cgaparams.sec File Format for TCP/IP
Defines the Cryptographically Generated Address (CGA) parameter keywords for the ndpd-host daemon and autoconf6 command.
The /etc/ndpd/cgaparams.sec file is the default CGA parameters file for the ndpd-host daemon and the autoconf6 application. If the ndpd-host daemon or the autoconf6 application is started without specifying an alternate file through the /etc/ndpd/ndpdh.cnf file or a user-specified configuration file, then the ndpd-host daemon and the autoconf6 application read the /etc/ndpd/cgaparams.sec file. The /etc/ndpd/cgaparams.sec file provides information about enabling the SEND mode with interface.
Prerequisite: To enable the SEND mode, the clic.rte fileset and OpenSSL must be installed.
Keyword | Value | Description |
en<value> { CGA key words } | 0 through n | Specifies the interface that is configured with the SEND mode |
The values and meanings of CGA keywords are listed in the table as follows:
Keyword | Value | Description |
BEGIN_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY < value >END_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY < value > | ASN1 encoded private key | Private key to be used for creating the RSA Signature |
BEGIN_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY < value > END_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY < value > | ASN1 encoded public key | Public key to be embedded in CGA options |
SEND < value > | off, compatible, only | Specifies the SEND mode. The SEND parameter
can be specified with one of the following values:
Item | Description |
/usr/samples/tcpip/send/cgaparams.sec | Contains the sample cgaparams.sec file |