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Rrsvb:e:a:p:h?is_sender: %d verbosity: %d num_pings: %d is_receiver: %d payload end: %d %s version %d.%d AUTO_REPOS_REPLACEpayload start: %d Address out of range! SOCKSIMPLE_RETURN_ZERO-?|-h This message. socksimpleing %d/%d with ttl=%d: Must specify exactly one of -r or -s Localhost is not in an active cluster! NoneHighMedLow   8   atoi() failed in socksimple_parse_args()atoi() failed in socksimple_parse_args()atoi() failed in socksimple_parse_args()atoi() failed in socksimple_parse_args()atoi() failed in socksimple_parse_args() and are mutually exclusive overrides the default of %d. (Range: 1 - 65529) Usage: %s -r|-s [-a address] [-p port] [-t ttl] [-v] -r|-s Receiver or sender. Required argument, Payload end cannot be greater than or equal to payload start! -R Resolve hostnames from node short ids. -a node_shortid Cluster shorthand id for node to listen/send on, Sleeping for 1 second to wait for any additional packets to arrive. -v Verbose mode. Declare multiple times to increase verbosity. ClearDoneCAARSCTVIOSPOOLPHAFull variable SOCKSIMPLE_RETURN_ZERO to return zero on packet loss. This utility will return 255 on packet loss. Set the environment -p port Cluster port to listen/send on, overrides the default of %d. (Range: 1 - 64) @(#)62 1.7 src/bos/usr/sbin/cluster/lscluster/sock/socksimple_new.c, cmdcluster, bos720 7/15/13 14:27:17' 'N ' 'u0Oaemem' 'N ' 'u0Oaedp @ @ ' 'N ' 'aemen' 'N ' 'aedp @ @  P    0              , D  <%dIPV6SITE%'.3fCAA_DR4KDISKUNICASTCOMDISK%d (%s)SPLT_MRGttl: %d HNAME_CHGpid: %lu dest: %d CAA_NETMONlwrwasherelwrwasherelwrwasherelwrwasherelwrwasherelwrwasherelwrwasherelwrwasherelwrwasherelwrwashereFrom Sendersource: %d payload: %s TV Sec: %ul Packet sent. Packet dump: From ReceiverTV Usec: %ul Socket closed. Closing socket. Size: %d bytes. AUTO_REPOS_REPLACEAssembling packet. Sequence number: %d Initializing socket. Listening on %d/%d: Packet Direction: %s Packet Version: %d.%d remote cluster id: %s Payload mismatch: = %s Junk at offset %d 0x%x Junk at offset %d 0x%x socksimple_malloc() failureSending packet %d with size %d. Trying to receive legacy packet. reconstruct seqno: %d offset: %d --- %d socksimple statistics --- prepare payload seqno: %d offset: %d payload mismatch: = %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x NoneHighMedLow     ` ,    bind() failed in socksimple_init_socket()socket() failed in socksimple_init_socket()close() failed in socksimple_close_socket()round-trip min/avg/max = %'.3f/%'.3f/%'.3f ms recvfrom() failed in socksimple_receive_packet()----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- %d packets transmitted, %d packets received, %d%% packet loss %d bytes from cluster host id = %s: seqno=%d ttl=%d time=%s ms Replying to socksimple from node id = %s bytes=%d seqno=%d ttl=%d Dropping packet due to pid mismatch. Was expecting %d but got %d. Dropping packet due to direction mismatch. Was expecting %c but got %c. sendto() did not send the correct number of bytes in socksimple_send_packet()ClearDoneCAARSCTVIOSPOOLPHAFullDropping packet due to incorrect version. Was expecting %d.%d but received %d.%d @(#)12 1.5 src/bos/usr/sbin/cluster/lscluster/sock/libsocksimple.c, cmdcluster, bos72F, f2017_23A2 5/26/17 09:50:16' 'N ' 'u0Oaemem' 'N ' 'u0Oaedp @ @ ' 'N ' 'aemen' 'N ' 'aedp @ @ - ( ( ( ( (` ( (t )   (0 (4 (8 ) ) * * (< (@ (D (H, (L (P (X * ( ( ('u] D !@___bzero@-@9@errno@close@ socket@ bind@ E@ U@ malloc@ free@ _Errno@ exit@ strlen@ getenv@ atoi@ sprintf@ getpid@ a@ vprintf@ signal@ perror@ sleep@ sendto@ p@ alarm@ getopt@ |@ __crt0v@optarg@@@ @ @ @ @cl_query@ __start (`!           $ ( , 0 4 H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |                   (` (d (h (l (t (x ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (  ( ( (' (& (" ( ( ( ( ( ( (  ) ) ) )  ) ) )  ) )  )$  )(  ), )0( )4 )8 )< )@ )D )H )L )P )T )X )\ )` )d )h )l )p )t )x )| )# )% )$ ) )! ) ) )  ) ) ) ) )/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr.olibpthreads.ashr_xpg5.olibcluster.ashr.o@VPDsocksimple/5765E6200/520 ___strcmp ___memset ___strcpyget_clusterid incluster gettimeofday nrecvfrom __mod_init__malloc_user_defined_namepthread_createpthread_detach pthread_join __pth_init __pthread