UlH ;l"h$ -L l -1L.text;l .data l l"h8T:8| .("A|N ;rH0ɀA9,nA`p@/dev/null 2>&1srv_deregister -- start t:u:a:l:T:s:p:d:DkUv6Lb:ht:u:a:l:T:s:p:d:DkUv6Lb:h/var/locks/slp_srvreg.lock/var/locks/slp_srvreg.lock/var/locks/slp_srvreg.lock/var/locks/slp_srvreg.lockslp_srvreg : Bad argument. daemon_init -- process fork -- url = %s. slp_srvreg : No action needed. slp_srvreg -- No action needed. daemon_stop -- pid file removed. regCallback -- start, Code = %d. free_globals -- variable cleared. daemon_init -- check successfull. slp_srvreg : pid file %s removed. deregCallback -- start, Code = %d. slp_srvreg -k [-v] [-b debug level] daemon_kill -- opening pid file %s. slp_srvreg : '-%c' Invalid lifetime. usage -- slp_srvreg exit (code = %d). slp_srvreg : '-%c' Invalid URL string. slp_srvreg : '-%c' Invalid URL string. slp_srvreg : '-%c' Invalid URL string. slp_srvreg : '-%c' Invalid URL string. slp_srvreg : SLPServiceListener exits. slp_srvreg : daemon stoped (pid = %d). slp_srvreg : '-%c' Wrong port used (%d) slp_srvreg : daemon started [pid = %d]. slp_srvreg : fork fails with errno = %d. daemon_kill -- open file %s successfull. on_signal -- handled a signal (no = %d). daemon_stop -- removing the pid file %s. daemon_stop -- daemon stoped (pid = %d). slp_srvreg : '-%c' Invalid URL string %s. slp_srvreg : '-%c' Invalid URL string %s. slp_srvreg : '-%c' Invalid scopes string. daemon_start -- SLPServiceListener exits. daemon_init -- daemon started [pid = %d]. srv_register -- registration successfull. slp_srvreg : '-%c' valid port range (1-%d) daemon_start -- Initializing the daemon... daemon_init -- fork fails with errno = %d. slp_srvreg : service registration succeed. slp_srvreg : service registration succeed. slp_srvreg : Sending service registration : slp_srvreg : '-%c' Invalid attribute string. slp_srvreg : SLP handle created succesfully. regCallback -- service registration succeed. slp_srvreg : service deregistration succeed. slp_srvreg : service deregistration succeed. slp_srvreg : '-%c' Invalid lifetime value %d. slp_srvreg : '-%c' Invalid IP address string. slp_srvreg -D [-p port] [-v] [-b debug level] slp_srvreg : Sending service deregistration : srv_deregister -- deregistration successfull. slp_srvreg : '-%c' Invalid service type string. daemon_init -- writing pid in file successfull. daemon_start -- Deamon initialization completed. srv_register -- sending a service registration : deregCallback -- service deregistration succeed. daemon_kill -- executing the system command '%s'. slp_srvreg : SLPReg fails with SLP error no = %d. srv_deregister -- sending a service deregistration slp_srvreg : signal(SIGINT) failed with errno = %d. regCallback -- SLPReg fails with SLP error no = %d. slp_srvreg : SLPDereg fails with SLP error no = %d. slp_srvreg -- Creating a new SLP handle (SLPOpen)... daemon_start -- Starting the SLP service listener... slp_srvreg : signal(SIGTERM) failed with errno = %d. daemon_init -- saving the daemon pid in the file %s. slp_srvreg : unable to set correct IP version in SLP daemon_init -- check if lock file %s is already open. deregCallback -- SLPDereg fails with SLP error no = %d. The address specified in the url must be a IPv6 address slp_srvreg : SLP registration fails with SLP error no = %d. slp_srvreg : SLPServiceListener fails with SLP error no = %d. slp_srvreg : SLP deregistration fails with SLP error no = %d. srv_register -- SLP registration fails with SLP error no = %d. The hostname specified in the url cannot be resoved using IPv6 The hostname specified in the url cannot be resolved using IPv6 daemon_start -- SLPServiceListener fails with SLP error no = %d. slp_srvreg : target address (-T argument) must not be a hostname slp_srvreg : target address (-T argument) must be an IPv6 address srv_deregister -- SLP deregistration fails with SLP error no = %d. slp_srvreg : Can't initialize the daemon. slp_srvreg can't continue. slp_srvreg : Failed to set "%s" environment variable. Can't continue. slp_srvreg : SLPSetInternal to set port fails with SLP error no = %d. slp_srvreg : open %s fails with errno = %s. slp_srvreg can't continue slp_srvreg -- SLPSetInternal to set port fails with SLP error no = %d. daemon_start -- Can't initialize the daemon. slp_srvreg can't continue. slp_srvreg : SLPSetInternal to set scopes fails with SLP error no = %d. slp_srvreg : fprintf %s fails with errno = %d. slp_srvreg can't continue slp_srvreg -- SLPSetInternal to set scopes fails with SLP error no = %d. daemon_init -- fprintf %s fails with errno = %d. slp_srvreg can't continue slp_srvreg : fdopen for %s fails with errno = %s. slp_srvreg can't continue -- url = %s, type = %s, attributes = %s, life = %d, fresh = %d. slp_srvreg : Unable to update the modification time of the daemon lockfile: %s. slp_srvreg : Impossible to set SLP environnement - SLP handle cannot be created slp_srvreg : Can't remove %s file. Maybe no more slp_srvreg daemon could be started slp_srvreg : Failed to create the SLP handle (SLPOpen fails with SLP error no = %d). daemon_stop -- Can't remove %s file. Maybe no more slp_srvreg daemon could be started slp_srvreg : Bad parameter detected. If syslog runs, check the syslog file for details. slp_srvreg : Bad parameter detected. If syslog runs, check the syslog file for details. slp_srvreg : fopen %s fails with errno = %d. Maybe no instance of the daemon is running. slp_srvreg -d URL [-s scopes] [-T target IP address] [-p port] [-v] [-b debug level] [-6] daemon_kill -- fopen %s fails with errno = %d. Maybe no instance of the daemon is running. @(#)54 src/tcpip/usr/sbin/slp_srvreg/slp_srvreg.c, slp, tcpip720 9/24/12 05:51:54slp_srvreg : All of %d tries to launch the SLP service listener failed. slp_srvreg will exit. slp_srvreg : Unable to start daemon. One more instance of the daemon might already be running daemon_start -- All of %d tries to launch the SLP service listener failed. slp_srvreg will exit. The address specified in the url and the target address must be both IPv4 addresses or both IPv6 addresses The target address specified or the host specified in the URL is not an IPv6 address or cannot be resolved using IPv6 slp_srvreg -u URL [-t service type] [-a attributes] [-l lifetime] [-s scopes] [-T target IP address] [-p port] [-U] [-v] [-b debug level] [-6] One possible cause is that IPv6 must be used and the host specified in the url cannot be resolved to a global address or to an IPv6 address on this system. One possible cause is that IPv6 must be used and the host specified in the url cannot be resolved to a global address or to an IPv6 address on this system. Thhhhhhhhhhhhphhh hh  hhh Dhh    @ - - - - - - -` l P - - - - -$ -( -, -0 -4 -8 -< -@ . . -l -D -x - -H .5zY )___bzero@!@-@errno@chdir@ close@ umask@ _iob@free@ _Errno@ exit@ fopen@ open@ fprintf@ fclose@ atoi@ sprintf@ getpid@ time@ fdopen@ fscanf@ signal@ setsid@ strdup@ system@ syslog@ fork@ dup2@ getopt@ unsetenv@ putenv@ utime@ remove@ :@ K@ __crt0v@optarg@X@u@ @@ i_addr@ SLPFree@ @ SLPOpen@ SLPClose@ SLPReg@ @ SLPDereg@ @ @ @ __start -L! l p x , , , ,  ,$ ,( ,, ,0 ,4 ,8 ,< ,@ ,D ,H ,L ,P ,T ,X ,\ ,` ,d ,h ,l ,p ,t ,x ,| , , , , , , , , -L -P -T -X -` -d -l -p -x -| - - - -& -% - -* -) -( - - - -  - - - -' - - - - . . . .  .+ . .- .  .  .$ .( ., .0  .4$ .8, .< .@ .D5 .H. .L .P4 .T .X3 .\ .`2 .d1 .h .l# .p  .t .x .| . .  . . ." . . . . . . . . .  . . .6 ./ . .! .0/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr.olibpthreads.ashr_xpg5.olibslp.ashr.o@VPDslp_srvreg/5765E6200/520 ___memset ___memmovegethostbyname2 __mod_init__malloc_user_defined_name __pth_init __pthreadSLPParseSrvURLis_addr_loopback SLPRegOne SLPDeregOneSLPSetInternalSLPServiceListener