MIO_ffinfo Subroutine
Return file information through the MIO library.
Modular I/O library (libmio.a)
#include <libmio.h>
int MIO_ffinfo (FileDescriptor, Command, Buffer, Length)
int FileDescriptor;
int Command;
struct diocapbuf *Buffer;
int Length;
This subroutine is an entry point of the MIO library. Use this subroutine to instrument your application with the MIO library. You can replace the ffinfo kernel I/O subroutine with this equivalent MIO subroutine. See the Modular I/O in Performance management for MIO library implementation.
Use this subroutine to obtain specific file information for the open file referenced by the FileDescriptor parameter. The FileDescriptor parameter results from the MIO_open64 subroutine.
The parameters are those of the corresponding standard POSIX system call ffinfo.
Return Values
The return values are those of the corresponding standard POSIX system call ffinfo.
Error Codes
The error codes are those of the corresponding standard POSIX system call ffinfo.