IMsgCUcliDisplayEnv 1 1 '\n2640-001 Environment Variables being used are: %1$s\n' EMsgCUcliImproperUsageFlag 2 1 '%1$s: 2640-001 Not a recognized flag: %2$s\n' EMsgCUcliImproperUsageOperand 3 1 '%1$s: 2640-002 Not a recognized operand: %2$s\n' EMsgCUcliImproperUsageCombination 4 1 '%1$s: 2640-003 The combination of %2$s and %3$s is not allowed\n' EMsgCUcliUtilCommandFailure 5 1 '%1$s: 2640-004 Unexpected Cluster Utility error issuing the command %2$s produced a return code of %3$s.\n'