probe or kprobe Kernel Service
Logs errors with symptom strings.
Library (for probe)
Run-time Services Library.
int kprobe (probe_p)
probe_t *probe_p
The probe subroutine logs an entry to the error log. The entry consists of an error log entry as defined in the errlog subroutine and the err_rec.h header file, and a symptom string.
The probe subroutine is called from an application, while kprobe is called from the Kernel and Kernel extensions. Both probe and kprobe have the same interfaces, except for return codes.
IBM® software should use the sys/sysprobe.h header file while non-IBM programs should include the sys/probe.h file. This is because IBM symptom strings must conform to different rules than non-IBM strings. It also tells any electronic support application whether or not to route the symptom string to IBM's Retain database.
Item | Description |
probe_p | is a pointer to the data structure which contains the pointer
and length of the error record, and the data for the probe. The error
record is described under the errlog subroutine and defined
in err_rec.h. The first word of the structure is a magic number to identify this version of the structure. The magic number should be set to PROBE_MAGIC. Note: PROBE_MAGIC is
different between probe.h and sysprobe.h to distinguish
an IBM symptom string
from a non-IBM string.
The probe data consists of flags which control probe handling, the number of symptom string keywords, followed by an array consisting of one element for each keyword. |
Item | Description |
SSNOSEND | indicates this symptom string shouldn't be forwarded to automatic problem opening facilities. An example where SSNOSEND should be used is in symptom data used for debugging purposes. |
nsskwd | This gives the number of keywords specified (i.e.), the number of elements in the sskwds array. |
sskwds | This is an array of keyword/value pairs. The keywords and
their values are in the following table. The I/S value indicates
whether the keyword and value are informational or are
part of the logged symptom string. The number in parenthesis indicates,
where applicable, the maximum string length.
If either the erecp or erecl fields in the probe_rec structure is 0 then no error logging record is being passed, and one of the default templates for symptom strings is used. The default template indicating a software error is used unless the SSKWD_SRN keyword is specified. If it is, the error is assumed to be a hardware error. If you don't want to log your own error with a symptom string, and you want to have a hardware error, and don't want to use the SSKWD_SRN value, then you can supply an error log record using the error identifier of ERRID_HARDWARE_SYMPTOM, see the /usr/include/sys/errids.h file.
Return Values for probe Subroutine
Item | Description |
0 | Successful |
-1 | Error. The errno variable is set to |
EINVAL | Indicates an invalid parameter |
EFAULT | Indicates an invalid address |
Return Values for kprobe Kernal Service
Item | Description |
0 | Successful |
EINVAL | Indicates an invalid parameter |
Execution Environment
probe is executed from the application environment.
kprobe is executed from the Kernel and Kernel extensions. Currently, kprobe must not be called with interrupts disabled.
Item | Description |
/usr/include/sys/probe.h | Contains parameter definition. |