pm_get_data_mythread, pm_get_tdata_mythread or pm_get_Tdata_mythread Subroutine
Returns Performance Monitor data for the calling thread.
Performance Monitor APIs Library (libpmapi.a)
#include <pmapi.h>
int pm_get_data_mythread (*pmdata)
pm_data_t *pmdata;
int pm_get_tdata_mythread (*pmdata, *time)
pm_data_t *pmdata;
timebasestruct_t *time;
int pm_get_Tdata_mythread (pmdata, * times)
pm_data_t *pmdata;
pm_accu_time_t *times;
The pm_get_data_mythread subroutine retrieves the current Performance Monitor data for the calling kernel thread.
The pm_get_tdata_mythread subroutine retrieves the current Performance Monitor data for the calling kernel thread, and a timestamp indicating the last time the hardware counters were read.
The pm_get_Tdata_mythread subroutine retrieves the current Performance Monitor data for the calling kernel thread, and the accumulated time (timebase, PURR time and SPURR time) the events were counted.
The Performance Monitor data is always a set (one per hardware counter on the machine used) of 64-bit values.
Item | Description |
*pmdata | Pointer to a structure to contain the returned Performance Monitor data for the calling kernel thread. |
*time | Pointer to a structure containing the timebase value the last time the hardware Performance Monitoring counters were read. This can be converted to time using the time_base_to_time subroutine. |
*times | Pointer to a structure containing the accumulated time (timebase, PURR time and SPURR time) the events were counted. Each time counter can be converted to time using the time_base_to_time subroutine. |
Return Values
Item | Description |
0 | No errors occurred. |
Positive error code | Refer to the pm_error Subroutine to decode the error code. |
Error Codes
Refer to the pm_error Subroutine.
Item | Description |
/usr/include/pmapi.h | Defines standard macros, data types, and subroutines. |