kmod_entrypt Kernel Service


Returns a function pointer to a kernel module's entry point.


#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <sys/ldr.h>
void (*(kmod_entrypt ( kmid,  flags)))( )
mid_t kmid;
uint flags;


Item Description
kmid Specifies the kernel module ID of the object file for which the entry point is requested. This parameter is the kernel module ID returned by the kmod_load kernel service.
flags Flag specifying entry point options. The following flag is defined:
Returns a function pointer to the specified module's entry point as specified in the module header.


The kmod_entrypt kernel service obtains a function pointer to a specified module's entry point. This function pointer is typically used to invoke a routine in the module for initializing or terminating its functions. Initialization and termination occurs after loading and before unloading. The module for which the entry point is requested is specified by the kernel module ID represented by the kmid parameter.

Execution Environment

The kmod_entrypt kernel service can be called from the process environment only.

Return Values

A nonnull function pointer indicates a successful completion. This function pointer contains the module's entry point. A null function pointer indicates an error.