hkeyset_restore_userkeys Kernel Service


Restores the previous user-memory access.


#include <sys/skeys.h>
kerrno_t hkeyset_restore_userkeys (oldset)
hkeyset_t oldset;


Item Description
oldset Specifies the previous hardware keyset returned by the hkeyset_update_userkeys kernel service.


The hkeyset_restore_userkeys kernel service is a specialized protection gate that restores only the user-mode portion of the current hardware keyset. This is normally done by the kernel after this kernel service accesses user memory.

Execution Environment

The hkeyset_restore_userkeys kernel service can be called from the process environment only.

Return Values

Item Description
0 Indicates a successful completion.
EINVAL_HKEYSET_RESTORE_USERKEYS Indicates that the execution environment is not valid.