# This is an automatically generated prolog. 
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 
# Restricted Materials of IBM 
# (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2000,2019 
# All Rights Reserved 
# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or 
# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. 

# Trace templates for component _SEA generated by cugentpl.

0 "" "%s"
1 "" "%s returned.\n"
2 "" "%s entered.\n"
3 "" "%s returned (rc = %d).\n"
4 ""
"%s returned (rc = %d, MPM status: 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x %s).\n"
5 "" "Buffer info: type = 0x%02x.\n"
6 "" "Buffer info: length = %d, value = %p.\n"
7 "" "Invalid type for service token.\n"
8 "" "Invalid type for context token.\n"
9 ""
"Service token:\n"
"\tstate = 0x%08x\n"
"\tunix id = %d, unix name = %s\n"
"\tnumber of interfaces on host = %d\n" 
10 ""
"Context token:\n"
"\tstate = 0x%08x\n"
"\tpath = %s\n"
"\tunix id = %d, unix name = %s\n"
"\tunix group id = %d, unix group name = %s\n"
"\ttotal number of groups = %d\n"
11 "" 
"Beginning of sec_start().\n"
12 "" 
"Beginning of sec_start() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%08x\n"
"\tflags: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of service token: 0x%08x\n"
13 ""
"Beginning of sec_start() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tflags: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of service token: 0x%016llx\n"
14 ""
"End of sec_start().\n"
15 ""
"End of sec_start() with rc = %d.\n"
16 ""
"End of sec_start() with rc = %d:\n"
"\tMPM major status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM minor status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM mech code = 0x%08x\n"
"\tMPM description = %s\n"
17 ""
"Beginning of sec_end().\n"
18 "" 
"Beginning of sec_end() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%08x\n"
"\tflags: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of service token: 0x%08x\n"
19 ""
"Beginning of sec_end() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tflags: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of service token: 0x%016llx\n"
20 ""
"End of sec_end().\n"
21 ""
"End of sec_end() with rc = %d.\n"
22 ""
"End of sec_end() with rc = %d:\n"
"\tMPM major status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM minor status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM mech code = 0x%08x\n"
"\tMPM description = %s\n"
23 ""
"Beginning of sec_setup_socket().\n"
24 "" 
"Beginning of sec_setup_socket() with arguments:\n"
"\tsecurity services token: 0x%08x\n"
"\tsocket file descriptor: %d\n"
"\tflags: 0x%08x\n"
"\targument: 0x%08x\n" 
"\taddress of security context token: 0x%08x\n"
25 ""
"Beginning of sec_setup_socket() with arguments:\n"
"\tsecurity services token: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tsocket file descriptor: %d\n"
"\tflags: 0x%08x\n"
"\targument: 0x%016llx\n" 
"\taddress of security context token: 0x%016llx\n"
26 ""
"End of sec_setup_socket().\n"
27 ""
"End of sec_setup_socket() with rc = %d.\n"
28 ""
"Beginning of sec_end_context().\n"
29 "" 
"Beginning of sec_end_context() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%08x\n"
"\tsecurity context token: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of CCDB: 0x%08x\n"
30 ""
"Beginning of sec_end_context() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tsecurity context token: 0x%016llx\n"
"\taddress of CCDB: 0x%016llx\n"
31 ""
"End of sec_end_context().\n"
32 ""
"End of sec_end_context() with rc = %d.\n"
33 ""
"End of sec_end_context() with rc = %d:\n"
"\tMPM major status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM minor status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM mech code = 0x%08x\n"
"\tMPM description = %s\n"
34 ""
"Beginning of sec_get_auth_methods().\n"
35 "" 
"Beginning of sec_get_auth_methods() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of mechanism buffer: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of mechanism count: 0x%08x\n"
36 ""
"Beginning of sec_get_auth_methods() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of mechanism buffer: 0x%016llx\n"
"\taddress of mechanism count: 0x%016llx\n" 
37 ""
"End of sec_get_auth_methods().\n"
38 ""
"End of sec_get_auth_methods() with rc = %d.\n"
39 ""
"Beginning of sec_start_sec_context().\n"
40 "" 
"Beginning of sec_start_sec_context() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%08x\n"
"\tsecurity services token: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of mechanism buffer: 0x%08x\n"
"\tservice name: %s\n"
"\thost name: %s\n"
"\tflags: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of security context token: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of CCDB: 0x%08x\n"
41 ""
"Beginning of sec_start_sec_context() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tsecurity services token: 0x%016llx\n"
"\taddress of mechanism buffer: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tservice name: %s\n"
"\thost name: %s\n"
"\tflags: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of security context token: 0x%016llx\n"
"\taddress of CCDB: 0x%016llx\n"
42 ""
"End of sec_start_sec_context().\n"
43 ""
"End of sec_start_sec_context() with rc = %d.\n"
44 ""
"End of sec_start_sec_context() with rc = %d:\n"
"\tMPM major status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM minor status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM mech code = 0x%08x\n"
"\tMPM description = %s\n"
45 ""
"Beginning of sec_complete_sec_context().\n"
46 "" 
"Beginning of sec_complete_sec_context() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of server's CCDB: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of security context token: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of client's CCDB: 0x%08x\n"
47 ""
"Beginning of sec_complete_sec_context() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%016llx\n"
"\taddress of server's CCDB: 0x%016llx\n"
"\taddress of security context token: 0x%016llx\n"
"\taddress of client's CCDB: 0x%016llx\n"
48 ""
"End of sec_complete_sec_context().\n"
49 ""
"End of sec_complete_sec_context() with rc = %d.\n"
50 ""
"End of sec_complete_sec_context() with rc = %d:\n"
"\tMPM major status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM minor status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM mech code = 0x%08x\n"
"\tMPM description = %s\n"
51 ""
"Beginning of sec_get_ctx_attribute().\n"
52 "" 
"Beginning of sec_get_ctx_attribute() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%08x\n"
"\tsecurity context token: 0x%08x\n"
"\tattribute: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of attribute value: 0x%08x\n"
53 ""
"Beginning of sec_get_ctx_attribute() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tsecurity context token: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tattribute: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of attribute value: 0x%016llx\n"
54 ""
"End of sec_get_ctx_attribute().\n"
55 ""
"End of sec_get_ctx_attribute() with rc = %d.\n"
56 ""
"End of sec_get_ctx_attribute() with rc = %d:\n"
"\tMPM major status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM minor status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM mech code = 0x%08x\n"
"\tMPM description = %s\n"
57 ""
"Beginning of sec_prepare_data().\n"
58 "" 
"Beginning of sec_prepare_data() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%08x\n"
"\tsecurity context token: 0x%08x\n"
"\tflags: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of input buffer: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of output buffer: 0x%08x\n"
59 ""
"Beginning of sec_prepare_data() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tsecurity context token: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tflags: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of input buffer: 0x%016llx\n"
"\taddress of output buffer: 0x%016llx\n"
60 ""
"End of sec_prepare_data().\n"
61 ""
"End of sec_prepare_data() with rc = %d.\n"
62 ""
"End of sec_prepare_data() with rc = %d:\n"
"\tMPM major status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM minor status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM mech code = 0x%08x\n"
"\tMPM description = %s\n"
63 ""
"Beginning of sec_process_data().\n"
64 "" 
"Beginning of sec_process_data() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%08x\n"
"\tsecurity context token: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of input buffer: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of output buffer: 0x%08x\n"
65 ""
"Beginning of sec_process_data() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tsecurity context token: 0x%016llx\n"
"\taddress of input buffer: 0x%016llx\n"
"\taddress of output buffer: 0x%016llx\n"
66 ""
"End of sec_process_data().\n"
67 ""
"End of sec_process_data() with rc = %d.\n"
68 ""
"End of sec_process_data() with rc = %d:\n"
"\tMPM major status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM minor status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM mech code = 0x%08x\n"
"\tMPM description = %s\n"
69 ""
"Beginning of sec_create_mech_buffer().\n"
70 "" 
"Beginning of sec_create_mech_buffer() with arguments:\n"
"\tmechanism mnemonics string: %s\n"
"\taddress of mechanism buffer descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of mechanism count: 0x%08x\n"
71 ""
"Beginning of sec_create_mech_buffer() with arguments:\n"
"\tmechanism mnemonics string: %s\n"
"\taddress of mechanism buffer descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
"\taddress of mechanism count: 0x%016llx\n" 
72 ""
"End of sec_create_mech_buffer().\n"
73 ""
"End of sec_create_mech_buffer() with rc = %d\n"
"\tnumber of mechanisms mnemonics translated: %d\n"
74 ""
"Beginning of sec_add_imposed_mechs().\n"
75 "" 
"Beginning of sec_add_imposed_mechs() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of mechanism buffer descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
76 ""
"Beginning of sec_add_imposed_mechs() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of mechanism buffer descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
77 ""
"End of sec_add_imposed_mechs().\n"
78 ""
"End of sec_add_imposed_mechs() with rc = %d.\n"
79 ""
"Beginning of sec_set_imposed_mechs().\n"
80 "" 
"Beginning of sec_set_imposed_mechs() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of mechanism buffer descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
81 ""
"Beginning of sec_set_imposed_mechs() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of mechanism buffer descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
82 ""
"End of sec_set_imposed_mechs().\n"
83 ""
"End of sec_set_imposed_mechs() with rc = %d.\n"
84 ""
"Beginning of sec_clear_imposed_mechs().\n"
85 ""
"End of sec_clear_imposed_mechs().\n"
86 ""
"End of sec_clear_imposed_mechs() with rc = %d.\n"
87 ""
"Beginning of sec_sign_data_v().\n"
88 "" 
"Beginning of sec_sign_data_v() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%08x\n"
"\tsecurity context token: 0x%08x\n"
"\tnumber of buffers in vector: %d\n"
"\taddress of vector: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of signature buffer descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
89 ""
"Beginning of sec_sign_data_v() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tsecurity context token: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tnumber of buffers in vector: %d\n"
"\taddress of vector: 0x%016llx\n"
"\taddress of signature buffer descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
90 ""
"End of sec_sign_data_v().\n"
91 ""
"End of sec_sign_data_v() with rc = %d.\n"
92 ""
"End of sec_sign_data_v() with rc = %d:\n"
"\tMPM major status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM minor status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM mech code = 0x%08x\n"
"\tMPM description = %s\n"
93 ""
"Beginning of sec_sign_data_v().\n"
94 "" 
"Beginning of sec_sign_data_v() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%08x\n"
"\tsecurity context token: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of signature buffer descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
"\tnumber of buffers in vector: %d\n"
"\taddress of vector: 0x%08x\n"
95 ""
"Beginning of sec_sign_data_v() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tsecurity context token: 0x%016llx\n"
"\taddress of signature buffer descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tnumber of buffers in vector: %d\n"
"\taddress of vector: 0x%016llx\n"
96 ""
"End of sec_sign_data_v().\n"
97 ""
"End of sec_sign_data_v() with rc = %d.\n"
98 ""
"End of sec_sign_data_v() with rc = %d:\n"
"\tMPM major status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM minor status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM mech code = 0x%08x\n"
"\tMPM description = %s\n"
99 ""
"Beginning of sec_reconcile_auth_methods().\n"
100 "" 
"Beginning of sec_reconcile_auth_methods() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of client's mechanism buffer descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of shared mechanism buffer descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
101 ""
"Beginning of sec_reconcile_auth_methods() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of client's mechanism buffer descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
"\taddress of shared mechanism buffer descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
102 ""
"End of sec_reconcile_auth_methods().\n"
103 ""
"End of sec_reconcile_auth_methods() with rc = %d.\n"
104 ""
"Beginning of sec_login_as_service().\n"
105 "" 
"Beginning of sec_login_as_service() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%08x\n"
"\tservice name: %s\n"
"\tsecurity services token: 0x%08x\n"
106 ""
"Beginning of sec_login_as_service() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tservice name: %s\n"
"\tsecurity services token: 0x%016llx\n"
107 ""
"End of sec_login_as_service().\n"
108 ""
"End of sec_login_as_service() with rc = %d.\n"
109 ""
"End of sec_login_as_service() with rc = %d:\n"
"\tMPM major status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM minor status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM mech code = 0x%08x\n"
"\tMPM description = %s\n"
110 ""
"Beginning of sec_login_as_user().\n"
111 "" 
"Beginning of sec_login_as_user() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%08x\n"
"\tsecurity services token: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of id buffer descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of authenticator: 0x%08x\n"
"\tflags: 0x%08x\n"
112 ""
"Beginning of sec_login_as_user() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tsecurity services token: 0x%016llx\n"
"\taddress of id buffer descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
"\taddress of authenticator: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tflags: 0x%08x\n"
113 ""
"End of sec_login_as_user().\n"
114 ""
"End of sec_login_as_user() with rc = %d.\n"
115 ""
"End of sec_login_as_user() with rc = %d:\n"
"\tMPM major status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM minor status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM mech code = 0x%08x\n"
"\tMPM description = %s\n"
116 ""
"Beginning of sec_renew_identity().\n"
117 "" 
"Beginning of sec_renew_identity() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%08x\n"
"\tlifetime: %d\n"
"\tsecurity services token: 0x%08x\n"
118 ""
"Beginning of sec_renew_identity() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tlifetime: %lld\n"
"\tsecurity services token: 0x%016llx\n"
119 ""
"End of sec_renew_identity().\n"
120 ""
"End of sec_renew_identity() with rc = %d.\n"
121 ""
"End of sec_renew_identity() with rc = %d:\n"
"\tMPM major status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM minor status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM mech code = 0x%08x\n"
"\tMPM description = %s\n"
122 ""
"Beginning of sec_receive_sec_context().\n"
123 "" 
"Beginning of sec_receive_sec_context() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%08x\n"
"\tsecurity services token: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of client's CCDB: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of security context token: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of server's CCDB: 0x%08x\n"
124 ""
"Beginning of sec_receive_sec_context() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tsecurity services token: 0x%016llx\n"
"\taddress of client's CCDB: 0x%016llx\n"
"\taddress of security context token: 0x%016llx\n"
"\taddress of server's CCDB: 0x%016llx\n"
125 ""
"End of sec_receive_sec_context().\n"
126 ""
"End of sec_receive_sec_context() with rc = %d.\n"
127 ""
"End of sec_receive_sec_context() with rc = %d:\n"
"\tMPM major status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM minor status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM mech code = 0x%08x\n"
"\tMPM description = %s\n"
128 ""
"Beginning of sec_get_client_identity().\n"
129 "" 
"Beginning of sec_get_client_identity() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%08x\n"
"\tsecurity context token: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of network name string: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of mapped name string: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of identity buffer descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
130 ""
"Beginning of sec_get_client_identity() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tsecurity context token: 0x%016llx\n"
"\taddress of network name string: 0x%016llx\n"
"\taddress of mapped name string: 0x%016llx\n"
"\taddress of identity buffer descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
131 ""
"End of sec_get_client_identity().\n"
132 ""
"End of sec_get_client_identity() with rc = %d.\n"
133 ""
"End of sec_get_client_identity() with rc = %d:\n"
"\tMPM major status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM minor status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM mech code = 0x%08x\n"
"\tMPM description = %s\n"
134 ""
"Beginning of sec_create_cidb().\n"
135 "" 
"Beginning of sec_create_cidb() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%08x\n"
"\tflags: 0x%08x\n"
"\tidentity or security context token: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of CDIB descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
136 ""
"Beginning of sec_create_cidb() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tflags: 0x%08x\n"
"\tidentity or security context token: 0x%016llx\n"
"\taddress of CDIB descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
137 ""
"End of sec_create_cidb().\n"
138 ""
"End of sec_create_cidb() with rc = %d.\n"
139 ""
"End of sec_create_cidb() with rc = %d:\n"
"\tMPM major status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM minor status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM mech code = 0x%08x\n"
"\tMPM description = %s\n"
140 ""
"Beginning of sec_create_id_context().\n"
141 "" 
"Beginning of sec_create_id_context() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%08x\n"
"\tsecurity services token: 0x%08x\n"
"\tflags: 0x%08x\n"
"\tinput argument: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of identity context token: 0x%08x\n"
142 ""
"Beginning of sec_create_id_context() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tsecurity services token: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tflags: 0x%08x\n"
"\tinput argument: 0x%016llx\n"
"\taddress of identity context token: 0x%016llx\n"
143 ""
"End of sec_create_id_context().\n"
144 ""
"End of sec_create_id_context() with rc = %d.\n"
145 ""
"End of sec_create_id_context() with rc = %d:\n"
"\tMPM major status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM minor status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM mech code = 0x%08x\n"
"\tMPM description = %s\n"
146 ""
"Beginning of sec_get_client_groups().\n"
147 "" 
"Beginning of sec_get_client_groups() with arguments:\n"
"\tidentity context token: 0x%08x\n"
"\tbuffer: 0x%08x\n"
"\tnumber of bytes in buffer: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of array of groups: 0x%08x\n"
148 ""
"Beginning of sec_get_client_groups() with arguments:\n"
"\tidentity context token: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tbuffer: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tnumber of bytes in buffer: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of array of groups: 0x%016llx\n"
149 ""
"End of sec_get_client_groups().\n"
150 ""
"End of sec_get_client_groups() with rc = %d.\n"
151 ""
"Beginning of sec_user_valid().\n"
152 "" 
"Beginning of sec_user_valid() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%08x\n"
"\tidentity context token: 0x%08x\n"
"\tusername: %s\n"
153 ""
"Beginning of sec_user_valid() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of MPM status: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tidentity context token: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tusername: %s\n"
154 ""
"End of sec_user_valid().\n"
155 ""
"End of sec_user_valid() with rc = %d.\n"
156 ""
"End of sec_user_valid() with rc = %d:\n"
"\tMPM major status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM minor status code = %d\n"
"\tMPM mech code = 0x%08x\n"
"\tMPM description = %s\n"
157 ""
"Beginning of sec_release_buffer().\n"
158 "" 
"Beginning of sec_release_buffer() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of buffer descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
"\tlength of buffer: %d\n"
159 ""
"Beginning of sec_release_buffer() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of buffer descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tlength of buffer: %d\n"
160 "" 
"Beginning of sec_release_buffer() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of buffer descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
161 ""
"Beginning of sec_release_buffer() with arguments:\n"
"\taddress of buffer descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
162 ""
"End of sec_release_buffer().\n"
163 ""
"Beginning of sec_verify_permission().\n"
164 "" 
"Beginning of sec_verify_permission() with arguments:\n"
"\tidentity context token: 0x%08x\n"
"\tpermission required: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of ACL buffer descriptor: 0x%08x\n"
165 ""
"Beginning of sec_verify_permission() with arguments:\n"
"\tidentity context token: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tpermission required: 0x%08x\n"
"\taddress of ACL buffer descriptor: 0x%016llx\n"
166 ""
"End of sec_verify_permission().\n"
167 ""
"End of sec_verify_permission() with rc = %d.\n"
168 ""
"Privilege set info for client:\n"
"\tnetwork identity: %s\n"
"\tmapped identity: %s\n"
"\tnumber of groups: %d\n"
"\tlist of groups: %s\n"
169 ""
"MPM already found in MAL State:\n"
"\tMPM's code: 0x%08x\n"
"\tMPM's name: %s\n"
170 ""
"MPM will be added in MAL State at position %d:\n"
"\tMPM's code: 0x%08x\n"
"\tMPM's name: %s\n"
171 ""
"First MPM in MAL State:\n"
"\tMPM's code: 0x%08x\n"
"\tMPM's name: %s\n"
172 ""
"Delayed load flag specified to sec_start():\n"
"\tCtSec will not pre-load any MPM!\n"
173 ""
"Translated mechanism code 0 to mnemonic 'none'.\n"
174 ""
"Translated mechanism mnemonic 'none' to code 0.\n"
175 ""
"Mechanism string contains mnemonic 'none'.\n"
176 ""
"Translated mechanism code 0x%08x to mnemonic '%s'.\n"
177 ""
"Mechanism code 0x%08x has already been translated.\n"
178 ""
"Translated mechanism mnemonic '%s' to code 0x%08x.\n"
179 ""
"Wrapped unauthenticated CIDB.\n"
180 ""
"Wrapping authenticated CIDB for %s:\n"
"\tMechanism code: 0x%08x\n"
"\tMapped identity: %s\n"
"\tGroup membership count: %d\n"
181 ""
"Wrapping CIDB's privilege set for %s...\n"
182 ""
"No wrapping of CIDB's privilege set for %s.\n"
183 ""
"Unwrapped unauthenticated CIDB:\n"
"\tLength of CIDB: %d\n"
"\tAddress of CIDB: 0x%08x\n"
184 ""
"Unwrapped unauthenticated CIDB:\n"
"\tLength of CIDB's body: %d\n"
"\tAddress of CIDB's body: 0x%016llx\n"
185 ""
"Unwrapping authenticated CIDB:\n"
"\tLength of CIDB: %d\n"
"\tAddress of CIDB: 0x%08x\n"
186 ""
"Unwrapping authenticated CIDB:\n"
"\tLength of CIDB's body: %d\n"
"\tAddress of CIDB's body: 0x%016llx\n"
187 ""
"No privilege set in CIDB:\n"
"\tLength of CIDB: %d\n"
"\tAddress of CIDB: 0x%08x\n"
"\tNetwork identity: %s\n"
188 ""
"No privilege set in CIDB:\n"
"\tLength of CIDB's body: %d\n"
"\tAddress of CIDB's body: 0x%016llx\n"
"\tNetwork identity: %s\n"
189 ""
"Unwrapped authenticated CIDB for %s:\n"
"\tMechanism code: 0x%08x\n"
"\tMapped identity: %s\n"
"\tGroup membership count: %d\n"
190 ""
"Found MPM data in service token at address 0x%08x:\n"
"\tMPM code: 0x%08x\n"
"\tMPM name: %s\n"
"\tMPM path: %s\n"
191 ""
"Found MPM data in service token at address 0x%016llx:\n"
"\tMPM code: 0x%08x\n"
"\tMPM name: %s\n"
"\tMPM path: %s\n"
192 ""
"Loaded MPM data in service token at address 0x%08x:\n"
"\tMPM code: 0x%08x\n"
"\tMPM name: %s\n"
"\tMPM path: %s\n"
193 ""
"Loaded MPM data in service token at address 0x%016llx:\n"
"\tMPM code: 0x%08x\n"
"\tMPM name: %s\n"
"\tMPM path: %s\n"
194 ""
"Attempt to initiate sec. ctx. with %s MPM.\n"
"\t(code 0x%08x, path %s).\n"
195 ""
"Initiated sec. ctx. with %s MPM.\n"
196 ""
"Calling routine from %s MPM (0x%08x): %s\n" 
197 ""
"mpm_start() routine for mechanism code 0x%08x:\n"
"\tflags argument: 0x%08x\n"
"\tmajor code: %d\n"
"\tminor code: %d\n"
198 ""
"mpm_end() routine for mechanism code 0x%08x:\n"
"\tmajor code: %d\n"
"\tminor code: %d\n"
199 ""
"mpm_set_ctx_attribute() failed mechanism code 0x%08x:\n"
"\tattribute: 0x%08x\n"
"\tmajor code: %d\n"
"\tminor code: %d\n"
200 ""
"mpm_service_cleanup() failed mechanism code 0x%08x:\n"
"\tflags argument: 0x%08x\n"
"\tmajor code: %d\n"
"\tminor code: %d\n"
201 ""
"mpm_start_sec_context() failed for mechanism code 0x%08x:\n"
"\tservice name: %s\n"
"\thost name: %s\n"
"\tflags argument: 0x%08x\n"
"\tmajor code: %d\n"
"\tminor code: %d\n"
202 ""
"mpm_complete_sec_context() failed for mechanism code 0x%08x:\n"
"\tmajor code: %d\n"
"\tminor code: %d\n"
203 ""
"mpm_get_ctx_lifetime() failed for mechanism code 0x%08x:\n"
"\tmajor code: %d\n"
"\tminor code: %d\n"
204 ""
"mpm_get_ctx_flags() failed for mechanism code 0x%08x:\n"
"\tmajor code: %d\n"
"\tminor code: %d\n"
205 ""
"mpm_prepare_data() failed for mechanism code 0x%08x:\n"
"\tflags argument: 0x%08d\n"
"\tlength of data: %d\n"
"\tmajor code: %d\n"
"\tminor code: %d\n"
206 ""
"mpm_process_data() failed for mechanism code 0x%08x:\n"
"\tlength of data: %d\n"
"\tmajor code: %d\n"
"\tminor code: %d\n"
207 ""
"mpm_end_context() failed for mechanism code 0x%08x:\n"
"\tmajor code: %d\n"
"\tminor code: %d\n"
208 ""
"mpm_login_as_service() failed for mechanism code 0x%08x:\n"
"\tservice name: %s\n"
"\tmajor code: %d\n"
"\tminor code: %d\n"
209 ""
"mpm_login_as_user() failed for mechanism code 0x%08x:\n"
"\tlength of user identifier: %d\n"
"\tflags: 0x%08x\n"
"\tmajor code: %d\n"
"\tminor code: %d\n"
210 ""
"mpm_renew_identity() failed for mechanism code 0x%08x:\n"
"\tmajor code: %d\n"
"\tminor code: %d\n"
211 ""
"mpm_receive_sec_context() failed for mechanism code 0x%08x:\n"
"\tlength of ccdb: %d\n"
"\tmajor code: %d\n"
"\tminor code: %d\n"
212 ""
"mpm_get_client_name() failed for mechanism code 0x%08x:\n"
"\tmajor code: %d\n"
"\tminor code: %d\n"
213 ""
"mpm_get_mapped_name() failed for mechanism code 0x%08x:\n"
"\tmajor code: %d\n"
"\tminor code: %d\n"
214 ""
"mpm_get_client_id() failed for mechanism code 0x%08x:\n"
"\tmajor code: %d\n"
"\tminor code: %d\n"
215 ""
"mpm_create_id_context() failed for mechanism code 0x%08x:\n"
"\tflags: 0x%08x\n"
"\tmajor code: %d\n"
"\tminor code: %d\n"
216 ""
"mpm_sign_data_v() failed for mechanism code 0x%08x:\n"
"\tno. of buffer in vector: 0x%08x\n"
"\tmajor code: %d\n"
"\tminor code: %d\n"
217 ""
"mpm_verify_data_v() failed for mechanism code 0x%08x:\n"
"\tno. of buffer in vector: 0x%08x\n"
"\tmajor code: %d\n"
"\tminor code: %d\n"
218 ""
"mpm_get_ctx_mpm() failed for mechanism code 0x%08x:\n"
"\tmajor code: %d\n"
"\tminor code: %d\n"
219 ""
"mpm_user_valid() failed for mechanism code 0x%08x:\n"
"\tmajor code: %d\n"
"\tminor code: %d\n"
220 ""
"Invalid socket file descriptor: %d.\n"
"\tfile name: %s\n"
"\tline no.: %d\n"
221 ""
"getsockname() failed w/errno %d.\n"
"\tfile name: %s\n"
"\tline no.: %d\n"
"\tsocket file descriptor: %d\n"
222 ""
"Invalid socket family: 0x%08x\n"
"\tfile name: %s\n"
"\tline no.: %d\n"
223 ""
"Preferred mechanism: %s\n"
224 ""
"Imposed mechanisms: %s\n"
225 ""
"Read-locked MPM entry SWMR lock (thread %d).\n"
"MPM name: %s\n"
"Lock count: %d\n"
"Pending writers: %d\n"
226 ""
"Read-unlocked MPM entry SWMR lock (thread %d).\n"
"MPM name: %s\n"
"Lock count: %d\n"
"Pending writers: %d\n"
227 ""
"Write-unlocked MPM entry SWMR lock (thread %d).\n"
"MPM name: %s\n"
"Lock count: %d\n"
"Pending writers: %d\n"
228 ""
"Promoted MPM entry SWMR lock (thread %d):\n"
"MPM name: %s\n"
"Lock count: %d\n"
"Pending writers: %d\n"
229 ""
"Demoted MPM entry SWMR lock (thread %d):\n"
"MPM name: %s\n"
"Lock count: %d\n"
"Pending writers: %d\n"
230 ""
"MPM entry is not ready (thread %d)!\n"
"MPM name: %s\n"
"MPM state: 0x%08x\n"
231 ""
"MPM entry is ready (thread %d)!\n"
"MPM name: %s\n"
"MPM state: 0x%08x\n"
232 ""
"Found %s routine in %s MPM (thread %d)!\n"
233 ""
"ERROR: Unable to find %s routine in %s MPM (thread %d)!\n"
234 ""
"ERROR: Unable to find %s MPM (thread %d)!\n"
"MPM file name: %s\n"
235 ""
"ERROR: Unable to load %s MPM (thread %d)!\n"
"MPM file name: %s\n"
"dlopen()'s errno: %d\n"
"dlopen()'s error message: %s\n"
236 ""
"ERROR: No initialization routine for %s MPM (thread %d)!\n"
"MPM file name: %s\n"
"dlsym()'s errno: %d\n"
"dlsym()'s error message: %s\n"
237 ""
"Loading the %s MPM (thread %d)...\n"
238 ""
"The %s MPM has been loaded (thread %d)!\n"
239 ""
"The %s MPM is ready (thread %d)!\n"
240 ""
"The MSS library (%s) has been loaded!\n"
241 ""
"Symbol resolved from MSS: %s\n"
242 ""
"sec__cfgrecs_to_lists() started\n"
243 ""
"sec__cfgrecs_to_lists() started with parameters:\n"
"\t reccount: %d\n"
"\t cfg:      [addr] 0x%08x\n"
"\t aulist:   [addr] 0x%08x\n"
"\t azlist:   [addr] 0x%08x\n"
244 ""
"sec__cfgrecs_to_lists() started with parameters:\n"
"\t reccount: %d\n"
"\t cfg:      [addr] 0x%016llx\n"
"\t aulist:   [addr] 0x%016llx\n"
"\t azlist:   [addr] 0x%016llx\n"
245 ""
"sec__cfgrecs_to_lists() failure: Bad parameter detected\n"
"\t Detecting line position:       %d\n"
"\t Positional parameter in error: %d\n"
246 ""
"sec__cfgrecs_to_lists() failure: %s MPM code at index %d is not valid\n"
"\t value: 0x%x\n"
247 ""
"sec__cfgrecs_to_lists(): %d MPM pairings obtained\n"
248 ""
"\t [index %d] Authentication MPM code 0x%0x - associated autorization MPM code 0x%x\n"
249 ""
"sec__cfgrecs_to_lists() completed [return code %d]\n"
250 ""
"sec__alloc_mpmlists_v1() started\n"
251 ""
"sec__alloc_mpmlists_v1() started with parameters:\n"
"\t mpm_count: %d\n"
"\t aulist:    [addr of addr] 0x%08x\n"
"\t azlist:    [addr of addr] 0x%08x\n"
252 ""
"sec__alloc_mpmlists_v1() started with parameters:\n"
"\t mpm_count: %d\n"
"\t aulist:    [addr of addr] 0x%016llx\n"
"\t azlist:    [addr of addr] 0x%016llx\n"
253 ""
"sec__alloc_mpmlists_v1() failure: Bad parameter detected\n"
"\t Detecting line position:       %d\n"
"\t Positional parameter in error: %d\n"
254 ""
"sec__alloc_mpmlists_v1() failure: Memory allocation failure\n"
"\t Detecting line position: %d\n"
"\t Requested memory size:   %u bytes\n"
255 ""
"sec__alloc_mpmlists_v1(): %s MPM list allocated [%u bytes]\n"
256 ""
"sec__alloc_mpmlists_v1() completed [return code %d]\n"
257 ""
"sec__marshal_cfg_v1() started\n"
258 ""
"sec__marshal_cfg_v1() started with parameters:\n"
"\t reccount: %d\n"
"\t aulist:   [addr] 0x%08x\n"
"\t azlist:   [addr] 0x%08x\n"
"\t cbuf:     [addr] 0x%08x\n"
259 ""
"sec__marshal_cfg_v1() started with parameters:\n"
"\t reccount: %d\n"
"\t aulist:   [addr] 0x%016llx\n"
"\t azlist:   [addr] 0x%016llx\n"
"\t cbuf:     [addr] 0x%016llx\n"
260 ""
"sec__marshal_cfg_v1() failure: Bad parameter detected\n"
"\t Detecting line position:       %d\n"
"\t Positional parameter in error: %d\n"
261 ""
"sec__marshal_cfg_v1() failure: Memory allocation failure\n"
"\t Detecting line position: %d\n"
"\t Requested memory size:   %u bytes\n"
262 ""
"sec__marshal_cfg_v1() failure: Insufficient memory provided by caller\n"
"\t Length of memory provided by caller: %u bytes\n"
"\t Length required for marshaled bufer: %u bytes\n"
263 ""
"sec__marshal_cfg_v1(): %u bytes required for marshaled data buffer\n"
264 ""
"sec__marshal_cfg_v1(): CtSec configuration info buffer prepared\n"
265 ""
"sec__marshal_cfg_v1(): Contents of marshaled CtSec configuration info buffer\n"
"\t [Length %u bytes - Memory location 0x%08x]\n"
266 ""
"sec__marshal_cfg_v1(): Contents of marshaled CtSec configuration info buffer\n"
"\t [Length %u bytes - Memory location 0x%016llx]\n"
267 ""
"sec__marshal_cfg_v1() completed [return code %d]\n"
268 ""
"sec__get_cfg_v1() started\n"
269 ""
"sec__get_cfg_v1() started with parameters:\n"
"\t cbuf:     [addr] 0x%08x\n"
"\t calcflag: %d\n"
270 ""
"sec__get_cfg_v1() started with parameters:\n"
"\t cbuf:     [addr] 0x%016llx\n"
"\t calcflag: %d\n"
271 ""
"sec__get_cfg_v1() failure: Bad parameter detected\n"
"\t Detecting line position:       %d\n"
"\t Positional parameter in error: %d\n"
272 ""
"sec__get_cfg_v1() failure: sec__check_cfg_file failed [return code %d]\n"
273 ""
"sec__get_cfg_v1() failure: sec__read_config_file failed [return code %d]\n"
274 ""
"sec__get_cfg_v1() failure: Insufficient memory provided by caller\n"
"\t Length of memory provided by caller: %u bytes\n"
"\t Length required for marshaled bufer: %u bytes\n"
275 ""
"sec__get_cfg_v1(): %u bytes required for confiuration data\n"
276 ""
"sec__get_cfg_v1(): Needed memory calculated for caller, completing...\n"
277 ""
"sec__get_cfg_v1() completed [return code %d]\n"
278 ""
"sec__release_cfgstruct_v1() started\n"
279 ""
"sec__release_cfgstruct_v1() started with parameters:\n"
"\t cbuf:     [addr] 0x%08x\n"
280 ""
"sec__release_cfgstruct_v1() started with parameters:\n"
"\t cbuf:     [addr] 0x%016llx\n"
281 ""
"sec__release_cfgstruct_v1() completed [void function - no return code]\n"
282 ""
"sec__release_cfglist() started\n"
283 ""
"sec__release_cfglist() started with parameters:\n"
"\t clist:    [addr] 0x%08x\n"
"\t freehead: %d\n"
284 ""
"sec__release_cfglist() started with parameters:\n"
"\t clist:    [addr] 0x%016llx\n"
"\t freehead: %d\n"
285 ""
"sec__release_cfglist() completed [void function - no return code]\n"
286 ""
"sec__cfgbuf_to_cfgstruct_v1() started\n"
287 ""
"sec__cfgbuf_to_cfgstruct_v1() started with parameters:\n"
"\t cfgbuf: [addr] 0x%08x\n"
"\t cs:     [addr of addr] 0x%08x\n"
288 ""
"sec__cfgbuf_to_cfgstruct_v1() started with parameters:\n"
"\t cfgbuf: [addr] 0x%016llx\n"
"\t cs:     [addr of addr] 0x%016llx\n"
289 ""
"sec__cfgbuf_to_cfgstruct_v1() failure: Bad parameter detected\n"
"\t Detecting line position:       %d\n"
"\t Positional parameter in error: %d\n"
290 ""
"sec__cfgbuf_to_cfgstruct_v1() failure: Memory allocation failure\n"
"\t Detecting line position: %d\n"
"\t Requested memory size:   %u bytes\n"
291 ""
"sec__cfgbuf_to_cfgstruct_v1() failure: Contents of the CtSec configuration\n"
"\t buffer appear to not be valid.  One of the MPM codes is not a valid value.\n"
"\t [index %d] Authentication MPM code 0x%x, authorization MPM code 0x%x\n"
292 ""
"sec__cfgbuf_to_cfgstruct_v1(): Extracting %d pairs from CtSec configuration\n"
"\t information buffer.\n"
293 ""
"sec__cfgbuf_to_cfgstruct_v1(): Exracted MPM codes from CtSec configuration\n"
"\t information buffer:\n"
"\t [index %d] Authentication MPM code 0x%x, authorization MPM code 0x%x\n"
294 ""
"sec__cfgbuf_to_cfgstruct_v1() completed [return code %d]\n"
295 ""
"sec__cfgvec_to_cfglist() started\n"
296 ""
"sec__cfgvec_to_cfglist() started with parameters:\n"
"\t bufcount: %d\n"
"\t bufvec:  [addr] 0x%08x\n"
"\t cfglist: [addr] 0x%08x\n"
297 ""
"sec__cfgvec_to_cfglist() started with parameters:\n"
"\t bufcount: %d\n"
"\t bufvec:  [addr] 0x%016llx\n"
"\t cfglist: [addr] 0x%016llx\n"
298 ""
"sec__cfgvec_to_cfglist() failure: Bad parameter detected\n"
"\t Detecting line position:       %d\n"
"\t Positional parameter in error: %d\n"
299 ""
"sec__cfgvec_to_cfglist(): Version 0x%x detected in CtSec configuration info.\n"
"\t This routine can only handle Version 1 configurations, so this\n"
"\t configuration data buffer is now forced into compatibility mode.  Any\n"
"\t information beyond Version 1 data is being ignored.\n"
300 ""
"sec__cfgvec_to_cfglist() completed [return code %d]\n"
301 ""
"sec__resolve_cfg_v1() started\n"
302 ""
"sec__resolve_cfg_v1() started with parameters:\n"
"\t cfglist: [addr] 0x%08x\n"
"\t count:   [addr] 0x%08x\n"
"\t common:  [addr] 0x%08x\n"
303 ""
"sec__resolve_cfg_v1() started with parameters:\n"
"\t cfglist: [addr] 0x%016llx\n"
"\t count:   [addr] 0x%016llx\n"
"\t common:  [addr] 0x%016llx\n"
304 ""
"sec__resolve_cfg_v1() failure: Bad parameter detected\n"
"\t Detecting line position:       %d\n"
"\t Positional parameter in error: %d\n"
305 ""
"sec__resolve_cfg_v1() failure: Memory allocation failure\n"
"\t Detecting line position: %d\n"
"\t Requested memory size:   %u bytes\n"
306 ""
"sec__resolve_cfg_v1(): Count of original common MPM pairs: %d\n"
307 ""
"sec__resolve_cfg_v1(): MPM pairing at index %d not common - removing\n"
"\t [authentication MPM code 0x%x, authorization MPM code 0x%x removed]\n"
308 ""
"sec__resolve_cfg_v1(): Number of common MPM pairings detected: %d\n"
309 ""
"sec__resolve_cfg_v1(): Compacting list of common MPM pairings\n"
310 ""
"sec__resolve_cfg_v1(): Common CtSec configuration information buffer created\n"
311 ""
"sec__resolve_cfg_v1(): Common CtSec configuration information buffer contents\n"
"\t [Address 0x%08x - length %u bytes]\n"
312 ""
"sec__resolve_cfg_v1(): Common CtSec configuration information buffer contents\n"
"\t [Address 0x%016llx - length %u bytes]\n"
313 ""
"sec__resolve_cfg_v1() completed [return code %d]\n"
314 ""
"sec_get_cfg() started\n"
315 ""
"sec_get_cfg() started with parameters:\n"
"\t cbuf: [addr] 0x%08x\n"
316 ""
"sec_get_cfg() started with parameters:\n"
"\t cbuf: [addr] 0x%016llx\n"
317 ""
"sec_get_cfg() failure: Bad parameter detected\n"
"\t Detecting line position:       %d\n"
"\t Positional parameter in error: %d\n"
318 ""
"sec_get_cfg() completed [return code %d]\n"
319 ""
"sec_get_cfg2() started\n"
320 ""
"sec_get_cfg2() started with parameters:\n"
"\t bufptr: [addr] 0x%08x\n"
"\t buflen: [addr] 0x%08x\n"
321 ""
"sec_get_cfg2() started with parameters:\n"
"\t bufptr: [addr] 0x%016llx\n"
"\t buflen: [addr] 0x%016llx\n"
322 ""
"sec_get_cfg2() failure: Bad parameter detected\n"
"\t Detecting line position:       %d\n"
"\t Positional parameter in error: %d\n"
323 ""
"sec_get_cfg2() completed [return code %d]\n"
324 ""
"sec_reconcile_cfg_v() started\n"
325 ""
"sec_reconcile_cfg_v() started with parameters:\n"
"\t veccount: %d\n"
"\t cfgvec:   [addr] 0x%08x\n"
"\t common:   [addr] 0x%08x\n"
326 ""
"sec_reconcile_cfg_v() started with parameters:\n"
"\t veccount: %d\n"
"\t cfgvec:   [addr] 0x%016llx\n"
"\t common:   [addr] 0x%016llx\n"
327 ""
"sec_reconcile_cfg_v() failure: Bad parameter detected\n"
"\t Detecting line position:       %d\n"
"\t Positional parameter in error: %d\n"
328 ""
"sec_reconcile_cfg_v() completed [return code %d]\n"
329 ""
"sec_reconcile_cfg_v2() started\n"
330 ""
"sec_reconcile_cfg_v2() started with parameters:\n"
"\t veccount: %d\n"
"\t cfgvec:   [addr] 0x%08x\n"
"\t bufptr:   [addr] 0x%08x\n"
"\t buflen:   [addr] 0x%08x\n"
331 ""
"sec_reconcile_cfg_v2() started with parameters:\n"
"\t veccount: %d\n"
"\t cfgvec:   [addr] 0x%016llx\n"
"\t bufptr:   [addr] 0x%016llx\n"
"\t buflen:   [addr] 0x%016llx\n"
332 ""
"sec_reconcile_cfg_v2() failure: Bad parameter detected\n"
"\t Detecting line position:       %d\n"
"\t Positional parameter in error: %d\n"
333 ""
"sec_reconcile_cfg_v2() completed [return code %d]\n"
334 ""
"SEC__M_COMPR_UINTARRAY() macro failure: Memory re-allocation failure\n"
"\t Detecting line position: %d\n"
"\t Requested memory size:   %u bytes\n"
335 ""
"Beginning of sec_is_complinat_context().\n"
336 "" 
"Beginning of sec_is_complinat_context() with arguments:\n"
"\tmode: %d\n"
"\tsecurity context token: 0x%08x\n"
337 ""
"Beginning of sec_is_complinat_context() with arguments:\n"
"\tmode: %d\n"
"\tsecurity context token: 0x%08x\n"
338 ""
"Beginning of sec_is_complinat_context().\n"
339 "" 
"Beginning of sec_is_complinat_context() with arguments:\n"
"\tmode: %d\n"
"\tsecurity context token: 0x%08x\n"
"\trc: %d\n"
340 ""
"Beginning of sec_is_complinat_context() with arguments:\n"
"\tmode: %d\n"
"\tsecurity context token: 0x%08x\n"
"\trc: %d\n"
341 ""
"call %s() failure:\n"
"\t return code: %d\n"
"\t error number: %d\n"
"\t filename: %s\n"
"\t line number: %d\n"
342 ""
"malloc() failure at\n"
"\t filename: %s\n"
"\t line number: %d\n"
343 ""
"Beginning of %s()\n"
344 ""
"End of %s()\n"
345 ""
"Beginning of sec_get_default_modecfg() with arguments:\n"
"\t security compliance mode: %d\n"
346 ""
"End of sec_get_default_modecfg() with output:\n"
"\t security compliance mode: %d\n"
"\t hba keytype: %d\n"
"\t symmetric keytype: %d\n"
347 ""
"Beginning of sec_is_compliant_hba_keytype() with arguments:\n"
"\t security compliance mode: %d\n"
"\t hba keytype: %d\n"
348 ""
"End of sec_is_compliant_hba_keytype() with return value:\n"
"\t compliant: %d\n"
349 ""
"Beginning of sec_is_compliant_sym_keytype() with arguments:\n"
"\t security compliance mode: %d\n"
"\t sym keytype: %d\n"
350 ""
"End of sec_is_compliant_sym_keytype() with return value:\n"
"\t compliant: %d\n"
351 ""
"Beginning of sec_mode_to_str() with arguments:\n"
"\t security compliance mode: %d\n"
352 ""
"End of sec_mode_to_str() with output:\n"
"\t security compliance mode to string value = %s\n"
353 ""
"Beginning of sec_mode_to_value() with arguments:\n"
"\t security compliance mode(in string): %s\n"
354 ""
"sec_mode_to_value() failure: input mode is invalid\n"
355 ""
"End of sec_mode_to_value() with output:\n"
"\t security compliance mode(in string) to value = %d\n"
356 ""
"Beginning of sec_keytype_to_str() with arguments:\n"
"\t keytype: %d\n"
357 ""
"End of sec_keytype_to_str() with output:\n"
"\t keytype(in string) = %s\n"
358 ""
"%s() failure: input keytype is invalid\n"
359 ""
"Beginning of sec_hba_keytype_to_value() with arguments:\n"
"\t hba keytype in string: %s\n"
360 ""
"End of sec_hba_keytype_to_value() with output:\n"
"\t hba keytype value = %d\n"
361 ""
"%s() failure: Bad parameter detected - input keytype is null\n"
362 ""
"Beginning of sec_sym_keytype_to_value() with arguments:\n"
"\t sym keytype in string: %s\n"
363 ""
"End of sec_sym_keytype_to_value() with output:\n"
"\t sym keytype value = %d\n"
364 ""
"Beginning of sec_parse_attr_value() with arguments:\n"
"\t input buffer [%s]\n"
"\t input attribute name [%s]\n"
365 ""
"End of sec_parse_attr_value() with output:\n"
"\t attribute value [%s]\n"
366 ""
"Beginning of sec_hba_key_attr_value_in_file() with arguments:\n"
"\t filename: %s\n"
367 ""
"sec_hba_key_attr_value_in_file() failure: input file size is 0 bytes\n"
368 ""
"End of sec_hba_key_attr_value_in_file() with output:\n"
"\t hba keytype value = %s\n"
369 ""
"End of sec_get_modecfg() with output:\n"
"\t security compliance mode: %d\n"
"\t hba keytype: %d\n"
"\t symmetric keytype: %d\n"
370 ""
"End of sec_get_pend_modecfg() with output:\n"
"\t security compliance mode: %d\n"
"\t hba keytype: %d\n"
"\t symmetric keytype: %d\n"
371 ""
"sec_get_pend_modecfg(): There are no pending configuration available\n"
372 ""
"Beginning of sec_validate_secmode_values() with arguments:\n"
"\t security compliance mode: %d\n"
"\t hba keytype: %d\n"
"\t symmetric keytype: %d\n"
373 ""
"sec_validate_secmode_values() failure: hba key type [%d] is not compliant as per compliance mode [%d]\n"
374 ""
"sec_validate_secmode_values() failure: symmetric key type [%d] is not compliant as per compliance mode [%d]\n" 
375 ""
"Beginning of sec_create_config_file_with_values() with arguments:\n"
"\t filename to create: %s\n"
"\t with file contents:\n"
"\t security compliance mode: %d\n"
"\t hba keytype: %d\n"
"\t symmetric keytype: %d\n"
376 ""
"Beginning of sec_apply_modecfg() with arguments:\n"
"\t security compliance mode: %d\n"
"\t hba keytype: %d\n"
"\t symmetric keytype: %d\n"
"\t force generate key: %d\n"
377 ""
"sec_apply_modecfg() failure: staging configuration file [/var/ct/cfg/ctsmode.stg] exist, so new configuration can't be applied\n"
378 ""
"Beginning of sec_is_hba_keytype_supported() with arguments:\n"
"\t hba keytype in string: %s\n"
379 ""
"%s() failure: input keytype is not supported\n"
380 ""
"End of sec_is_hba_keytype_supported() with output:\n"
"\t hba keytype value = %d\n"