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SHELL=/bin/tsh/bin/login: %m %s: getsockname%s: getpeername/usr/sbin/telnetdttloop: read: %m PAM_SERVICE=telnetFILE:/tmp/krb5cc_p%dtelnet from %s on %sfailed to write to %sfailed to write to %stelnetd: auditproc: %mtelnetd: auditproc: %mttloop: peer died: %m /etc/security/login.cfgAll network ports in usetelnetd: panic state=%d telnetd: panic state=%d setsockopt (SO_DEBUG): %mUser %s logged out on %s setsockopt (SO_DEBUG): %mtelnetd: child does exists error writing to client: %mfailed to write to /etc/utmpfailed to write to /etc/utmpusage: telnetd [-n] [-s] [-a]setsockopt (SO_KEEPALIVE): %mtelnetd: child does not exists Sorry. Failed running login shell. Sorry. Failed running login shell. Sorry. Failed running login shell. telnetd: failed to write to /etc/utmptelnetd: failed to write to /etc/utmptelnetd: ftok for shared memory failed. telnetd: failed to write to /var/adm/wtmptelnetd: failed to write to /var/adm/wtmptelnetd: shmat for shared memory failed. telnetd: shmget for shared memory failed. telnetd: No authentication methods enabled. afopen failed to open /etc/security/login.cfg: %mtelnetd: Standard authentication disabled. (Negotiated authentication disabled or failed). @(#)17 src/tcpip/usr/lbin/telnetd/telnetd.c, tcptelnet, tcpip720 8/9/12 01:07:48/usr/lib/terminfo/x/WX\T\l\]@]`]]XY Y0YZ[|[|Y[[[[[[! Q/etc/security/monitord_pipe@(#)92 1.1 src/tcpip/usr/lbin/telnetd/release_license.c, tcptelnet, tcpip720 4/5/94 17:52:16TCP/IPTCPIP_routeTCPIP_configTCPIP_accessTCPIP_host_idTCPIP_connectTCPIP_data_inTCPIP_data_outTCPIP_set_timeSENDMAIL_ConfigSENDMAIL_ToFileUnknown audit event!!!@(#)65 src/tcpip/usr/ccs/lib/libtcp_audit/tcpip_audit.c, tcp_apps, tcpip720 8/3/06 14:15:29. , , %s %dhostuserhost>>>IS AUTHr = %d >>>REPLY REJECT ACCEPT FORWARDtelnetd: RESPONSEKRB5CCNAMEKRB5CCNAMEk5dcecredskrb5_rd_reqkrb5_rd_reqkrb5_mk_repkrb5_mk_repkrb5_rd_repkrb5_rd_repFailed pipe Failed fork Failed read krb5_rd_credkrb5_rd_credtelnetd: %s %d (unknown)krb5_cc_closekrb5_cc_closemalloc failed FORWARD_ACCEPT FORWARD_REJECTkrb5_cc_resolvekrb5_cc_resolvekrb5_free_credskrb5_free_credskrb5_cc_defaultkrb5_cc_defaultkrb5_kt_resolvekrb5_kt_resolvekrb5_cc_destroykrb5_cc_destroy%s:%d: [%d] (%d)krb5_svc_get_msgkrb5_svc_get_msgkrb5_init_contextkrb5_init_contextkrb5_unparse_namekrb5_unparse_namekrb5_free_contextkrb5_free_contextchecksum not validFailed k5dcecreds krb5_auth_con_initkrb5_auth_con_initkrb5_auth_con_freekrb5_auth_con_freekrb5_free_keyblockkrb5_free_keyblockkrb5_copy_keyblockkrb5_copy_keyblockkrb5_fwd_tgt_credskrb5_fwd_tgt_credskrb5_cc_initializekrb5_cc_initializekrb5_cc_store_credkrb5_cc_store_credMake reply failed: /usr/bin/k5dcecredskrb5_free_principalkrb5_free_principalkrb5_rd_req failed: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_p%dkrb5_verify_checksumkrb5_verify_checksumkrb5_get_credentialskrb5_get_credentialskrb5_mk_req_extendedkrb5_mk_req_extendedkrb5_auth_con_getkeykrb5_auth_con_getkeyFailed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s krb5_cc_get_principalFailed dlsym: %s: %s krb5_cc_get_principalFailed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlsym: %s: %s Failed dlopen: %s: %s Failed dlopen: %s: %s no user name requestedFailed dlopen: %s: %s krb5_auth_con_genaddrskrb5_auth_con_genaddrskrb5_get_server_rcachekrb5_get_server_rcachekrb5_c_verify_checksumkrb5_c_verify_checksumkrb5_auth_con_setflagskrb5_auth_con_setflagskrb5_auth_con_getrcachekrb5_auth_con_getrcachekrb5_sname_to_principalkrb5_sname_to_principalkrb5_auth_con_setrcachekrb5_auth_con_setrcachekrb5_free_authenticatorkrb5_free_authenticatorkrb5_free_cred_contentskrb5_free_cred_contents/usr/lib/libpag.a(shr.o)/usr/lib/libpag.a(shr.o)krb5_free_ap_rep_enc_partkrb5_free_ap_rep_enc_partUnknown Kerberos option %d krb5_auth_con_getlocalsubkeykrb5_auth_con_getlocalsubkeykrb5_auth_con_getkey failed: could not determine principalRead forwarded creds failed: [ Kerberos V5 accepts you ] sec_login_purge_import_ctx_npsec_login_purge_import_ctx_npkrb5_auth_con_getremotesubkeykrb5_auth_con_getremotesubkeykrb5_auth_con_getauthenticatorkrb5_auth_con_getauthenticatorsec_login_set_ctx_frm_import_npsec_login_set_ctx_frm_import_np/usr/lib/libkrb5.a(libkrb5.a.so)/usr/lib/libkrb5.a(libkrb5.a.so)/usr/lib/libksvc.a(libksvc.a.so)/usr/lib/libksvc.a(libksvc.a.so)Failed dlsym: %s:errno = %d: %s [ Mutual authentication failed] telnet: Kerberos V5: mk_req failed. telnetd: Unknown Kerberos option %d Failed dereferencing clean_func call [ Mutual authentication failed: %s ] telnet: Not enough room for user name krb5_auth_con_getauthenticator failed: Failed sec_login_set_ctx_frm_import_np [ Kerberos V5 refuses authentication ] telnet: Kerberos V5: mk_req failed (%s) telnetd: Forwarded credentials obtained [ Kerberos V5 accepts you as ``%.*s'' ] Not enough room for authentication data authenticator is missing required checksumKerberos V5: failed to init auth_context. telnet: Kerberos V5: no user name supplied telnet: Kerberos V5: failure on principal. Kerberos V5: could not get default ccache. telnetd: Kerberos5 identifies him as ``%s'' Kerberos V5: error getting forwarded creds. telnet: Kerberos V5: failure on credentials. Kerberos V5: failed to init auth_context (%s) telnetd: Could not read forwarded credentials Kerberos V5: could not get default principal. Kerberos V5: could not make server principal. telnet: Kerberos V5: failure on principal (%s) telnet: Sent Kerberos V5 credentials to server is not authorized to login to specified account[ Kerberos V5 accepted forwarded credentials ] Kerberos V5: could not get default ccache - %s Kerberos V5: could not gen local full address. telnet: Kerberos V5: failure on credentials(%s) telnet: Not enough room for authentication data Kerberos V5: error getting forwarded creds - %s telnet: Kerberos V5: could not get default ccache Kerberos V5: could not get default principal - %s Kerberos V5: could not make server principal - %s Forwarded local Kerberos V5 credentials to server Kerberos V5: could not gen local full address - %s [ Kerberos V5 refuses authentication because %.*s ] dl_krb5_verify_checksum: checksum verification failed: dl_krb5_c_verify_checksum: checksum verification failed: telnet: Kerberos V5: error while constructing service name. [ Kerberos V5 refuses forwarded credentials because %.*s ] telnet: Kerberos V5: error while constructing service name: %s [ Kerberos V5 accepted you, but didn't provide mutual authentication! ] @(#)06 src/tcpip/usr/lbin/telnetd/kerberos5.c, tcptelnet, tcpip72V, v2019_36A6 8/21/19 04:24:49%4L Lx L L L L L Lx L L L L L? SPX %d 8NULLMINKhelp %s %s Nonameenabledisableenabledenabled%s: %s %disableddisabledKERBEROS_V4KERBEROS_V5auth %s 'type' auth debugging %s >>>%s: auth_send got:>>>%s: Trying %d %d >>>%s: Using type %d >>>%s: Got NAME [%s] >>>%s: in auth_wait. Authentication enabled >>>%s: He supports %d Where 'type' is one of: Authentication disabled >>>%s: auth_send called! >>>%s: Sending type %d %d >>>%s: Empty name in NAME >>>%s: Sent failure message %s: invalid authentication type >>>%s: auth_send_retry called! >>>%s: I support auth type %d %d >>>%s: Invalid authentication in IS: %d >>>%s: Invalid authentication in SEND: %d >>>%s: Name in NAME (%d) exceeds %d length %@(#)04 1.4 src/tcpip/usr/lbin/telnetd/auth.c, tcptelnet, tcpip720 8/25/03 09:15:18%@(#)05 1.2 src/tcpip/usr/lbin/telnetd/authenc.c, tcptelnet, tcpip720 7/17/02 09:57:19 8X 8 8 80 8` %02x@(#)07 1.2 src/tcpip/usr/lbin/telnetd/misc.c, tcptelnet, tcpip720 7/17/02 09:58:06 telnet (%s) fX v` v` Q `lmtcpTCPCuAtCuAtCuAtOCSvhostOCSvhostOCSvhostOCSvhost/dev/ocsadmin/etc/objreposlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catlibtcp_ocs.catmalformed address vh_inetaddr = '%s'malformed address malformed address /etc/objrepos/config_lock%s: protocol type error: %d. %s: status error from LM: %d. %s: gethostbyname() error: %d. %s: error terminating odm: %d. %s: error terminating odm: %d. %s: error terminating odm: %d. %s: error terminating odm: %d. %s: error terminating odm: %d. %s: error terminating odm: %d. %s: error terminating odm: %d. %s: error terminating odm: %d. %s: error terminating odm: %d. %s: getservbyname() error: %d. %s: gethostbyname() error: %d. %s: invalid protocol name: %s. %s: gethostbyname() error: %d. %s: socket address equals zero. %s: error initializing odm: %d. %s: malloc error on Host array. %s: malloc error on LM message. %s: error locking odm database: %d. %s: error opening socket to LM: %d. %s: No host nodes are connected: %d. %s: error opening odm object %s: %d. %s: error closing odm object %s: %d. %s: socket address family error: %d. %s: error opening odm object %s: %d. %s: error closing odm object %s: %d. %s: error closing odm object %s: %d. %s: error binding local address: %d. %s: error receiving msg from LM: %d. name = '%s' AND attribute = 'nodename'%s: error unlocking odm database: %d. %s: error unlocking odm database: %d. %s: error unlocking odm database: %d. %s: error unlocking odm database: %d. %s: error unlocking odm database: %d. %s: error unlocking odm database: %d. %s: error transmitting msg to LM: %d. %s: error searching odm object %s: %d. %s: error connecting socket to LM: %d. %s: error setting odm default path: %d. %s: No OCS node name associated with: %s. %s: odm_get_list() error occurred: %s: %d. %s: ioctl() OCS_GET_TBMID error occurred: %d. %s: error opening OCS administration device: %d. %s: ioctl() OCS_IS_TBM_CONNECTED error occurred: %d. @(#)85 src/tcpip/usr/ccs/lib/libtcp_ocs/ocs_vtsup.c, tcp_apps, tcpip720 4/15/08 15:51:03ocs_vtsup Ϭ J< J0ThostnameOCSvhostprotonamevh_inetaddralt_hostname_onealt_hostname_two@(#)69 src/tcpip/usr/ccs/lib/libtcp_ocs/ocsvhost.c, tcp_apps, tcpip720 3/18/94 13:18:21 JT  JH J0@ J`V@ Jt@ ( (r K/etc/telnet.conf@(#)54 1.4 src/tcpip/usr/lbin/telnetd/teltoterm.c, tcptelnet, tcpip720 8/26/05 10:39:01 L L_` LΠ L L L L L` L L> L` L` L   Q Q  Q Q Q $ Q Q Ll ( , Q Q 0 4 Q a a a 8 b b b0  b4   b8 7 7 7 7 7$ 7( 7, 70 74 78 7< 7@ 7D 7H 7L 7P 7T 7X 7\ 7` 7d 7h 7l 7p 7t 7x 7| 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 c8 c< 7 8( =h L c@ = = = = = = = = dH = = > > L L dX > eX > > >( >0 vX v\ >4 >8 >< >@ >D >H fX ` >L. ` d >P H H h K P K `  v` K K K K K ( K K L ( 0 K '!F@___bzero@*@6@C@environ@errno@accessx@ O@ chown@ close@ _exit@ frevoke@ getgidx@ getuidx@ kill@ pipe@ revoke@ setgidx@ setuidx@ shmat@ shmget@ [@ usrinfo@ socket@ bind@ shutdown@ i@ v@ @ @ @_iob@@@malloc@ free@ exit@ strlen@ fopen@ open@ getenv@ fprintf@ fclose@ catopen@ catgets@ isdigit@ strchr@ sprintf@ write@ getpid@ time@ catclose@ snprintf@ printf@ wctomb@ read@ strncmp@ mbtowc@ fgets@ @ @ @ perror@ isspace@ setsid@ getppid@ getpwnam@ @ waitpid@ execl@ isprint@  @ syslog@ fork@ dup2@ @ alarm@ wait@ -@ sigblock@ getopt@ ttyname@ iswlower@ iswupper@ towlower@ towupper@ :@ F@ tcflush@ dlopen@ dlsym@ dlclose@ ftok@ openlog@ send@ recv@ R@ setutent@ `@ getutid@ getutent@ endutent@ dlerror@ acl_fset@ acl_set@ l@ y@ @ afgetatr@ afgetrec@ afnxtrec@ afrewind@ afclose@ afopen@ @ @ setpenv@ setpcred@ @ __crt0v@@optind@@ioctl@ @ signal@ sigvec@ sleep@ @ connect@ @ @  @ ,@ @@ P@ \@ l@ strdup@ setenv@ |@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ odm_lock@ odmerrno@ @@ __start LX!                            4 6 6 6 7 7 7 7  7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 88 =h =l =p =t =x >0 >4 >< >H >L H I J K K@ Kh K K K K LX L\ L` Ld Ll Lp Lx L| L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L M{ Mz M  M$~ M(  M, M0K M4/ M8 M<a M@n MDG MHw MLy MPv MTo MX  M\ M`} Md Mh Ml Mp Mt Mx  M| M M` M M" M M M M M M M M0 ML M# M- MB M MT M M M( M9 M M M5 MM MD M+ MN M  MZ M[ N N Nx N < Nh Ni N N N  N$e N(| N,g N0 N4 N8H N< N@4 ND NH NL NP NT NXS N\) N`m NdR Nhl Nl  Np Nt Nx N| N^ N N_ Nj N N N N N N; N] NI N N, N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O O O O  O O O O O  O$ O( O, O0 O4 O8 O< O@ OD OH OL OP OT OX O\ O` Od Oh' Ol Op Ot Ox O| O O3 O O OP O O O O O O OF O O O O O O O O O O O& O6 Of Od OO O OQ O O O? P$ P P P  P P P P! P  P$ P( P, P0 P4 P8 P< P@ PD PH PL PP PT@ PXA P\ P` Pd Ph PlU Pp Pt Px P| P P Pb Pc P P P P7 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Pk P P P P P PE P Q8 Q Q Q  Q Q Q Q Q  Q$ Q( Q, Q0 Q4\ Q8 Q<u Q@q QDp QHs QLr QPt QT QX  Q\1 Q` Qd> QhJ QlC Qp Qt* Qx. Q|% Q= QV Q: QY Q2 QW QX/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr.olibbsd.ashr.olibbind.ashr.olibisode.ashr.olibvaliduser.ashr.olibodm.ashr.olibcfg.ashr.olibauthm.ashr.o@VPDtelnetd/5765E6200/520 ___strcmp ___memset ___memmove ___strcpy auditproc sigprocmask setsockopt ngetsockname ngetpeername gethostname_system_configuration sys_errlist __lc_charmap __fd_select sigfillset sigdelset getauthdb setlocale__get_login_name_max sigsetmask tcgetattr tcsetattr append_wtmp pututline auditwrite priv_raise priv_lower setauthdb getuserattr __mod_init__login_name_max__malloc_user_defined_name __bsd_init strcasecmpgethostbyname inet_ntop inet_pton__which_res_stateh_errno_which _res_initgethostbyaddrgetservbyname kvalid_userodm_terminate odm_set_pathodm_open_classodm_initialize odm_get_listodm_get_firstodm_close_class odm_unlock CuAt_CLASSget_auth_methods