dmp_del Kernel Service


Deletes an entry from the master dump table. Callers should use the dmp_ctl Kernel Service. This service is provided for compatibility purposes.


#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <sys/dump.h>
dmp_del ( cdt_func_ptr)
struct cdt * ( (*cdt_func_ptr) (  ));


Kernel extensions use the dmp_del kernel service to unregister data areas previously registered for inclusion in a system dump. A kernel extension that uses the dmp_add Kernel Service to register such a data area can use the dmp_del service to remove this entry from the master dump table.


Item Description
cdt_func_ptr Specifies a function that returns a pointer to a component dump table. The function and the component dump table must both reside in pinned global memory.

Execution Environment

The dmp_del kernel service can be called from the process environment only.

Return Values

Item Description
0 Indicates a successful operation.
-1 Indicates that the function pointer to be deleted is not in the master dump table.