IMsgrunactUsage 1 9 'Usage: runact [-h] -s \"Selection_string\" [-f Resource_data_input_file] \n [-v] [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] Resource_class \n Action [In_Element_0=value In_Element_1=value ...]\n [Rsp_Element...] \n\n runact [-h] -r [-f Resource_data_input_file] \n [-v] [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] Resource_handle \n Action [In_Element_0=value In_Element_1=value ...]\n [Rsp_Element...]\n\n runact [-h] -c [-f Resource_data_input_file] \n [-v] [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] Resource_class \n Action [In_Element_0=value In_Element_1=value ...]\n [Rsp_Element...]\n' IMsgrunactInvokingClassAction 2 9 'Invoking class action: %1$s %2$s\n' IMsgrunactInvokingAction 3 9 'Invoking action: %1$s %2$s\n' IMsgrunactRsrcClassRspHdr 4 9 'Resource Class Action Response for %1$s\n' IMsgrunactRsrcActRspHdr 5 9 'Resource Action Response for %1$s\n' EMsgrunactInputFileError 6 9 '%1$s: 2612-181 Error processing file %2$s for input.\n' EMsgrunactCmdLineError 7 9 '%1$s: 2612-182 Error processing the command line %2$s for Attr=value pairs.\n' EMsgrunactInvalidSDElement 8 9 '%1$s: 2612-183 SD Element %2$s, resource %3$s action %4$s line %5$s is not a valid element name for this SD.\n' EMsgrunactInvalidDataType 9 9 '%1$s: 2612-184 Action %2$s SD Element %3$s invalid data type %4$s.\n' EMsgrunactMissingReqElement 10 9 '%1$s: 2612-185 Required SD Element %2$s on action %3$s must be specified.\n' EMsgrunactRunActError 11 9 '%1$s: 2612-186 Action %2$s could not be invoked.\n' EMsgrunactBadRspElt 12 9 '%1$s: 2612-187 SD response element %2$s is not valid for action %3$s.\n' IMsgrunactUsage2 13 9 'Usage: runact [-h] -s \"Selection_string\" [-f Resource_data_input_file] \n [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] Resource_class \n Action [In_Element_0=value In_Element_1=value ...]\n [Rsp_Element...] \n\n runact [-h] -r [-f Resource_data_input_file] \n [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] Resource_handle \n Action [In_Element_0=value In_Element_1=value ...]\n [Rsp_Element...]\n\n runact [-h] -c [-f Resource_data_input_file] [-n Node_name] \n [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] Resource_class \n Action [In_Element_0=value In_Element_1=value ...]\n [Rsp_Element...]\n' IMsgrunactUsage3 14 9 'Usage: runact [-h] -s \"Selection_string\" [-f Resource_data_input_file] \n [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] Resource_class \n Action [In_Element_0=value In_Element_1=value ...]\n [Rsp_Element...] \n\n runact [-h] -r [-f Resource_data_input_file] \n [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] Resource_handle \n Action [In_Element_0=value In_Element_1=value ...]\n [Rsp_Element...]\n\n runact [-h] -c [-f Resource_data_input_file] [-n Node_name] \n [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] Resource_class \n Action [In_Element_0=value In_Element_1=value ...]\n [Rsp_Element...]\n\n runact [-h] -C Peer_domain_names [-f Resource_data_input_file] \n [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] Resource_class \n Action [In_Element_0=value In_Element_1=value ...]\n [Rsp_Element...]\n' IMsgrunactUsage4 15 9 'Usage: To run an action on a resource class, using data entered on the command line:\n\trunact [-h] -s \"Selection_string\" [-N Node_file|\"-\"] [-f Resource_data_input_file]\n\t [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] Resource_class \n\t Action [In_Element_0=value In_Element_1=value ...]\n\t [Rsp_Element...] \n\n\trunact [-h] -r [-f Resource_data_input_file] \n\t [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] Resource_handle \n\t Action [In_Element_0=value In_Element_1=value ...]\n\t [Rsp_Element...]\n\n\trunact [-h] -c [-f Resource_data_input_file] [-n Node_name] \n\t [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] Resource_class \n\t Action [In_Element_0=value In_Element_1=value ...]\n\t [Rsp_Element...]\n\n\trunact [-h] -C Peer_domain_names [-f Resource_data_input_file] \n\t [-l|-t|-d|-D Delimiter] [-x] [-T] [-V] Resource_class \n\t Action [In_Element_0=value In_Element_1=value ...]\n\t [Rsp_Element...]\n'