ras_ret_query_parms Kernel Service


Returns callback parameters in the ras_query_parms structure.


#include <sys/ras.h>
kerrno_t ras_ret_query_parms (retp, fmtstr, numstrings, descr)
ras_query_parms_t *retp;
char *fmtstr;
int numstrings;
char *descr[];


Item Description
retp Points to the ras_query_parms_t data item to be filled in.
fmtstr This is a format specifier. It has the following form:
kywd=spec-list kywd=spec-list ... 
Where the spec-list variable is of the form: spec,spec,... . Thespec variable must be %x, %xx, %d, %dd, %s, or %ss. If the characters x, d, or s are doubled, for example, %xx, this indicates that multiple values are allowed.

The following are some valid fmtstr values:

One hexidecimal value.
One hexadecimal and one decimal value.
Multiple hexadecimal values.
k1=%x,%d k2=%dd
Keyword k1 takes one hexadecimal value and one decimal value. Keyword k2 takes multiple decimal values.
numstrings Specifies the number of strings in the descr string array. The value must be at least 1.
descr Specifies the component and parameters. There must be at least one string. The first string describes the component's function. If the component takes positional parameters, the following string(s) describe those. If keyword parameters are supplied, each keyword must have a corresponding descr string in the array describing that keyword.

The ras_ret_query_parms kernel service does not return an error if the number of the descr strings does not match the format string. Instead, either the last keywords do not have help text, or the excess help strings are simply displayed.


The ras_ret_query_parms kernel service can be used by a callback to aid in filling in the ras_query_parms_t structure when it receives the RASC_QUERY_PARMS call. This function formats the help text and places it into the ras_query_parms_t structure. If there is insufficient space for the help text in the provided ras_query_parms_t item, it returns ENOMEM_RASC_CONTROL_QUERYPARMS. The callback then just returns this error code.

The help text provided must follow the following conventions:
component - first line of description
component:parameters - parameter(s) description
component - first line of description
component:kywd1=parms - kywd1:parms description
component:kywd2=parms - kywd2:parms description

Execution Environment

The ras_ret_query_parms kernel service can be called from the process environment only.

Return Values

Item Description
0 Indicates a successful completion.
EINVAL_RAS_CONTROL_QUERYPARMS Indicates that one or more parameters was not valid.
EFAULT_RAS_CONTROL_QUERYPARMS Indicates that one or more parameter addresses was not valid.
ENOMEM_RAS_CONTROL_QUERYPARMS Indicates that the rqp_text size was not large enough.