dmp_kernext Kernel Service


Causes the specified kernel extension to be shipped with the live dump for symbol resolution.


#include <sys/dump.h>
kerrno_t dmp_kernext (anchor, ptr)void *anchor;
void *ptr;


Item Description
anchor Points to either an ldmp_parms_t or ldmp_prepare_t structure.
ptr Specifies an address within the kernel extension. If the value is 0, the dump includes information for all loaded kernel extensions.


The dmp_kernext kernel service causes snap to package the specified kernel extension with the current live dump. This also includes loader information for the extension in the dump. You can specify the extension by setting the ptr parameter to a text or data address within the extension. The extension's file name is noted in the dump, and snap can be used to cause this file to be bundled with the snap data when the dump is collected for sending to IBM®.

Execution Environment

The dmp_kernext kernel service can be called from either the process or interrupt environment.

Return Values

Item Description
0 Indicates a successful completion.
EINVAL_RAS_DMP_KERNEXT Indicates that the anchor parameter is not valid.