at_quick_exit Subroutine


Registers the function that is specified by the func parameter during a call to the quick_exit subroutine.


Standard C library (libc.a)


#include <stdlib.h>
int at_quick_exit (void * func (void));


The at_quick_exit subroutine registers the function that is specified by the func parameter that is called without any arguments. If the quick_exit subroutine is called, it calls the registered functions before the exit.

If a call to the at_quick_exit subroutine does not occur before a call to the quick_exit subroutine, the function call is successful.


Item Description
func Specifies the function that gets registered and that is called during the quick_exit subroutine call.

Environmental limits

The implementation supports a minimum registration of up to 32 functions.

Return Values

Upon successful completion, the subroutine returns a value of zero, if the registration succeeds.

If unsuccessful, a value of nonzero is returned.


The stdlib.h file defines standard macros, data types, and subroutines.