ImsgctscfgHelpMsg 1 2 '%1$s: Lists and modifies the contents of the security subsystem\nconfiguration file. The revised configuration file is recorded to the file\n/var/ct/cfg/ctsec.cfg. If this file already exists, the previous version of\nthe file is recorded to the file /var/ct/cfg/ctsec.cfg.bak if there is\nsufficient space to create this file.\nUsage:\n\tctscfg -h\n\tctscfg -l\n\tctscfg -a -p -c -n -o \n\t [-f ] [-l]\n\tctscfg -d { -c | -n } [-l]\n\tctscfg -u -p { -c | -n } [-l]\n' ImsgctscfgHelpDtl 2 2 'Parameters:\n\t-a\tAdds a new configuration entry for a new security\n\t \tmechanism pluggable module (MPM) to the security subsystem\n\t \tconfiguration. This option requires the -c, -n, -o, and -p\n\t \toptions.\n\t-c\tSpecifies the code to be used by the security subsystem to\n\t \treference this mechanism pluggable module. The argument to\n\t \tthis option must be expressed as a hexadecimal value in the\n\t \tform of \"0x\" [example: \"0x1a\" or \"0x9F\"]\n\t-d\tRemoves an existing entry for a security mechanism pluggable\n\t \tmodule (MPM) from the security subsystem configuration. The\n\t \t-c or the -n option must be specified to indicate which entry\n\t \tis to be removed.\n\t-f\tSpecifies the flags required by the security subsystem to\n\t \tproperly load and execute the security mechanism pluggable\n\t \tmodule (MPM). The flags must be specified with no intervening\n\t \twhite space [example: \"-f izu\"].\n\t-h\tDisplays the usage information for this command.\n\t-l\tLists the contents of the currently active security subsystem\n\t \tconfiguration file. If this option is specified with the -a,\n\t \t-d, or -u options, the resulting configuration is listed.\n\t-n\tSpecifies the mnemonic to be used for the security mechanism\n\t \tpluggable module (MPM). The mnemonic should be a short\n\t \tstring value [ex: \"-c mymech\"].\n\t-o\tSpecifies the location of the security mechanism pluggable\n\t \tmodule (MPM). The MPM must exist as a file. If a symbolic\n\t \tlink is used, the symbolic link must reference an existing\n\t \tfile. The path must be expressed as an absolute path\n\t \t[ex: \"-o /usr/lib/mymech\"].\n\t-p\tSpecifies the priority associated with this security mechanism\n\t \tpluggable module (MPM). Lower values have a higher priority.\n\t \tPriority values need not be consecutive, but no two MPMs may\n\t \tshare the same priority. Negative values and a zero value\n\t \tare not permitted for a priority.\n\t-u\tUpdates the priority associated with an existing security\n\t\tmechanism pluggable module (MPM) in the security subsystem\n\t\tconfiguration. This option requires the -p option and either\n\t\tthe -n option or the -c option.\nNotes:\n\tThis command permits the user to create an empty security subsystem\n\tconfiguration, where no security mechanism pluggable modules are\n\tconfigured. In this configuration, all parties are are to be\n\tconsidered not authentic.\n' ImsgctscfgOutHdr 3 2 'Priority\tMnemonic\tCode\tPath\tFlags\n' ImsgctscfgEmptyCfg 4 2 'Attention: The security subsystem configuration does not have any security\nmechanism pluggable modules (MPM) active. This will cause the security\nsubsystem to not consider any users authentic. If this is not the desired\nbehavior, run the %1$s utility with the \"-a\" option to activate at \nleast one security mechanism pluggable module.\n' EmsgctscfgMissingCmd 5 2 '2650-280 %1$s: One of the following required system commands cannot be\nfound in the execution path. Verify that the following commands are\navailable and can be loacted in a directory listed by the PATH environment\nvariable:\n%2$s\n' EMsgctscfgDefCfgEmpty 6 2 '2650-281 %1$s: The default configuration file is either missing or empty.\nThis condition can cause failures or unexpected results from the security\nsubsystem.\nDefault configuration file name: %2$s\nExtract this file from the RSCT software installation media and replace this\nfile on the system.\n' EMsgctscfgCfgEmpty 7 2 '2650-282 %1$s: The configuration file is empty.\nThis condition can cause failures or unexpected results from the security\nsubsystem.\nConfiguration file name: %2$s\nRemove this file from the system, then execute the %1$s command to\nreconstruct the file.\n' EmsgctscfgDefReadCfg 8 2 '2650-283 %1$s: The default configuration file could not be read into memory.\nThis condition can cause failures or unexpected results from the security\nsubsystem.\nDefault configuration file name: %2$s\nEnsure that this file permissions allow the file to be read by this user.\nExtract this file from the RSCT software installation media and replace this\nfile on the system.\n' EMsgctscfgReadCfg 9 2 '2650-284 %1$s: The configuration file could not be read into memory.\nThis condition can cause failures or unexpected results from the security\nsubsystem.\nConfiguration file name: %2$s\nRemove this file from the system, then execute the %1$s command to\nreconstruct the file.\n' EmsgctscfgDefCfgCorrupt 10 2 '2650-285 %1$s: The default configuration file appears to be corrupted.\nAt least one entry within this file is missing a required data field, or the\ninformation for the required data field is not valid. This condition can\ncause failures or unexpected results from the security subsystem.\nDefault configuration file name: %2$s\nExtract this file from the RSCT software installation media and replace this\nfile on the system.\n' EmsgctscfgCfgCorrupt 11 2 '2650-286 %1$s: The configuration file appears to be corrupted.\nAt least one entry within this file is missing a required data field, or the\ninformation for the required data field is not valid. This condition can\ncause failures or unexpected results from the security subsystem.\nConfiguration file name: %2$s\nExtract this file from the RSCT software installation media and replace this\nfile on the system.\n' EmsgctscfgRepeatOpt 12 2 '2650-287 %1$s: Only one instance of the \"-%2$s\" option\nis allowed.\n' EmsgctscfgMissingArg 13 2 '2650-288 %1$s: The option \"-%2$s\" requires an argument.\n' EmsgctscfgUnsuptOpt 14 2 '2650-289 %1$s: The option \"%2$s\" is not supported.\n' EmsgctscfgReqdOpt 15 2 '2650-290 %1$s: A required option is missing.\n' EmsgctscfgMutExclOpt 16 2 '2650-291 %1$s: The options \"-%2$s\" and \"-%3$s\" cannot be used together.\n' EmsgctscfgBadMpmCode 17 2 '2650-292 %1$s: The code value specified with the \"-c\" option is not provided\nin hexadecimal format. This value must begin with the value \"0x\" and\ncontain only hexadecimal digits [example: \"0x1a\" or \"0x9F\"].\nCode value specified by the \"-c\" option: %2$s.\n' EmsgctscfgBadMpmPath 18 2 '2650-293 %1$s: The path name specified with the \"-o\" option is not an absolute\npath, or it does not reference an existing file. The file must exist, the\nfile must have a size greater than zero bytes, and the path name must begin\nwith the \"/\" character [ex: /usr/lib/mpmname].\nPath specified by the \"-o\" option: %2$s.\n' EmsgctscfgMissingOpts 19 2 '2650-294 %1$s: One or more of the following options are required:\n%2$s\n' EmsgctscfgUsrPerm 20 2 '2650-295 %1$s: The user does not have permission to alter the security\nsubsystem configuration. To alter the configuration, the user must be the\nsystem superuser or the owner of the configuration file. This user must\nalso have permission to write to the %2$s directory. Verify that the\ncorrect user has issued this command.\nConfiguration file name: %3$s\n' EmsgctscfgInternalErr 21 2 '2650-296 %1$s: An unexpected failure occurred. Contact the security software\nservice provider and report this failure.\n' EmsgctscfgCodeNameDif 22 2 '2650-297 %1$s: The code value specified with the \"-c\" option and the mnemonic\nspecified with the \"-n\" option do not reference the same security mechanism\npluggable module. Ensure that the correct arguments were specified for these\noptions. Use the \"-l\" option to view the available security mechanism\npluggable module information.\nCode value specified by the \"-c\" option: %2$s\nMnemonic specified by the \"-n\" option: %3$s\n' EmsgctscfgNoMpmExist 23 2 '2650-298 %1$s: No security mechanism pluggable module was detected in the\nconfiguration file for the specified mechanism code or mnemonic. Verify\nthat the correct information was provided to this command. Use the \"-l\"\noption to view the available security mechanism pluggable module information.\n' EmsgctscfgMpmExist 24 2 '2650-299 %1$s: A security mechanism pluggable module was detected in the\nconfiguration file for the specified mechanism code or mnemonic. Verify\nthat the correct information was provided to this command. Use the \"-l\"\noption to view the available security mechanism pluggable module information.\n' EmsgctscfgCodeNameFound 25 2 '2650-300 %1$s: The code value specified with the \"-c\" option or the mnemonic\nspecified with the \"-n\" option references an existing security mechanism\npluggable module. Ensure that the correct arguments were specified for these\noptions. Use the \"-l\" option to view the available security mechanism\npluggable module information.\nCode value specified by the \"-c\" option: %2$s\nMnemonic specified by the \"-n\" option: %3$s\n'