wpar_log_err Subroutine


Logs an error message for a specific WPAR.




#include <wpars/wparlog.h>
int wpar_log_err(
kcid, cat_file_name,
msg_set_no, msg_no,
default_fmt_msg, ...)
cid_t kcid;
char * cat_file_name;
unsigned int msg_set_no;
unsigned int msg_no;
char * default_fmt_msg;


The wpar_log_err interface provides a mechanism to log error messages for a given WPAR. Each WPAR can hold up to 1 KB of error message. If there is enough space to log the new message, the command logs the message otherwise it fails. When called from a process inside the WPAR, the kcid parameter should match the CID of that WPAR. Otherwise the routine will report failure.


Item Description
kcid CID of the WPAR. The CID can be obtained from the WPAR name using the getcorralid and corral_getcid system calls.
cat_file_name Catalog file name to be used for translation
msg_set_no Message sets the number of the error messages in the catalog file
msg_no Message number of the error message
default_fmt_msg <Need description>
Arguments to the message if any

Return Values

Item Description
0 Successful completion
-1 Failure

Error codes

Item Description
ENOMEM Not enough memory
EPERM No permission to log message into the specified WPAR
EINVAL Invalid parameter


/*Log a error message into WPAR with cid 4.*/
wpar_log_err(4, “wparerrs.cat”,1,10,”%s : command failed”, “mycommand”);