trcstop Subroutine
Stops a trace session.
Runtime Services Library (librts.a)
# include <sys/trcmacros.h>
# define TRCSTOP SERIAL 0x40000000
# define TRCSTOP DISCARDBUFS 0x20000000
int trcstop( Channel)
int Channel;
# define TRCSTOP SERIAL 0x40000000
# define TRCSTOP DISCARDBUFS 0x20000000
int trcstop( Channel)
int Channel;
The trcstop subroutine stops a trace session for a particular trace channel.
Item | Description |
Channel | Specifies one of eight trace channels. Channel number 0 always refers to the Event/Performance trace. Channel numbers 1 through 7 specify generic trace channels. |
Serial (TRCSTOP SERIAL) | If the channel is ORed with the Serial flag, then the trcstop subroutine serializes the trace I/O operations from multiple processor buffers into the trace file. The Serial flag is applicable for all modes of tracing. This flag is mutually exclusive with the discard_buff flag. |
discard_buff (TRCSTOP DISCARDBUFF0) | To set this option, the user needs to OR the discard_buff flag with the channel option. When invoked, the trcstop subroutine discards any captured trace buffers pending I/O operation. If trace buffers have already been written into file, then the discard_buff flag is ignored. This flag is mutually exclusive with the serial flag. |
Return Values
Item | Description |
0 | The trace session was stopped successfully. |
-1 | The trace session did not stop. |