smux_simple_open Subroutine
Sends the open protocol data unit (PDU) to the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) daemon.
SNMP Library (libsnmp.a)
#include <isode/snmp/smux.h>
OID identity;
char * description;
char * commname;
int commlen;
Following the smux_init command, the smux_simple_open subroutine alerts the SNMP daemon that incoming messages are expected. Communication with the SNMP daemon is accomplished by sending an open PDU to the SNMP daemon. The smux_simple_open subroutine uses the identity object-identifier parameter to identify the SNMP multiplexing (SMUX) peer that is starting to communicate. The description parameter describes the SMUX peer. The commname and the commlen parameters supply the password portion of the open PDU. The commname parameter is the password used to authenticate the SMUX peer. The SNMP daemon finds the password in the /etc/snmpd.conf file. The SMUX peer can store the password in the /etc/snmpd.peers file. The commlen parameter specifies the length of the commname parameter value.
This subroutine is part of the SNMP Application Programming Interface in the TCP/IP facility.
Item | Description |
identity | Specifies an object identifier that describes the SMUX peer. |
description | Contains a string of characters that describes the SMUX peer. The description parameter value cannot be longer than 254 characters. |
commname | Contains the password to be sent to the SNMP agent. Can be a null value. |
commlen | Indicates the length of the community name (commname parameter) to be sent to the SNMP agent. The value for this parameter must be at least 0. |
Return Values
The subroutine returns an integer value of OK on success or NOTOK on failure.
Error Codes
If the subroutine is unsuccessful, the smux_errno global variable is set one of the following values:
Value | Description |
parameterMissing | Indicates that a parameter was null. The commname parameter can be null, but the commlen parameter value should be at least 0. |
invalidOperation | Indicates that the smux_init subroutine did not complete successfully before the smux_simple_open subroutine was attempted. Correct the parameters and reissue the smux_simple_open subroutine. |
inProgress | Indicates that the smux_init call has not completed the TCP connection. The smux_simple_open can be reissued. |
systemError | Indicates the TCP connection was not completed. Do not reissue this subroutine without restarting the process with a smux_init subroutine call. |
congestion | Indicates a lack of available memory space. Do not reissue this subroutine without restarting the process with a smux_init subroutine call. |
youLoseBig | The SNMP code is having problems. Do not reissue this subroutine without restarting the process with a smux_init subroutine call. |