IMsgMklpcmdUsage 1 2 'Usage: mklpcmd [-l ] [-n host] [-h] [-v|-V] name command_path\n -l Set Lock on the LP command. Default is 0.\n -n host Which node the LP command should be created on. By\n default, LP command is created on the local machine.\n This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM)\n cluster or a peer domain cluster.\n -h Display this usage information.\n -v or -V Verbose mode.\n name The name of the LP command that is being created.\n command_path A fully qualified path name of the Least Privilege\n command.\n' IMsgMklpcmdUsageNew 2 2 'Usage: mklpcmd [-l ] [-n host] [-h] [-TV] name command_path\n -l Set Lock on the LP command. Default is 0.\n -n host Which node the LP command should be created on. By\n default, LP command is created on the local machine.\n This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM)\n cluster or a peer domain cluster.\n -h Display this usage information.\n -V Verbose mode.\n -T Display trace information.\n name The name of the LP command that is being created.\n command_path A fully qualified path name of the Least Privilege\n command.\n' IMsgMklpcmdUsageNew1 3 2 'Usage: mklpcmd [-l ] [-c 0|1|2|3] [-R RunCmdName] [-s filter_script_path] [-A FilterArg] [-n host] [-h] [-TV] name command_path [Id Perm [Id Perm...]]\n -l Set Lock on the LP command. Default is 0.\n -c Set ControlFlags to 0, 1, 2 or 3. Default is 1.\n -R RunCmdName RunCmdName of the LP command.\n -s filter_script_path A fully qualified path name of the filter script.\n -A FilterArg Filter Argument String that will be passed to FilterScript.\n -n host Which node the LP command should be created on. By\n default, LP command is created on the local machine.\n This option is only appropriate in a management (CSM)\n cluster or a peer domain cluster.\n -h Display this usage information.\n -V Verbose mode.\n -T Display trace information.\n name The name of the LP command that is being created.\n command_path A fully qualified path name of the Least Privilege\n command.\n Id Specifies the network identity of the user.\n Perm Specifies the permission allowed for the Id. It is specified \n as a string of one or more characters, where each character \n represents a particular permission.\n Perm Description\n a Administrator permission.\n r Read permission. Consists of e, l, q, and v permissions.\n w Write permission. Consists of c, d, o, and s permissions.\n x Execute permission.\n c Refresh permission.\n d Define and delete permission.\n e Event permission.\n l Enumerate permission.\n o Online, offline, and reset permission.\n q Query permission.\n s Set permission.\n v Validate permission.\n 0 No access.\n' EMsgMklpcmdNameMissing 4 2 '%1$s: 2667-530 The name of the LP command cannot be blank.\n'