i_clear Kernel Service


Removes an interrupt handler.


#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <sys/intr.h>
void i_clear ( handler)
struct intr *handler;


Item Description
handler Specifies the address of the interrupt handler structure passed to the i_init service.


The i_clear service removes the interrupt handler specified by the handler parameter from the set of interrupt handlers that the kernel knows about. "Coding an Interrupt Handler" in Kernel Extensions and Device Support Programming Concepts contains a brief description of interrupt handlers.

The i_mask service is called by the i_clear service to disable the interrupt handler's bus interrupt level when this is the last interrupt handler for the bus interrupt level. The i_clear service removes the interrupt handler structure from the list of interrupt handlers. The kernel maintains this list for that bus interrupt level.

Execution Environment

The i_clear kernel service can be called from the process environment only.

Return Values

The i_clear service has no return values.