slp.conf File
File used by SLP APIs.
To use
the /etc/slp.conf file, ensure that all parameters for an entry
are contained on one line in the configuration file. Comments can
be included in the file beginning with a pound sign (#
) in column 1.
The format is:
# <keyword> = <value>
# <keyword> = <value1>,<value2>,..., <valueN>
If there are more than 1 value to be configured, use a comma (,) as a separator.
If there are multiple lines configured against the same <keyword>, the first valid configured line is read, and the rest are ignored.
- net.slp.maxResults
- A 32-bit integer that gives the maximum number of results to accumulate
and return for a synchronous request before the timeout. Positive
integers and -1 are legal values. A value of -1 indicates that all
results should be returned. The default value is -1. For example:
net.slp.maxResults = 35
- net.slp.useScopes
- A value-list of strings that indicate the only scopes a UA or
SA is allowed to use when making requests or registering. Otherwise,
indicates the scopes a DA must support. The default scope "DEFAULT"
is used if no other information is available. For example:
net.slp.useScopes = david,bob
- net.slp.DAAddress
- A value-list of IP addresses or DNS resolvable host names giving
the SLPv2 DAs to use for statically configured UAs and SAs. The default
is none. For example:
net.slp.DAAddress =,
- net.slp.isBroadcastOnly
- A boolean indicating whether broadcast should be used instead
of multicast. The default is false (that is, multicast is used). For
net.slp.isBroadcastOnly = false
- net.slp.multicastTTL
- A positive integer less than or equal to 255, giving the multicast
TTL. The default is 255 (in seconds). For example:
net.slp.multicastTTL = 255
- net.slp.DAActiveDiscoveryInterval
- # A 16-bit positive integer giving the number of seconds between
DA active discovery queries. If this parameter is set to 0, the active
discovery is turned off. This property corresponds to the protocol
specification parameter CONFIG_DA_FIND. The default is 900
(in seconds). For example:
net.slp.DAActiveDiscoveryInterval = 1200
- net.slp.multicastMaximumWait
- A 32-bit integer giving the maximum amount of time to perform
multicast, in milliseconds. This property corresponds to the CONFIG_MC_MAX parameter in the protocol specification. The default is 15000 (in
ms). For example:
net.slp.multicastMaximumWait = 10000
- net.slp.multicastTimeouts
- A value-list of 32-bit integers used as timeouts, in milliseconds,
to implement the multicast convergence algorithm. Each value specifies
the time to wait before sending the next request. This property corresponds
to the CONFIG_MC_RETRY parameter in the protocol specification.
The default is 3000,3000,3000,3000,3000 (in ms). There is no limitation
on the maximum number entries to be specified. However the total sum
of the entries cannot be greater than CONFIG_MC_RETRY (15000
in ms). For example:
net.slp.multicastTimeouts = 2000, 3000, 4000
- net.slp.DADiscoveryTimeouts
- A value-list of 32-bit integers used as timeouts, in milliseconds,
to implement the multicast convergence algorithm during active DA
discovery. Each value specifies the time to wait before sending the
next request. This property corresponds to the protocol specification
parameter CONFIG_RETRY. The default is 2000,2000,2000,2000,3000,4000
(in ms). There is no limitation on the maximum number entries to be
specified. However the total sum of the entries cannot be greater
than CONFIG_RETRY (15000 in ms). For example:
net.slp.DADiscoveryTimeouts = 2000, 3000, 4000
- net.slp.datagramTimeouts
- A value-list of 32-bit integers used as timeouts, in milliseconds,
to implement unicast datagram transmission to DAs. The nth
value gives the time to block waiting for a reply on the nth
try to contact the DA. The sum of these values is the protocol specification
property CONFIG_RETRY_MAX. The default is 2000, 2000, 2000,
2000, 3000, 4000 (in ms). There is no limitation on the maximum number
of entries to be specified. However, the total sum of the entries
cannot be greater than CONFIG_RETRY_MAX (15000 in ms). For
net.slp.datagramTimeouts = 2000, 3000, 4000
- net.slp.loglevel
- By default, the SLP daemon logs messages up to level 3 to the syslog file. You can set the variable to 6 or 7 for additional logging. Supported values follows:
- 3
- Logs error messages. This is default level.
- 6
- Logs informational messages.
- 7
- Logs debug level messages.