remote File Format for tip
Describes remote systems contacted by the tip command.
The /etc/remote-file file describes the remote systems that can be contacted using the tip command. When a user invokes the tip command, the command reads the remote file to find out how to contact the specified remote system. If invoked with the SystemName parameter, the tip command searches the remote file for an entry beginning with that system name. If invoked with the PhoneNumber parameter, the command searches the remote file for an entry beginning with tipBaudRate, where BaudRate designates the baud rate to be used for the connection.
Any tip user can create an individual remote file in the format of the remote file. The individual remote file can be named with any operating system file name and placed in any directory to which the user has access. To instruct the tip command to use the new file, set the REMOTE environment variable before issuing the tip command, or use the tip command remote variable.
A sample remote file for tip is included with the operating system. The sample file is named /usr/lib/remote-file. This sample file contains two examples, either of which is a complete remote file. One of the examples uses a set of general dialer definitions, followed by general system definitions, and specific systems. The second example defines each system individually.
Any user can copy the sample file to some other directory and modify it for individual use. A user with root user authority can copy the sample file to the /etc/remote file and modify it to suit the needs of a particular site.
Format of Entries
The general format of an entry in the /etc/remote-file file is a system name, baud rate, or dialer name followed by a description and one or more attributes, as follows:
SystemName[|SystemName ...]| Description:Attribute[:Attribute ...]:
tipBaudRate|Description: Attribute[:Attribute ...]:
DialerName[|DialerName ...]| Description:Attribute[:Attribute ...]:
The name of the system or dialer is followed by a | (pipe symbol) and a description of the system or dialer. More than one system or dialer name can be given; in this case, they must be separated by pipe symbols and precede the Description parameter. The last section in this list is always treated by the tip command as a description, not a system name.
The Description field is followed by a : (colon) and a list of attributes separated by colons. Each entry must also end with a colon.
An entry can be continued on the next line by typing a \ (backslash). The continuation line must begin with a : (colon) and can be indented for readability.
Attributes Used to Define Systems and Dialers
Use the following attributes to describe systems in the remote file:
Item | Description |
at=ACUType | Defines the type of automatic calling unit (also known as
the ACU or modem). This attribute should be specified in each entry
(or in another entry included with the tc attribute) unless
the system is linked to a modem. The ACUType must be one of
the following:
br#BaudRate | Specifies the baud rate to be used on the connection. The default rate is 1200 baud. This attribute should be specified in each entry or in another entry included with the tc attribute. The baud rate specified can be overridden using the tip command -BaudRate parameter. |
cu=Device | Specifies the device for the call unit if it is different from the device defined in the dv statement. The default is the device defined in the dv statement. |
du | Makes a call. This attribute must be specified in each entry or in another entry included with the tc attribute. |
dv=Device[,Device ...] | Lists one or more devices to be used to link to the remote
system. If the first device listed is not available, the tip command
attempts to use the next device in the list, continuing until it finds
one available or until it has tried all listed devices. This attribute must be specified in each entry or in another entry included with the tc attribute. |
el=Mark | Defines the mark used to designate an end-of-line in a file transfer. This setting is the same as that defined by the tip command eol variable. |
fs=Size | Specifies the frame size. The default is the value of the BUFSIZ environment variable. This value can also be changed using the tip command framesize variable. |
ie=InputString | Specifies the input end-of-file mark. The default setting is null value. |
oe=OutputString | Specifies the output end-of-file mark. The default setting is a null value. |
pa=Parity | Specifies the required parity setting for connecting to the remote system. The default setting is Even. Valid choices are: Even (7 bits, even parity), Odd (7 bits, odd parity), None (7 bits, no parity), and Graphic (8 bits, no parity). |
pn= | Lists telephone numbers to be used to call the remote system.
This entry is required if a modem is used to call a remote system,
except in a tipBaudRate entry when a telephone number
is entered with the tip command. If the tip command is invoked with the PhoneNumber parameter, the pn attribute in the appropriate tipBaudRate entry is ignored and the number given when the command is invoked is used instead. The pn attribute can be in either of the following forms:
tc=Entry | Refers to another entry in the file. This allows you to avoid defining the same attributes in more than one entry. If used, this attribute should be at the end of the entry. |
tc=DialerName | Includes the specified DialerName entry. The DialerName entry must be defined elsewhere in the remote file. |
tc=SystemName | Includes the specified SystemName entry. The SystemName entry must be defined elsewhere in the remote file. |
Setting Up Group Entries
Set up entries in the remote file in two ways. Define each system individually, giving all of its attributes in that entry. This works well if you are contacting several dissimilar systems.
Or group the systems by similarity. To do this, use two or three groups, depending on how the systems are similar. The groups can be arranged by:
- Dialer definitions, including the device, baud rate, call unit, ACU type, and dial-up connection flag.
- General system definitions, including any information that several systems have in common. Use the tc attribute to refer to a dialer entry.
- Specific system descriptions, which use the tc attribute to refer to one of the general system types or a dialer entry.
You can omit either the dialer definitions or the general system definitions, depending on the way the remote systems are grouped.
Defining a System Individually
To define a system without using the tc= attribute, enter:
vms750|ghost|NPG 750:\
This entry defines system vms750, which can also be referred to as ghost. The system can be accessed using either /dev/tty36 or /dev/tty37, at a baud rate of 9600. The end-of-line mark is ^Z^U^C^S^Q^O. The input end-of-file mark is $@ and the output end-of-file mark is ^Z. Since no phone number is defined, the system is accessed over a direct connection.
Grouping Systems by Similarity
The following examples use a dialer entry and a general system entry, followed by specific system entries that refer to the general entries.
- To define a dialer, enter:
This entry defines a dialer called dial1200. The dialer is connected to device /dev/cul1 and is an ACU type of dn11. The dial-up connection (du) flag is set.dial1200|1200 Baud Able Quadracall attributes: \ :dv=/dev/cul1:br#1200:at=dn11:du:
- To define a general system type and refer to a dialer entry, enter:
This entry defines a system type called unix1200. The end-of-line mark for communication with this type of remote system is ^U^C^R^O^D^S^Q. The input end-of-file mark is %$ and the output end-of-file mark is ^D. The dialer defined by the dial1200 entry is used.unix1200|1200 Baud dial-out to another UNIX system:\ :el=^U^C^R^O^D^S^Q:ie=%$:oe=^D:tc=dial1200:
- To describe a specific system, enter:
This entry describes system zeus, which is described as a CSRG ARPA VAX-11. The tip command then searches the /etc/phones file for the telephone number (pn=@) and uses the attributes of a unix1200 system type (tc=unix1200).zeus|CSRG ARPA VAX-11/780:pn=@:tc=unix1200:
Item | Description |
/etc/remote | Denotes the complete path name of the remote file. |
/etc/phones | Lists the phone numbers used to contact remote systems. |
/usr/lib/remote-file | Contains an example remote file. |