when trace log fills. Default is to wraparound. -h Suppress date/sysname/message header to the trace log. -j e1,,eN Collect trace data only for the events in list. Default is all. -k e1,,eN Do not collect trace data for the events in list. -J g1,,gN Collect trace data for events in listed groups. -K g1,,gN Do not collect trace data for events in listed groups. -m message Text to be included in trace log header record. -o filename Write trace log to 'filename'. Default is %1$s -o - Write trace log to stdout. -p Put the CPU_ID in the trace hooks (64-bit trace only). -T size Trace buf size = 'size' bytes. Default is %2$d -L size Log file size = 'size' bytes. Default is %3$d -b Force trace buffer allocation from the kernel heap. -B Force trace buffer allocation from separate segments. -c Save the old trace log in a .old file. -C cpu_list Trace the specified cpus, may use -C all. -A process_list Trace the specified processes. -r register_list Trace the specified registers. -t thread_list Trace the specified threads, may use -t all. -P propagation Specifies trace propagation for a thread-based trace. -I Include non-thread events in a thread-based trace. -x and -X program Trace only the specified program. -n Write in trace log the nm of all loader entries. -S Report default buffer and log file sizes. -e ctctrl_args Before tracing, execute ctctrl command with the specified list of arguments. Multiple -e options may be used. -M Dump the address map of running processes into the trace. This flag must be used if the trace file is to be processed by the tprof command. -N Dump the address map of specified processes into the trace. This option is used in conjunction with -M option. modes f and l are mutually exclusive. modes b,B are mutually exclusive. If specified, -S must be the only flag. Usage: trace -fl -a -g -d -S -s -h -j event_list -k event_list -J group_list -K group_list -m message -o outfile -p -T trace_buffer_size -L log_file_size -C cpu_list -W -@ WPARName_list -A process_list -r register_list -t thread_list -P propagation -x program -X program -I -b -B -c -n -e ctctrl_args -M -N process_list -f Log only the first buffer of trace data collected. -l Log only the last buffer of trace data collected. -a Start tracing and exit. Default is start trace, enter subcommand. -g Start generic tracing. Option -a must also be specified. -d Delay trace data collection until 'trcon' subcommand -s Stop tracing when trace log fills. Default is to wraparound. -h Suppress date/sysname/message header to the trace log. -j e1,,eN Collect trace data only for the events in list. Default is all. -k e1,,eN Do not collect trace data for the events in list. -J g1,,gN Collect trace data for events in listed groups. -K g1,,gN Do not collect trace data for events in listed groups. -m message Text to be included in trace log header record. -o filename Write trace log to 'filename'. Default is %1$s -o - Write trace log to stdout. -p Put the CPU_ID in the trace hooks (64-bit trace only). -T size Trace buf size = 'size' bytes. Default is %2$d -L size Log file size = 'size' bytes. Default is %3$d -b Force trace buffer allocation from the kernel heap. -B Force trace buffer allocation from separate segments. -c Save the old trace log in a .old file. -C cpu_list Trace the specified cpus, may use -C all. -A process_list Trace the specified processes. -W Put the WPAR ID in the trace hooks. -@ WPARName_list Trace the specified WPARs. -r register_list Trace the specified registers. -t thread_list Trace the specified threads, may use -t all. -P propagation Specifies trace propagation for a thread-based trace. -I Include non-thread events in a thread-based trace. -x and -X program Trace only the specified program. -n Write in trace log the nm of all loader entries. -S Report default buffer and log file sizes. -e ctctrl_args Before tracing, execute ctctrl command with the specified list of arguments. Multiple -e options may be used. -M Dump the address map of running processes into the trace. This flag must be used if the trace file is to be processed by the tprof command. -N Dump the address map of specified processes into the trace. This option is used in conjunction with -M option. modes f and l are mutually exclusive. modes b,B are mutually exclusive. If specified, -S must be the only flag. ''''''''''(('(''()*l+,, ',t'',,,',-''''''''-P-`---...'..../8/L/'///'0'0*%d%dallrare, , commonmallocrwriteTRCOFFTRCSTOPtrcload 8 8common.ccommon.cparentexit j == tr.tr_nbufs/usr/lib/trcloadMAXCPUS <= __TRC_MAXCPUSToo many cpus specified. load_unload : error in exec load_unload : return code = %d and load_flag = %d , arg = %d Warning : The -C option is ignored on a uni-processor machine. Warning : A CPU number may only be specified once, duplicate %d ignored. @(#)41 1.5 src/bos/usr/sbin/trace/common.c, cmdtrace, bos720 9/17/07 17:17:47A processor number must be from 0 through n-1, where n is the total number of processors on the machine. ?NOYES ;%s: %s: line%s: LineWarning%s: %s: %s: %s: libc.catsyntax errorInternal Error%s: "%s", %d: %s: "%s", %s %d: %s: "%s", %s %d: %s: "%s", %s %d: %s: syntax error - cannot backup@(#)87 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/er.c, cmderrlg, bos720 2/12/10 06:44:10@(#)99 1.1 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/streq.c, cmderrlg, bos720 3/2/93 09:03:42genexit(%d) @(#)88 1.4 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/genexit.c, cmderrlg, bos720 7/2/07 15:31:43-cat.cicatopen(%s) Ndesc < NDESCopen of %s failed icatopen: slot=%d catd=%x Unable to initialize %s because there is not enough memory available. @(#)83 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/cat.c, cmderrlg, bos720 7/2/07 15:31:38malloc on stracpy@(#)98 1.3 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/stracpy.c, cmderrlg, bos720 7/2/07 15:31:48shsh-cforkPID=0 /bin/shshell(%s) error %d from shell wait: rv=%d|%x status=%x errno=%d pid=%x '%s' @(#)97 1.1 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/shell.c, cmderrlg, bos720 3/2/93 09:02:55 ?t@(#)03 1.3 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/a2i.c, cmderrlg, bos720 4/28/08 20:46:47rareChildcommonchild ? ?TRCIOC_LOGIOchildexit(%x) childsignal(%d) trace demon: TRCONtrace demon: TRCDHKtrace demon: BASE PROCESS REGISTER@(#)71 src/bos/usr/sbin/trace/child.c, cmdtrace, bos720, 1437A_720 9/4/14 23:50:30objrarecommon131072262144mallocenableenableenableenableenableenablelmt_dir131072026214401048576disabledisablereallocdisabledisable @ @trcctl.ctrcctl.cSWservAttrace_dirtrace_file/etc/objreposaix.ras.tracetrace_logsize_32trace_logsize_64ODM create failed.(unsigned)num < 13lL:o:M:N:T:rd:R:S:/var/adm/ras/trc_cttrace_buffer_size_32trace_buffer_size_64trace_nonroot_maxbuf/var/adm/ras/trcfile/var/adm/ras/mtrcdirODM object not found Invalid Output File Path restrict_trace_ch0_other_usersrestrict_trcrpt_ch0_other_usersError opening the ODM database. Error updating the ODM database. The size must be a posative value. The minimum buffer/file size is %d bytes. Incorrect Number Format: #@ Where @ = M|m|K|k You do not have permission to modify this data. -r may NOT be combined with any flag other than -l The size value is too large. Large files are not supported here. You can not change channel-%d restriction while trace is active on channel-%d. @(#)17 src/bos/usr/sbin/trace/trcctl.c, cmdtrace, bos72L, l2018_16A9 2/20/18 09:49:40 USAGE: trcctl [ -l ] trcctl [ -d directory ] trcctl [ -M LMT log directory ] trcctl [ -L logfile-size ] trcctl [ -o logfile ] trcctl [ -N nonroot-user-buffer-max ] trcctl [ -r ] trcctl [ -T buffer-size ] trcctl [ -R enable | disable ] trcctl [ -S enable | disable ] Default Buffer Size: %s Default Log File Size: %s Default Log File: %s Non-Root User Buffer Size Maximum: %s Default Components Directory: %s Default LMT Log Dir: %s Restrict non-privileged users from using trace Channel-0: %s Restrict non-privileged users from using trcrpt Channel-0: %s  Dl LpL\HLLLLLLLLLLLLP`pLLL A A A Bd B B| B A< C C0@(#)06 1.1 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/sysgrp.c, cmderrlg, bos72L, l2018_07A8 1/17/18 03:10:22 Ϭ Jx J K0TdefltvalueSWservAtattributeSWservAt.vc J  Jh Jp Jattribute = '%s'attribute = '%s' AND deflt = '%s'@(#)64 1.8 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/getattr.c, cmderrlg, bos720 2/26/07 18:27:07 B BP AD @ AL @ AT B A\ Adrarecommonsemgetsemget L Lsemopgetsemoprel@(#)26 1.1 src/bos/usr/sbin/trace/lock_sema.c, cmdtrace, bos720 11/29/94 10:43:59malloc@(#)89 1.3 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/jalloc.c, cmderrlg, bos720 7/2/07 15:31:44%dsh-c %s-%dtrace%s %s/dev/null/bin/trace/usr/bin/sh/dev/systrctl%s/usr/sbin/trace/usr/sbin/trace/usr/sbin/trace@(#)24 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/librts/trcstart.c, librts, bos720, 1502A_720 12/8/14 06:23:38/-/rareppda/unix%s-%d%s/%scommonBtracemallocresumesuspend N8 Nmtrcraremtrcsave%s/%s-%dd:hHC:M:Dd:hHC:M:Dmtrccommoncmdtrace.cataix.ras.tracetotsize: %llu write real_sizemtrcsave suspendcopy_all start= %lx /usr/lib/ras/mtrcsave64mtrcsave64 will be used Memory trace is disabled. mtrace_ctl(MTRACE_GET_PPDA)ppdata->ppda_mtrcbufp: %lx mtrace_ctl(MTRACE_GET_MTRCBUF)mtrace_ctl(MTRACE_GET_MTQ_START)A resize operation is in progress. init_buffers:ppdata malloc failure init_buffers: mtrcbufs malloc failure ---LMT IS SUSPENDED (if not already)--- For Processor %d: ppda_mtrcbufp is NULL. init_buffers:pt_mtrc_logfiles malloc failure 0454-184 Trace log file cannot be a symbolic link. 0454-185 The -d option must specify a valid directory. HDRSIZ:cpu %d, buft %d lsize %x, logstart_ic: %x fd: %d For Processor %d: Size of %d buf: %lu start of %d buf: %x get_mtrcbuf: pt_mtrc_logfiles[%d].log[buft].bufmalloc failure permission denied: must have root authority or authorized user. Warning: The available space, %lld bytes, may be insufficient. (u_longlong_t)st.f_frsize: %llu (u_longlong_t)st.f_bfree: %llu fsfree: %llu @(#)03 1.15 src/bos/usr/sbin/trace/mtrcsave.c, cmdtrace, bos720 4/4/08 16:33:23---LMT IS RESTARTED (if it wasn't SUSPENDED before mtrcsave has been launched)--- mtrcbufs[%d].buft[%d].mtq_inptr = %lx mtrcbufs[%d].buft[%d].mtq_start = %lx mtrcbufs[%d].buft[%d].mtq_size = %lx mtrcbufs[%d].buft[%d].mtq_inptr - mtrcbufs[%d].buft[%d].mtq_start %lx TOTAL: = %lx USAGE: mtrcsave [ -M common | rare ] [ -C Cpulist | all ] [ -d dir ] -M common | rare Extract a specific buffer (all if not specified) -C Cpulist | all Extract the specified cpus (all if not specified) -d dir Output LMT data to specified directory mtrcsave [suspend | resume] suspend Suspend LMT resume Resume LMT rarecommon U Uwrite errorlseek errorMemory trace buffer error ---LMT IS RESTARTED (if it wasn't SUSPENDED before mtrcsave has been launched)--- @(#)78 1.9 src/bos/usr/sbin/trace/lmtcommon.c, cmdtrace, bos720 8/19/08 13:34:43 N Nh NPURRMMCR0MMCR1MMCRAPMC1PMC2PMC3PMC4PMC5PMC6 PMC7 PMC8 SPURR SIER rr%d Z/unixprintf %-20s %08llX reading symbol table reading flexname strings reading ldr symbol table reading ldr flexname strings %s: not an object file, magic number %04X @(#)17 1.8 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/nm.c, cmderrlg, bos720 7/2/07 15:31:45 \t \t \t \t \t` \t \t \t` \tޠ \tF \tP@ \t  h `\ `` `d 8p `h ; `l `p `x ` ` ` ` ` = ` > ` ` > ?d \8 ?h  ?l 8 @ @ D H L ? \D P T X ? \P \ @ ` @ H I( K8 h K h K K l p ts x L L M N \\ U X X Xs ̠ X Zx Z| ̨ ̬ ̰ ̴ ̸ Z \h x | ΀ ΰ [ [ [l##@___bzero@(@4@___fill@A@errno@access@ chmod@ chown@ close@ creat@ _exit@ fchmod@ fstatx@ fsync@ M@ Y@ getpinfo@ getprocs@ getthrds@ e@ r@ @ kfork@ kill@ @ lseek@ rename@ semget@ shmat@ shmdt@ statx@ uname@ unlink@ @@ @ @ @ @ @ @ _iob@#@1@malloc@ calloc@ realloc@ free@ exit@ strlen@ fopen@ open@ strtoul@ fprintf@ fclose@ catopen@ catgets@ isdigit@ strchr@ atoi@ stat@ sprintf@ write@ getpid@ time@ ulimit@ catclose@ snprintf@ fputs@ printf@ __assert@ fflush@ fstat@ fcntl@ tolower@ read@ strncmp@ strrchr@ fgets@ sscanf@ signal@ perror@ getppid@ sleep@ atoll@ fseek@ strdup@ statvfs@ __divu64@ strtok@ system@ waitpid@ execl@ >@ ioctl@ qsort@ fork@ dup@ getwd@ pclose@ popen@ execv@ wait@ J@ getopt@ execvp@ getgid@ tmpnam@ basename@ dirname@ strtol@ realpath@ nlist64@ W@ d@ semop@ strtoull@ w@ @ __crt0v@optind@optarg@@@@ @ @ @  @ @ 0@ ?@ O@ `@ n@ {@ @ @ @ __start [!      ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d                        6l 6p 6t 6x 6| 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7  7 7 7 7 7  7$ 7( 7, 70 74 78 7< 7@ 7D 7H 7L 7P 7T 7X 7\ 7` 7d 7h 7l 7p 7t 7x 7| 7 7 7 7 8 8 ; ?h. ?p ? ? A A G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G H H H H  H H H H H  H$ H( H, H0 H4 H8 H< H@ HD HH HL HP HT HX H\ H` Hd Hh Hl Hp H H H H H H H H H H I, I8 I< J J J K K K K K K K K K K K L  L$ N` Nd U U X X X Z [ [ [ [ [ \ \ \  \ \ \  \$ \, \0 \8 \< \D \H \P \T \\ \` \h \l \| \{ \ \ \  \ \ \ \ \3 \ \V \1 \, \ \w \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \H \6 ]. ]I ]: ] J ] ]5 ] ] ]  ]$K ](= ],G ]04 ]4< ]8/ ]< ]@ ]D ]H ]L^ ]Ps ]Te ]X` ]\B ]`a ]d ]hc ]l ]p ]t  ]xk ]|# ]8 ] ] ] ] ]U ] ] ] ]* ] ] ]@ ] ]l ] ] ] ] ]S ]L ] ]> ]O ]Y ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ^X ^ ^ ^  ^ ^ ^ ^W ^  ^$ ^(z ^, ^0 ^4m ^8~ ^<} ^@v ^D& ^H ^LA ^P  ^T  ^X ^\o ^` ^d ^h ^l ^p ^t ^x ^| ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^M ^ ^ ^x ^ ^  ^ ^q ^ ^ ^ ^F ^ ^2 ^ ^ ^r ^t ^? ^g ^- ^7 _ _b _ _ + _) _P _ _C _  _$% _(  _, _0N _4f _8 _< _@ _D _H _L _P _T _Xu _\ _` _d _hQ _lj _p _t _x\ _| _ _[ _R _' _ _E _$ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _] _i _h _D _ _ _ _ _T _0 _ _d _ _ _Z _; `y `" `! `  `9 ` `( ` `  `$ `( `, `0 `4 `8 `< `@_ `D `H `Lp `P `Tn/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr.olibcorcfg.ashr.olibodm.ashr.o/unixlibtrace.ashr.o@VPDtrace/5765E6200/520 ___strcmp ___memset ___memmove ___strcpy ftruncate getgroups getthrds64 getprocs64__get_sla_info loadquery Trconflag gethostid corral_querycorral_getinfo corral_getidcorral_getcid_system_configurationliveupdate_operations sys_errlist __lc_ctype setlocale sigsetmask checkauths__stack_chk_failproc_mobility_base_set __mod_init__ssp_canary_word__malloc_user_defined_namegetcorrallistgetcorralnameodm_terminate odm_set_pathodm_mount_classodm_initialize odm_get_listodm_free_listodm_change_obj odm_add_obj mtrace_set mtrace_ctltrcevgrp_read trcstrtoidtrc_logmtrcdir