/usr/lib/hcon Directory


Contains files used by the Host Connection Program (HCON).


The /usr/lib/hcon directory contains files used by the Host Connection Program (HCON). It contains color and keyboard definition files, terminal definition files, HCON API subdirectories, AUTOLOG example scripts, configuration data base files, and the command to start the HCON subsystem.

Color and Keyboard Definition Files

The following files contain data used to define and customize the HCON color and keyboard definition tables:

File Contents
e789_ctbl Default binary color-definition table
e789_ktbl Default binary keyboard-definition table

The color and keyboard definition tables in the /usr/lib/hcon directory specify defaults for use by HCON emulator sessions. The hconutil command allows users to customize color and keyboard definition tables.

Terminal Definition Files

The HCON installation process creates a terminfo subdirectory in the /usr/lib/hcon directory. The /usr/lib/hcon/terminfo directory contains terminal definition files that are specific to HCON. When HCON is installed, the terminfo directory contains the following files:

File Contents
ibm.ti.H Terminal definitions for LFT, 5081, 3151, 3161, 3162, 3163, and 3164 terminals.
dec.ti.H Terminal definitions for DEC VT100 and DEC VT220 terminals.
wyse.ti.H Terminal definition for the WYSE WY-50 and WYSE WY-60 terminals.

The terminfo binary files for HCON terminal definitions are in subdirectories of the /usr/lib/hcon/terminfo directory. Each subdirectory is named with the first letter of the terminal name. When HCON is installed, the terminfo directory contains the following subdirectories:

Subdirectory Contents
a Binary terminal definition file for running within the operating system windows
h Binary terminal definition files for color and monochrome LFT
i Binary terminal definition files for the 5081, 3151, 3161, 3162, and 3163 terminals
j Binary terminal definition file for use with operating system windows
v Binary terminal definition files for the DEC VT100 and DEC VT220 terminals
w Binary terminal definition files for the WYSE WY-50 and WYSE WY-60 terminals

In addition to those delivered with HCON, the /usr/lib/hcon/terminfo subdirectory can contain customized terminal definitions.

HCON API Subdirectories

The HCON installation process creates two subdirectories in the /usr/lib/hcon directory that contain files used by the HCON API:

Directory Contents
mvs API programs to use in interfacing to MVSâ„¢/TSO host systems, including the instalapi program
vm API programs to use in interfacing to VM/CMS host systems, including the instalapi program

AUTOLOG Example Scripts

The /usr/lib/hcon directory contains several example files for the AUTOLOG facility. These files are:

File Contents
logform Example genprof form for creating AUTOLOG procedures
SYStso Example AUTOLOG script for MVS/TSO host
SYSvm1 Example AUTOLOG script for VM/CMS host
SYSvm2 Example AUTOLOG script for VM/CMS host

Configuration Data Base Files

The following files contain HCON configuration information. This information is used by HCON programs, by the Object Data Manager (ODM), and by the HCON configuration commands, which are called by the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT).

File Contents
sysdflts HCON database system defaults
sysdflts.vc HCON database system defaults
users HCON users database

Command to Start the HCON Subsystem

The sthcondmn command is used to start the hcondmn subsystem after HCON has been installed.


Item Description
/usr/lib/hcon/terminfo directory Contains terminal definitions.