LAPI_Qenv Subroutine


Used to query LAPI for runtime task information.


Availability Library (liblapi_r.a)

C Syntax

#include <lapif.h>
int LAPI_Qenv(hndl, query, ret_val)
lapi_handle_t  hndl;
lapi_query_t   query;
int           *ret_val; /* ret_val's type varies (see Additional query types) */


include 'lapif.h'
LAPI_QENV(hndl, query, ret_val, ierror)
INTEGER ret_val /* ret_val's type varies (see Additional query types) */
INTEGER ierror


Type of call: local queries

Use this subroutine to query runtime settings and statistics from LAPI. LAPI defines a set of query types as an enumeration in lapi.h for C and explicitly in the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of lapif.h for FORTRAN.

For example, you can query the size of the table that LAPI uses for the LAPI_Addr_set subroutine using a query value of LOC_ADDRTBL_SZ:
LAPI_Qenv(hndl, LOC_ADDRTBL_SZ, &ret_val);
ret_val will contain the upper bound on the table index. A subsequent call to LAPI_Addr_set (hndl, addr, addr_hndl); could then ensure that the value of addr_hndl is between 0 and ret_val.

When used to show the size of a parameter, a comparison of values, or a range of values, valid values for the query parameter of the LAPI_Qenv subroutine appear in SMALL, BOLD capital letters. For example:

is a shorthand notation for:
LAPI_Qenv(hndl, NUM_TASKS, ret_val)

In C, lapi_query_t defines the valid types of LAPI queries:

typedef enum {
        TASK_ID=0,      /* Query the task ID of the current task in the job        */
        NUM_TASKS,      /* Query the number of tasks in the job                    */
        MAX_UHDR_SZ,    /* Query the maximum user header size for active messaging */
        MAX_DATA_SZ,    /* Query the maximum data length that can be sent          */
        ERROR_CHK,      /* Query and set parameter checking on (1) or off (0)      */
        TIMEOUT,        /* Query and set the current communication timeout setting */ 
                        /* in seconds                                              */
        MIN_TIMEOUT, /* Query the minimum communication timeout setting in seconds */ 
        MAX_TIMEOUT, /* Query the maximum communication timeout setting in seconds */ 
        INTERRUPT_SET,  /* Query and set interrupt mode on (1) or off (0)          */
        MAX_PORTS,    /* Query the maximum number of available communication ports */
        MAX_PKT_SZ,     /* This is the payload size of 1 packet                    */
        NUM_REX_BUFS,   /* Number of retransmission buffers                        */
        REX_BUF_SZ,     /* Size of each retransmission buffer in bytes             */
        LOC_ADDRTBL_SZ, /* Size of address store table used by LAPI_Addr_set       */
        EPOCH_NUM,      /* No longer used by LAPI (supports legacy code)           */
        USE_THRESH,     /* No longer used by LAPI (supports legacy code)           */
        RCV_FIFO_SIZE,  /* No longer used by LAPI (supports legacy code)           */
        MAX_ATOM_SIZE,/* Query the maximum atom size for a DGSP accumulate transfer*/
        BUF_CP_SIZE, /* Query the size of the message buffer to save (default 128b)*/
        MAX_PKTS_OUT,   /* Query the maximum number of messages outstanding /      */ 
                        /* destination                                             */
        ACK_THRESHOLD,  /* Query and set the threshold of acknowledgments going    */ 
                        /* back to the source                                      */
        QUERY_SHM_ENABLED,    /* Query to see if shared memory is enabled          */
        QUERY_SHM_NUM_TASKS,  /* Query to get the number of tasks that use shared  */ 
                              /* memory                                            */
        QUERY_SHM_TASKS,  /* Query to get the list of task IDs that make up shared */
                          /* memory; pass in an array of size QUERY_SHM_NUM_TASKS  */
        QUERY_STATISTICS,    /* Query to get packet statistics from LAPI, as       */
                             /* defined by the lapi_statistics_t structure. For    */
                             /* this query, pass in 'lapi_statistics_t *' rather   */
                             /* than 'int *ret_val'; otherwise, the data will      */
                             /* overflow the buffer.                               */
        PRINT_STATISTICS,    /* Query debug print function to print out statistics */
        QUERY_SHM_STATISTICS,/* Similar query as QUERY_STATISTICS for shared       */
                             /* memory path.                                       */
        QUERY_LOCAL_SEND_STATISTICS ,/* Similar query as QUERY_STATISTICS          */
                                     /* for local copy path.                       */
        BULK_XFER, /* Query to see if bulk transfer is enabled (1) or disabled (0) */
        BULK_MIN_MSG_SIZE, /* Query the current bulk transfer minimum message size */  
} lapi_query_t;

typedef struct {
      	lapi_long_t Tot_dup_pkt_cnt;     /* Total duplicate packet count  */
      	lapi_long_t Tot_retrans_pkt_cnt; /* Total retransmit packet count */
      	lapi_long_t Tot_gho_pkt_cnt;     /* Total Ghost packet count      */
      	lapi_long_t Tot_pkt_sent_cnt;    /* Total packet sent count       */
      	lapi_long_t Tot_pkt_recv_cnt;    /* Total packet receive count    */
      	lapi_long_t Tot_data_sent;       /* Total data sent               */
      	lapi_long_t Tot_data_recv;       /* Total data receive            */
      } lapi_statistics_t;
In FORTRAN, the valid types of LAPI queries are defined in lapif.h as follows:

      integer LAST_QUERY
      parameter (TASK_ID=0,NUM_TASKS=1,MAX_UHDR_SZ=2,MAX_DATA_SZ=3)
      parameter (ERROR_CHK=4,TIMEOUT=5,MIN_TIMEOUT=6)
      parameter (MAX_PKT_SZ=10,NUM_REX_BUFS=11,REX_BUF_SZ=12)
      parameter (LOC_ADDRTBL_SZ=13,EPOCH_NUM=14,USE_THRESH=15)
      parameter (RCV_FIFO_SIZE=16,MAX_ATOM_SIZE=17,BUF_CP_SIZE=18)
      parameter (MAX_PKTS_OUT=19,ACK_THRESHOLD=20)
      parameter (QUERY_SHM_TASKS=23,QUERY_STATISTICS=24)
      parameter (PRINT_STATISTICS=25)
      parameter (BULK_XFER=28,BULK_MIN_MSG_SIZE=29)
      parameter (LAST_QUERY=30)

Additional query types

LAPI provides additional query types for which the behavior of LAPI_Qenv is slightly different:
When passed this query type, LAPI sends data transfer statistics to standard output. In this case, ret_val is unaffected. However, LAPI's error checking requires that the value of ret_val is not NULL (in C) or LAPI_ADDR_NULL (in FORTRAN) for all LAPI_Qenv types (including PRINT_STATISTICS).
When passed this query type, LAPI_Qenv interprets ret_val as a pointer to type lapi_statistics_t. Upon function return, the fields of the structure contain LAPI's data transfer statistics for data transferred through intra-task local copy. The packet count will be 0.
When passed this query type, LAPI_Qenv interprets ret_val as a pointer to type lapi_statistics_t. Upon function return, the fields of the structure contain LAPI's data transfer statistics for data transferred through shared memory.
When passed this query type, LAPI_Qenv returns a list of task IDs with which this task can communicate using shared memory. ret_val must be an int * with enough space to hold NUM_TASKS integers. For each task i, if it is possible to use shared memory, ret_val[i] will contain the shared memory task ID. If it is not possible to use shared memory, ret_val[i] will contain -1.
When passed this query type, LAPI_Qenv interprets ret_val as a pointer to type lapi_statistics_t. Upon function return, the fields of the structure contain LAPI's data transfer statistics for data transferred using the user space (US) protocol or UDP/IP.


Specifies the LAPI handle.
Specifies the type of query you want to request. In C, the values for query are defined by the lapi_query_t enumeration in lapi.h. In FORTRAN, these values are defined explicitly in the 32-bit version and the 64-bit version of lapif.h.
Specifies the reference parameter for LAPI to store as the result of the query. The value of this parameter cannot be NULL (in C) or LAPI_ADDR_NULL (in FORTRAN).
Specifies a FORTRAN return code. This is always the last parameter.

Return values

Indicates that the function call completed successfully.
Indicates that the hndl passed in is not valid (not initialized or in terminated state).
Indicates that the query passed in is not valid.
Indicates that the value of the ret_val pointer is NULL (in C) or that the value of ret_val is LAPI_ADDR_NULL (in FORTRAN).

C Examples

To query runtime values from LAPI:
    int               task_id;
    lapi_statistics_t stats;
    LAPI_Qenv(hndl, TASK_ID, &task_id);
    /* task_id now contains the task ID */ 	
    LAPI_Qenv(hndl, QUERY_STATISTICS, (int *)&stats);
    /* the fields of the stats structure are now 
       filled in with runtime values */ 	



Related Information

Subroutines: LAPI_Amsend, LAPI_Get, LAPI_Put, LAPI_Senv, LAPI_Xfer