LAPI_Amsend Subroutine
Transfers a user message to a remote task, obtaining the target address on the remote task from a user-specified header handler.
Availability Library (liblapi_r.a)
C Syntax
#include <lapi.h>
typedef void (compl_hndlr_t) (hndl, user_info);
lapi_handle_t *hndl; /* pointer to LAPI context passed in from LAPI_Amsend */
void *user_info; /* buffer (user_info) pointer passed in */
/* from header handler (void *(hdr_hndlr_t)) */
typedef void *(hdr_hndlr_t)(hndl, uhdr, uhdr_len, msg_len, comp_h, user_info);
lapi_handle_t *hndl; /* pointer to LAPI context passed in from LAPI_Amsend */
void *uhdr; /* uhdr passed in from LAPI_Amsend */
uint *uhdr_len; /* uhdr_len passed in from LAPI_Amsend */
ulong *msg_len; /* udata_len passed in fom LAPI_Amsend */
compl_hndlr_t **comp_h; /* function address of completion handler */
/* (void (compl_hndlr_t)) that needs to be filled */
/* out by this header handler function. */
void **user_info; /* pointer to the parameter to be passed */
/* in to the completion handler */
int LAPI_Amsend(hndl, tgt, hdr_hdl, uhdr, uhdr_len, udata, udata_len,
tgt_cntr, org_cntr, cmpl_cntr)
lapi_handle_t hndl;
uint tgt;
void *hdr_hdl;
void *uhdr;
uint uhdr_len;
void *udata;
ulong udata_len;
lapi_cntr_t *tgt_cntr;
lapi_cntr_t *org_cntr;
lapi_cntr_t *cmpl_cntr;
include 'lapif.h'
INTEGER user_info
INTEGER FUNCTION HDR_HDL (hndl, uhdr, uhdr_len, msg_len, comp_h, user_info)
INTEGER uhdr_len
TYPE (LAPI_ADDR_T) :: user_info
LAPI_AMSEND(hndl, tgt, hdr_hdl, uhdr, uhdr_len, udata, udata_len,
tgt_cntr, org_cntr, cmpl_cntr, ierror)
INTEGER uhdr_len
TYPE (LAPI_ADDR_T) :: udata
TYPE (LAPI_CNTR_T) :: org_cntr
TYPE (LAPI_CNTR_T) :: cmpl_cntr
INTEGER ierror
Type of call: point-to-point communication (non-blocking)
Use this subroutine to transfer data to a target task, where it is desirable to run a handler on the target task before message delivery begins or after delivery completes. LAPI_Amsend allows the user to provide a header handler and optional completion handler. The header handler is used to specify the target buffer address for writing the data, eliminating the need to know the address on the origin task when the subroutine is called.
User data (uhdr and udata) are sent to the target task. Once these buffers are no longer needed on the origin task, the origin counter is incremented, which indicates the availability of origin buffers for modification. Using the LAPI_Xfer call with the LAPI_AM_XFER type provides the same type of transfer, with the option of using a send completion handler instead of the origin counter to specify buffer availability.
Upon arrival of the first data packet at the target, the user's header handler is invoked. Note that a header handler must be supplied by the user because it returns the base address of the buffer in which LAPI will write the data sent from the origin task (udata). See RSCT for AIX 5L: LAPI Programming Guide for an optimization exception to this requirement that a buffer address be supplied to LAPI for single-packet messages.
The header handler also provides additional information to LAPI about the message delivery, such as the completion handler. LAPI_Amsend and similar calls (such as LAPI_Amsendv and corresponding LAPI_Xfer transfers) also allow the user to specify their own message header information, which is available to the header handler. The user may also specify a completion handler parameter from within the header handler. LAPI will pass the information to the completion handler at execution.
Note that the header handler is run inline by the thread running the LAPI dispatcher. For this reason, the header handler must be non-blocking because no other progress on messages will be made until it returns. It is also suggested that execution of the header handler be simple and quick. The completion handler, on the other hand, is normally enqueued for execution by a separate thread. It is possible to request that the completion handler be run inline. See RSCT for AIX 5L: LAPI Programming Guide for more information on inline completion handlers.
If a completion handler was not specified (that is, set to LAPI_ADDR_NULL in FORTRAN or its pointer set to NULL in C), the arrival of the final packet causes LAPI to increment the target counter on the remote task and send an internal message back to the origin task. The message causes the completion counter (if it is not NULL in C or LAPI_ADDR_NULL in FORTRAN) to increment on the origin task.
If a completion handler was specified, the above steps take place after the completion handler returns. To guarantee that the completion handler has executed on the target, you must wait on the completion counter. See RSCT for AIX 5L: LAPI Programming Guide for a time-sequence diagram of events in a LAPI_Amsend call.
User details
void *hdr_hndlr(lapi_handle_t *hndl, void *uhdr, uint *uhdr_len, ulong *msg_len,
compl_hndlr_t **cmpl_hndlr, void **user_info);
value returned by the header handler is interpreted by LAPI as an
address for writing the user data (udata)
that was passed to the LAPI_Amsend call.
The uhdr and uhdr_len parameters
are passed by LAPI into the header handler and contain the information
passed by the user to the corresponding parameters of the LAPI_Amsend call.Use of LAPI_Addr_set
Remote addresses are commonly exchanged by issuing a collective LAPI_Address_init call within a few steps of initializing LAPI. LAPI also provides the LAPI_Addr_set mechanism, whereby users can register one or more header handler addresses in a table, associating an index value with each address. This index can then be passed to LAPI_Amsend instead of an actual address. On the target side, LAPI will use the index to get the header handler address. Note that, if all tasks use the same index for their header handler, the initial collective communication can be avoided. Each task simply registers its own header handler address using the well-known index. Then, on any LAPI_Amsend calls, the reserved index can be passed to the header handler address parameter.
Role of the header handler
The user optionally returns the address of a completion handler function through the cmpl_hndlr parameter and a completion handler parameter through the user_info parameter. The address passed through the user_info parameter can refer to memory containing a datatype defined by the user and then cast to the appropriate type from within the completion handler if desired.
typedef void (compl_hndlr_t)(lapi_handle_t *hndl, void *completion_param);
argument returned by reference through the user_info member
of the user's header handler will be passed to the completion_param argument
of the user's completion handler. See the C Examples for an
example of setting the completion handler and parameter in the header
handler.As mentioned above, the value returned by the header handler must be an address for writing the user data sent from the origin task. There is one exception to this rule. In the case of a single-packet message, LAPI passes the address of the packet in the receive FIFO, allowing the entire message to be consumed within the header handler. In this case, the header handler should return NULL (in C) or LAPI_ADDR_NULL (in FORTRAN) so that LAPI does not copy the message to a target buffer. See RSCT for AIX 5L: LAPI Programming Guide for more information (including a sample header handler that uses this method for fast retrieval of a single-packet message).
Passing additional information through lapi_return_info_t
LAPI allows additional information to be passed to and returned from the header handler by passing a pointer to lapi_return_info_t through the msg_len argument. On return from a header handler that is invoked by a call to LAPI_Amsend, the ret_flags member of lapi_return_info_t can contain one of these values: LAPI_NORMAL (the default), LAPI_SEND_REPLY (to run the completion handler inline), or LAPI_LOCAL_STATE (no reply is sent). The dgsp_handle member of lapi_return_info_t should not be used in conjunction with LAPI_Amsend.
For a complete description of the lapi_return_info_t type, see RSCT for AIX 5L: LAPI Programming Guide
Inline execution of completion handlers
Under normal operation, LAPI uses a separate thread for executing user completion handlers. After the final packet arrives, completion handler pointers are placed in a queue to be handled by this thread. For performance reasons, the user may request that a given completion handler be run inline instead of being placed on this queue behind other completion handlers. This mechanism gives users a greater degree of control in prioritizing completion handler execution for performance-critical messages.
LAPI places no restrictions on completion handlers that are run "normally" (that is, by the completion handler thread). Inline completion handlers should be short and should not block, because no progress can be made while the main thread is executing the handler. The user must use caution with inline completion handlers so that LAPI's internal queues do not fill up while waiting for the handler to complete. I/O operations must not be performed with an inline completion handler.
- hndl
- Specifies the LAPI handle.
- tgt
- Specifies the task ID of the target task. The value of this parameter must be in the range 0 <= tgt < NUM_TASKS.
- hdr_hdl
- Specifies the pointer to the remote header handler function to be invoked at the target. The value of this parameter can take an address handle that has already been registered using LAPI_Addr_set. The value of this parameter cannot be NULL (in C) or LAPI_ADDR_NULL (in FORTRAN).
- uhdr
- Specifies the pointer to the user header data. This data will be passed to the user header handler on the target. If uhdr_len is 0, The value of this parameter can be NULL (in C) or LAPI_ADDR_NULL (in FORTRAN).
- uhdr_len
- Specifies the length of the user's header. The value of this parameter must be a multiple of the processor's word size in the range 0 <= uhdr_len <= MAX_UHDR_SZ.
- udata
- Specifies the pointer to the user data. If udata_len is 0, The value of this parameter can be NULL (in C) or LAPI_ADDR_NULL (in FORTRAN).
- udata_len
- Specifies the length of the user data in bytes. The value of this parameter must be in the range 0 <= udata_len <= the value of LAPI constant LAPI_MAX_MSG_SZ.
- tgt_cntr
- Specifies the target counter address. The target counter is incremented after the completion handler (if specified) completes or after the completion of data transfer. If the value of this parameter is NULL (in C) or LAPI_ADDR_NULL (in FORTRAN), the target counter is not updated.
- org_cntr
- Specifies the origin counter address (in C) or the origin counter (in FORTRAN). The origin counter is incremented after data is copied out of the origin address (in C) or the origin (in FORTRAN). If the value of this parameter is NULL (in C) or LAPI_ADDR_NULL (in FORTRAN), the origin counter is not updated.
- cmpl_cntr
- Specifies the counter at the origin that signifies completion of the completion handler. It is updated once the completion handler completes. If no completion handler is specified, the counter is incremented at the completion of message delivery. If the value of this parameter is NULL (in C) or LAPI_ADDR_NULL (in FORTRAN), the completion counter is not updated.
- ierror
- Specifies a FORTRAN return code. This is always the last parameter.
Return Values
- Indicates that the function call completed successfully.
- Indicates that the value of udata_len is greater than the value of LAPI constant LAPI_MAX_MSG_SZ.
- Indicates that the value of the hdr_hdl passed in is NULL (in C) or LAPI_ADDR_NULL (in FORTRAN).
- Indicates that the hndl passed in is not valid (not initialized or in terminated state).
- Indicates that the value of the udata parameter passed in is NULL (in C) or LAPI_ADDR_NULL (in FORTRAN), but the value of udata_len is greater than 0.
- Indicates that the tgt passed in is outside the range of tasks defined in the job.
- Indicates that the subroutine returned early because LAPI_Purge_totask() was called.
- Indicates that the uhdr_len value passed in is greater than MAX_UHDR_SZ or is not a multiple of the processor's doubleword size.
- Indicates that the uhdr passed in is NULL (in C) or LAPI_ADDR_NULL (in FORTRAN), but uhdr_len is not 0.
C Examples
/* header handler routine to execute on target task */
void *hdr_hndlr(lapi_handle_t *hndl, void *uhdr, uint *uhdr_len,
ulong *msg_len, compl_hndlr_t **cmpl_hndlr,
void **user_info)
/* set completion handler pointer and other information */
/* return base address for LAPI to begin its data copy */
lapi_handle_t hndl; /* the LAPI handle */
int task_id; /* the LAPI task ID */
int num_tasks; /* the total number of tasks */
void *hdr_hndlr_list[NUM_TASKS]; /* the table of remote header handlers */
int buddy; /* the communication partner */
lapi_cntr_t cmpl_cntr; /* the completion counter */
int data_buffer[DATA_LEN]; /* the data to transfer */
/* retrieve header handler addresses */
LAPI_Address_init(hndl, (void *)&hdr_hndlr, hdr_hndlr_list);
** up to this point, all instructions have executed on all
** tasks. we now begin differentiating tasks.
if ( sender ) { /* origin task */
/* initialize data buffer, cmpl_cntr, etc. */
/* synchronize before starting data transfer */
LAPI_Amsend(hndl, buddy, (void *)hdr_hndlr_list[buddy], NULL,
NULL, NULL, cmpl_cntr);
/* Wait on completion counter before continuing. Completion */
/* counter will update when message completes at target. */
} else { /* receiver */
/* to match the origin's synchronization before data transfer */
For a complete program listing, see RSCT for AIX 5L: LAPI Programming Guide. Sample code illustrating the LAPI_Amsend call can be found in the LAPI sample files. See RSCT for AIX 5L: LAPI Programming Guide for more information about the sample programs that are shipped with LAPI.
- /usr/lib/liblapi_r.a