krs_get_homesrad Subroutine


Gets the currently running thread's home SRADID (Scheduler Resource Allocation Domain Identifier).


Standard C library (libc.a)


#include <sys/rset.h>
sradid_t krs_get_homesrad(void)


The krs_get_homesrad is a kernel service and if the ENHANCED_AFFINITY services are enabled, the krs_get_homesrad subroutine returns the home SRADID of the currently running thread. If the ENHANCED_AFFINITY services are not enabled, the krs_get_homesrad subroutine returns SRADID_ANY. SRADID is the index of a RAD (Resource Allocation Domain) at the R_SRADSDL system detail level.

Return Values

If the ENHANCED_AFFINITY services are enabled, the home SRADID of the currently running thread is returned. Otherwise, SRADID_ANY is returned.