rds-info Subroutine


Displays information from the kernel extension of the Reliable Datagram Sockets (RDS) .


rds-info [-v ] [ -cknrst]


The rds-info utility displays various sources of information that the RDS kernel module maintains. When you run the rds-info utility without any optional arguments, the output has all the information. When you specify the optional arguments, the information that is associated with those options is displayed.


Item Descriptor
-c Displays global counters. Each counter increments after the event occurs. You cannot reset the counters. The set of the supported counters can change with time. The list of output fields includes:
The name of the counter. These names are derived from the kernel and can change based on the capability of the kernel extension.
The number of times the counter increments after the kernel module is loaded.
-k Displays all the RDS sockets in the system. There is one socket that is listed at a time that is not bound to or connected to any address because the rds-info utility uses an unbound socket to collect information. The list of output fields includes:
BoundAddr, BPort
The IP address and port number to which the socket is bound. The 0 address indicates that the socket is not bound.
ConnAddr, CPort
The IP address and port number to which the socket is connected. The 0 address indicates that the socket is not connected.
SndBuf, RcvBuf
The message payload in bytes that can be queued for sending or receiving on the respective socket.
-n Displays all the RDS connections. RDS connections are maintained between nodes by the network transports. The list of output fields includes:
The IP address of a node. For connections that originate and terminate on the same node, the local address indicates the address that initiated the connection establishment and
The IP address of the remote end of the connection.
The sequence number that is given to the next message that is sent over the connection.
The expected sequence number of the next message that arrives over the connection. Any incoming messages with sequence numbers less than the expected number is dropped.
Flags that indicate the state of the connection.
A process is sending a message down the connection.
The transport is attempting to connect to the remote address.
The connection to the remote host is active.
-r, -s, -t Displays the messages in the receive, send, or retransmit queues.
LocalAddr, LPort
The local IP address and port number of the node that is associated with the message. For sent messages, this address is the source address. For receive messages, this address is the destination address.
RemoteAddr, RPort
The remote IP address and port number that is associated with the message. For sent messages, this address is the destination address. For receive messages, this address is the source address.
The sequence number of the message.
The message payload in bytes.
-v Displays verbose output. When this option is specified complete data is displayed.