tigetstr Routine


Returns the value of a terminal's string capability.


Curses Library (libcurses.a)


#include <curses.h>
#include <term.h>
tigetstr( Capname)
register char *Capname;


The tigetstr subroutine returns the value of terminal's string capability. Use this subroutine to get a capability for the current terminal pointed to by cur_term. When successful, this subroutine returns the current value of the capability specified by the Capname parameter. Otherwise, if it is not a string value, this subroutine returns (char*) -1.

Note: The tigetstr subroutine is a low-level routine. Use this subroutine only if your application must deal directly with the terminfo database to handle certain terminal capabilities (for example, programming function keys).


Item Description
Capname Identifies the terminal capability to check.


To determine if "turn on soft labels" is a defined string capability for the current terminal, do the following:

char *rc;
rc = tigetstr("smln"); 

Return Values

Upon successful completion, the tigetstr subroutine returns the value of terminal's string capability.

Item Description
(char *)-1 Indicates the value specified by the Capname parameter is not a string.


Item Description
/usr/include/curses.h Contains C language subroutines and define statements for curses.