topasout Command
Generates reports by processing xmwlm, nmon, and topas recordings.
Local reports
topasout -R type [-i interval ] [ -b time ] [-e time ] topas_recording_file
topasout -c [ -m type] topas_recording_file
topasout [ -s ] [ -m type] topas_recording_file
topasout -a topas_recording_file
WLE Report from topasrec / nmon file
topasout -R wle { nmon_recording_file | topas_recording_file }
CEC reports
topasout -R type [ -i interval ] [ -b time ] [ -e time ] topas_recording_file
topasout [ -c ] topas_recording_file
topasout -s topas_recording_file
The topasout command is used to convert the binary recordings generated by the xmwlm, xmtrend, or topasrec utilities. The binary recording can be the local system recording, the central electronic complex (CEC) recording, or the cluster recording. Through SMIT, you can enable, configure, or disable a binary recording.
If there is more than one value for a metric within the user-specified interval, the topasout command averages out all of the values to get single value that can be printed in the report. For values that cannot be averaged out (like simultaneous multithreading, dedicated and shared modes), the topasout command takes the last or the first values that are recorded in the interval.
Local reports
There are several types of local reports: the Summary report, the Detailed report, the LAN report, the Disk report, the Comma-separated report, the Nmon analyzer report, the Adapter report, and the Virtual adapter report.
Summary report
A Summary report presents the consolidated view of system information.
The following column headings are in a summary report:
Item | Description |
Time | Ending time of the report interval. Metric values are averaged out over this interval and printed in the report |
InU | Memory that is used |
Us | Percentage of processor time spent in the user mode |
Sy | Percentage of processor time spent in the system mode |
Wa | Percentage of processor time spent waiting for I/O |
Id | Percentage of time that the processor is idle |
PhysB | Percentage of physical processors that are busy |
RunQ | The average number of threads that are ready to run but are waiting for a processor to become available |
WtQ | The average number of threads that are waiting for paging to be completed |
Cswitch | The number of context switches per second in the reporting interval |
Syscall | The number of system calls executed per second in the reporting interval |
PgFault | The number of I/O and other page faults |
%don | Sum of %idle cycles donated and %busy cycles donated |
%stl | Sum of %idle cycles stolen and %busy cycles stolen |
Report: System Summary --- hostname: aixfvt19 version:1.1
Start:01/24/07 04:45:50 Stop:01/24/07 04:48:07 Int: 5 Min Range: 2 Min
Mem: 1.2 GB Dedicated SMT: ON Logical CPUs: 2
Time InU Us Sy Wa Id PhysB RunQ WtQ CSwitch Syscall PgFault
04:48:07 1.2 3 0 0 88 3.43 1.1 0.0 168 893 23
Detailed report
A detailed report provides a detailed view of the system metrics.
Item | Description |
Mode | The information about the following modes are
Lp | Number of logical processors. |
SMT | Status of the SMIT. It is On when the SMT
is enable. It is Off when the SMT is disabled. |
Ent | Entitlement granted (shared-only). |
Poolid | Pool ID. This column is applicable only if this partition belongs to a valid shared processor pool. |
Kern | Percentage of processor time spent in the kernel mode. |
User | Percentage of processor time spent in the user mode. |
Wait | Percentage of processor time spent for waiting for I/O. |
Idle | Percentage of time that the processor is idle. |
PhysB | Percentage of physical processors that are busy. |
Entc | Percentage of entitled capacity that is consumed. This heading is applicable for shared partition only. |
Sz, GB (in Memory section) | Memory size in gigabytes. |
InU (in Memory section) | Memory used in gigabytes. |
%Comp | Percentage of real memory that is allocated to computational page frames. Computational page frames are backed by paging space. |
%Nonc | Percentage of real memory that is allocated to non-computational page frames. Non-computational page frames are backed by file space: either data files, executable files, or shared library files. |
%Clnt | Percentage of real memory that is allocated to cache, remotely mounted files. |
Sz, GB (in Paging section) | Paging space in gigabytes. |
InU (in Paging section) | Paging space used in gigabytes. |
Flt | Total number of page faults that are taken per second in the reporting interval. This includes page faults that do not cause paging activity. |
Pg-I | Number of 4 K pages that are read per second in the reporting interval. |
Pg-O | Number of 4 K pages that are written per second in the reporting interval. |
Bdon | Percentage of physical processor that is used while busy cycles are being donated. This metric is applicable only for donating dedicated partitions. |
Idon | Percentage of physical processor that is used while explicitly donating idle cycles. This metric is applicable only for donating dedicated partitions. |
Istl | Percentage of physical processor that is used while idle cycles are being stolen by the hypervisor. This metric is applicable only for dedicated partitions. |
Bstl | Percentage of physical processor that is used while busy cycles are being stolen by the hypervisor. This metric is applicable only for dedicated partitions. The %idon and %bdon metrics are not displayed when no dedicated partition is donating. |
Vcsw | Average number of virtual context switches per second in the reporting interval. |
Phint | Average number of phantom interrupts per second in the reporting interval. This column is applicable only to shared partitions. |
Cswth | Number of process context switches per second in the reporting interval. |
Syscl | Number of system calls per second run in the reporting interval. |
RunQ | Average number of threads that are ready to run but are waiting for a processor to become available. |
WtQ | Average number of threads that are waiting for paging to complete. |
SrvV2 | Number of NFS Server V2 calls per second in the reporting interval. |
CltV2 | Number of NFS Client V2 calls per second in the reporting interval. |
SrvV3 | Number of Server V3 calls per second in the reporting interval. |
CltV3 | Number of Client V3 calls per second in the reporting interval. |
Network | Name of the network interface. |
I-Pack | Number of data packets that are received per second. |
O-Pack | Number of data packets that are sent per second in the reporting interval. |
KB-I | Number of kilobytes that are received per second in the reporting interval. |
KB-O | Number of kilobytes that are sent per second in the reporting interval. |
Disk | Name of the physical disk. |
Busy% | Percentage of time that the physical disks are active (bandwidth utilization for the drive). |
KBPS | Number of kilobytes that are read and written per second in the reporting interval. This column is the sum of the KB-R and KB-W metrics. |
TPS | Number of transfers per second that are issued to the physical disk. A transfer is an I/O request to the physical disk. Multiple logical requests can be combined into a single I/O request to the disk. The size of a transfer is not determinate. |
KB-R | Number of kilobytes that are read per second from the physical disk in the reporting interval. |
KB-W | Number of kilobytes that are written per second to the physical disk in the reporting interval. |
Sample output
#Report: System Detailed --- hostname: ptoolsl1 version: 1.2
Start:12/21/05 10.00.00 Stop:12/21/05 11.00.00 Int: 5 Min Range: 60 Min
Time: 10.00.00 -------------------------------------------------------
Mode Don Kern 12.0 Sz,GB 16.0 Sz,GB 4.0
LP 4 User 8.0 InU 4.3 InU 2.3
SMT ON Wait 0.0 %Comp 3.1 Flt 221
Ent 3.0 Idle 80.0 %NonC 9.0 Pg-I 87
Poolid 3 PhyB 0.7 %Clnt 2.0 Pg-O 44
EntC 8.0
Bdon 0.1 Cswth 3213 SrvV2 32
Idon 0.5 Syscl 43831 CltV2 12
Bstl 0.5 RunQ 1 SrvV3 44
Istl 0.4 WtQ 0 CltV3 18
Vcsw 1214
Phint 120
Network KBPS I-Pack O-Pack KB-I KB-O
en0 0.6 7.5 0.5 0.3 0.3
en1 22.3 820.1 124.3 410.0 61.2
lo0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
hdisk0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
hdisk1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
topasout local report – detailed report
Disk reports
A Disk report provides information about the amount of data that are read or written to disks.
Item | Description |
Mem | Total memory that are available in gigabytes at the first reporting interval. |
Logical CPUs | Number of logical processors at the first reporting interval. |
Time | Ending time of the reporting interval. Metric values are averaged out over this time interval and printed in the report. |
InU | Total memory that are used in gigabytes. |
PhysB | Percentage of physical processors that are busy. |
MBPS | Number of megabytes that are read and written per second. This column is the sum of the MB-W and MB-R metrics. |
TPS | Number of transfers per second that are issued to the physical disk. A transfer is an I/O request to the physical disk. Multiple logical requests can be combined into a single I/O request to the disk. The size of a transfer is not fixed. |
MB-R | Data that are read in megabytes per second from the physical disk. |
MB-W | Data that are written in megabytes per second to the physical disk. |
Sample output
Report: Total Disk I/O Summary --- hostname: aixfvt19 version:1.1
Start:01/24/07 04:45:50 Stop:01/24/07 04:48:07 Int: 5 Min Range:15 Min
Mem: 1.2 GB Dedicated SMT: ON Logical CPUs: 2
04:48:07 1.2 3.4 0.2 2.1 0.1 0.1
04:53:07 1.2 3.4 0.3 2.1 0.0 0.3
LAN reports
A LAN report provides the amount of data that are received or sent in the network interfaces.
Item | Description |
Mem | Total memory available in gigabytes at the first reporting interval. |
Logical processors | Number of logical processors at the first reporting interval. |
Time | Ending time of the reporting interval. Metric values are averaged out over this time interval and printed in the report. |
InU | Total memory used in gigabytes. |
PhysB | Percentage of physical processors that are busy. |
MBPS | Sum of the MB-I and MB-O values. It equals to the data in megabytes sent and received per second. |
MB-I | Data in megabytes that are received per second in the reporting interval. |
MB-O | Data in megabytes that are sent per second in the reporting interval. |
Xmtdrp | Average amount of transmitted packets that are dropped per second at device driver level in the reporting interval. |
Rcvdrp | Average amount of received packets that are dropped per second at device driver level in the reporting interval. |
#Report: System LAN Summary --- hostname: tooltime2 version:1.1
Start:03/02/07 00:38:18 Stop:03/02/07 07:08:32 Int: 5 Min Range: 390 Min
Mem: 4.0 GB Shared SMT: ON Logical CPUs: 2
Time InU PhysB MBPS MB-I MB-O Rcvdrp Xmtdrp
00:43:18 0.6 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0
00:48:18 0.6 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0
00:53:19 0.7 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0
Nmon analyzer style output
The topasout command generates a Nmon analyzer report that can be viewed with the nmon analyzer.
The topasout command is used to post process the binary recordings generated by the xmwlm utility the xmtrend utility and thetopasrec utility. The binary recording can be the Local System recording, Central Electronic Complex (CEC) recording or Cluster recording. Through SMIT you can enable, configure or disable a binary recording.
topasout -a /etc/perf/daily/xmwlm.061016
generated .csv file locates in the same directory of the original
file, that is, in the /etc/perf/daily/ directory. The file
name is xmwlm.061016.csv.Comma-separated report
The topasout command generates a report that contains data that is separated with comma.
Use the topasout command with the -c flag to generate this report. The output file is written to recordedfilename_01 file.
topasout -c /etc/perf/daily/xmwlm.060503
The output file is the xmwlm.060503_01 file which locates in the same directory as the original file.
When you specify the -m flag, the topasout command writes the min, max, mean, stdev, and the exp values of the recorded metrics in the report.
#Monitor: xmtrend recording--- hostname: aixfvt19 ValueType: mean
Time="2007/01/24 04:45:50", CPU/gluser=0.02
Time="2007/01/24 04:45:50", CPU/glkern=0.28
Time="2007/01/24 04:45:50", CPU/glwait=0.00
Time="2007/01/24 04:45:50", CPU/glidle=99.69
Time="2007/01/24 04:45:50", NFS/Server/v3calls=0.00
Time="2007/01/24 04:45:50", NFS/Server/v2calls=0.00
Spreadsheet format report
The topasout command generates a report in spreadsheet format.
Use the topasout command with -s flag to generate this report. The output file is written to recordedfilename_01 file.
topasout -s /etc/perf/daily/xmwlm.060503
The output file is the xmwlm.060503_01 file which locates in the same directory as the original file.
When you specify the -m flag, the topasout command writes the min, max, mean, stdev, and the exp values of the recorded metrics in the report.
Adapter report
An Adapter report provides information about the amount of data that is read or written to adapters.
Item | Description |
Adapter | Name of the adapter |
KBPS | Amount of data transferred (read or written) in the adapter in kilobytes per second |
TPS | Number of transfers per second that are issued to the adapter |
KB-R | Number of kilobytes read from the adapter |
KB-W | Number of kilobytes written to the adapter |
Item | Description |
Vtargets/Disk | Name of the virtual target device or disk. |
Busy% | Percentage of time that the virtual target device or disk is active (bandwidth use for the drive). |
KBPS | Number of kilobytes read and written per second over the monitoring interval. This field is the sum of the values of the KB-R and KB-W metrics. |
TPS | Number of transfers per second that are issued to the virtual target device or disk. A transfer is an I/O request to the virtual target device or disk. Multiple logical requests can be combined into a single I/O request to the disk. A transfer is of medium size. |
KB-R | Number of kilobytes read per second from the virtual target device or disk. |
KB-W | Number of kilobytes written per second to the virtual target device or disk. |
AQD | Average number of requests waiting to be sent to the virtual target device or disk. |
AQW | Average queue that is waiting per request reported in millisecond. The suffix indicates the unit of time. The default time unit is millisecond. |
ART | Average time to receive a response from the hosting server for the read request sent. The suffix indicates the unit of time. The default time unit is millisecond. |
AWT | Average time to receive a response from the hosting server for the write request sent. The suffix indicates the unit of time. The default time unit is millisecond. |
MRT | Maximum time to receive a response from the hosting server for the read request sent. The suffix indicates the unit of time. The default time unit is millisecond. |
MWT | Maximum time to receive a response from the hosting server for the write request sent. The suffix indicates the unit of time. The default time unit is millisecond. |
Virtual adapter report
Item | Description |
vAdapter | Name of the adapter. |
KBPS | Amount of data transferred (read or written) in the adapter in kilobytes per second. |
TPS | Number of transfers per second that are issued to the adapter. |
KB-R | Number of blocks received per second from the hosting server to this adapter. |
KB-W | Number of blocks sent per second from this adapter to the hosting server. |
AQD | Number of requests waiting to be sent to adapter. |
AQW | Time spent by a transfer request in the wait queue. Reported in millisecond. The suffix indicates the unit of time. The default time unit is millisecond. |
ART | Time to receive a response from the hosting server for the read request sent The suffix indicates the unit of time. The default time unit is millisecond. |
AWT | Time to receive a response from the hosting server for the write request sent The suffix indicates the unit of time. The default time unit is millisecond. |
MRT | Maximum time to receive a response from the hosting server for the read request sent. The suffix indicates the unit of time. The default time unit is millisecond. |
MWT | Maximum time to receive a response from the hosting server for the write request sent. The suffix indicates the unit of time. The default time unit is millisecond. |
Item | Description |
Vtargets/Disk | Name of the virtual target device or disk. |
Busy% | Percentage of time that the virtual target device or disk is active (bandwidth use for the drive). |
KBPS | Number of kilobytes read and written per second over the monitoring interval. This field is the sum of the values of the KB-R and KB-W metrics. |
TPS | Number of transfers per second that are issued to the virtual target device or disk. A transfer is an I/O request to the virtual target device or disk. Multiple logical requests can be combined into a single I/O request to the disk. A transfer is of medium size. |
KB-R | Number of kilobytes read per second from the virtual target device or disk. |
KB-W | Number of kilobytes written per second to the virtual target device or disk. |
AQD | Average number of requests waiting to be sent to the virtual target device or disk. |
AQW | Average queue that is waiting per request reported in milliseconds. The suffix indicates the unit of time. The default time unit is millisecond. |
ART | Average time to receive a response from the hosting server for the read request sent. The suffix indicates the unit of time. The default time unit is millisecond. |
AWT | Average time to receive a response from the hosting server for the write request sent. The suffix indicates the unit of time. The default time unit is millisecond. |
MRT | Maximum time to receive a response from the hosting server for the read request sent. The suffix indicates the unit of time. The default time unit is millisecond. |
MWT | Maximum time to receive a response from the hosting server for the write request sent. The suffix indicates the unit of time. The default time unit is millisecond. |
On Demand WLE input from topasrec / nmon recordings
In addition to weekly peak inputs for WLE through SMIT, the user can invoke an On Demand WLE input file to study a particular workload and use that data to size the systems and generate reports. The topasout command has the capability to study a particular topas or nmon recording and generate WLE readable reports in xml format using this option.
Use topasout -R wle -Oifile=<filename> option to generate the WLE report. For example, to generate a report from file, use the following command.
topasout –R wle -Oifile=/etc/perf/daily/xmwlm_130504.topas
If it is nmon recording, specify the -Otype option along with the -Oifile option as shown below:
topasout -R wle -Oifile=/etc/perf/daily/xmwlm_130504.nmon -Otype=nmon
The wle option is different from the other types of –R in a way that both topas and nmon recordings can be given as an input to this option while only topas recordings (recordings generated through xmwlm and topasrec) can be given as an input file for the other options.
CEC reports
There are five types of CEC reports: the Summary report, the Detailed report, the Shared processor pool report, the Comma-separated report, and the Spread-sheet report.
Summary report
This report provides a summary of the CEC system. The reporting is based on the partitions that actually responded to the topas command. If the partitions in the CEC do not have the xmtopas or xmservd configured, the partitions cannot be monitored.
A CEC summary report contains the following column headings:
Item | Description |
Mon | Number of the partitions that are monitored in the first reporting time interval |
UnM | Number of the partitions that are not monitored in the first reporting time interval |
Shr | Number of the shared partitions in the first reporting time interval |
Ded | Number of the dedicated partitions in the first reporting time interval |
Cap | Number of the capped partitions in the first reporting time interval |
UnC | Number of the uncapped partitions in the first reporting time interval |
Item | Description |
ShrB | Shared physical processor busy. (Sum of physical busy of processors in the shared partitions.) |
DedB | Dedicated physical processor busy. (Sum of physical busy of processors in the dedicated partitions.) |
Don | Total number of the processors that are donated to the physical pool. |
Item | Description |
Mon | Number of the physical processors that are monitored |
UnMon | Number of the physical processors that are not monitored. |
Shr | Number of the processors in shared partitions |
Ded | Number of the processors in dedicated partitions |
PSz | Number of the active shared processors in the physical pool |
APP | Available physical processors in the pool |
Item | Description |
Mon | Total memory of the monitored partitions |
UnM | Total memory of the partitions that are not monitored |
Avl | Memory available to partitions |
InUse | Memory in used in the monitored partitions |
UnA | Memory that is not available for partitions |
Sample Output
#Report: CEC Summary --- hostname: ptoolsl3 version:1.2
Start:02/22/07 00:44:06 Stop:02/22/07 23:59:06 Int: 5 Min Range:1395 Min
Partition Mon: 3 UnM: 0 Shr: 1 Ded: 2 Cap: 2 UnC: 1
-CEC---------------- -Processors---------------- -Memory (GB)-----------
Time ShrB DedB Don Stl Mon UnM Shr Ded PSz APP Mon UnM Avl UnA InU
00:49 0.00 0.00 - - 2.2 0.0 0.2 2 2.0 2.0 9.4 0.0 8.0 0.0 1.0
00:54 0.00 0.00 - - 2.2 0.0 0.2 2 2.0 2.0 9.4 0.0 8.0 0.0 1.0
00:59 0.00 0.00 - - 2.2 0.0 0.2 2 2.0 2.0 9.4 0.0 8.0 0.0 1.0
Detailed report
A CEC Detailed report gives a detailed view of all the partitions that the topas command is able to record data from.
The followings column headings are in a CEC Detailed report:
Item | Description |
Monitored | Number of partitions that are monitored |
Unmonitored | Number of partitions that are not monitored |
Shared | Number of shared partitions |
Uncapped | Number of uncapped shared partitions |
Capped | Number of capped shared partitions |
Dedicated | Number of dedicated partitions |
Donating | Number of partitions that are donating |
Item | Description |
Monitored | Total memory that is monitored |
UnMonitored | Total memory that is not monitored |
Available | Total memory that is available |
UnAllocated | Total memory that is not allocated to any partition |
Consumed | Total memory that is consumed by the partitions |
Item | Description |
Monitored | Number of physical processors that are monitored |
UnMonitored | Number of physical processors that are not monitored |
Available | Number of physical processors that are available in the CEC system |
UnAllocated | Number of physical processors that are not allocated to any partition |
Shared | Number of processors in shared partitions |
Dedicated | Number of processors in dedicated partitions |
Donated | Sum of the number of processors in all of the partitions that are currently donating |
Pool Size | Number of active shared processors in the physical pool |
Avail Proc Pool | Available physical processors in pool. This is the idle cycles in the pool reported as a number of processors |
Shr Physical Busy | Sum of the busy physical processors of all of the shared partitions |
Ded Physical CPUs | Sum of the busy physical processors of all of the dedicated partitions |
Donated Phys. CPUs | Sum of the donated processor cycles (reported as a number of processors) from all partitions |
Stolen Phys. CPUs | Sum of the stolen processor cycles (reported as a number of processors) from all partitions |
Virtual Pools | Number of the virtual pools |
Virt. Context Switch | Total number of the virtual context switches per second in the monitoring interval |
Phantom Interrupts | Total number of the phantom interrupts per second in the monitoring interval |
Individual partition data:
Item | Description |
Host | Host name |
OS | Operating system level |
M | The M column heading represents the mode. In shared
partitions, it displays the following attributes:
In dedicated partitions, it displays the following attributes:
Mem | Total memory in gigabytes |
InU | Memory in used in gigabytes |
Lp | Number of logical processors |
Us | Percentage of processor that is used by programs executing in the user mode |
Sy | Percentage of processor that is used by programs executing in kernel mode |
Wa | Percentage of time that is spent waiting for I/O |
Id | Percentage of time that the processor is idle |
PhysB | Number of physical processors that are busy |
Ent | Entitlement granted (shared only) |
%Entc | Percentage of entitlement consumed (shared only) |
Vcsw | Virtual context switches average per second (shared only) |
PhI | Phantom interrupts average per second (shared only) |
%idon | Percentage of physical processor that is used while explicitly donating idle cycles. This metric is applicable only for donating dedicated partitions. |
%bdon | Percentage of physical processor that is used while busy cycles are being donated. This metric is applicable only for donating dedicated partitions |
%istl | Percentage of physical processor that is used while busy cycles are being stolen by the hypervisor. This metric is applicable only for dedicated partitions |
#Report: CEC Detailed --- hostname: ptoolsl3 version:1.2
Start:03/06/07 07:19:39 Stop:03/06/07 07:28:39 Int: 5 Min Range: 9 Min
Time: 07:24:38 -----------------------------------------------------------------
Partition Info Memory (GB) Processors Avail Pool : 2.0
Monitored : 3 Monitored : 9.4 Monitored : 2.2 Shr Physcl Busy: 0.01
UnMonitored: 0 UnMonitored: 0.0 UnMonitored: 0.0 Ded Physcl Busy: 0.01
Shared : 1 Available : 0.0 Available : 0.0 Donated Phys. CPUs: 0.00
UnCapped : 1 UnAllocated: 0.0 Unallocated: 0.0 Stolen Phys. CPUs : 0.00
Capped : 2 Consumed : 0.0 Shared : 0.2 Hypervisor
Dedicated : 2 Dedicated : 2.0 Virt Cntxt Swtch: 545
Donating : 0 Donated : 0 Phantom Intrpt : 0
Pool Size : 2.0
Host OS M Mem InU Lp Us Sy Wa Id PhysB Vcsw Ent %EntC PhI
ptoolsl1 A53 U 3.1 1.9 4 0 1 0 98 0.01 317 0.2 2.55 0
Host OS M Mem InU Lp Us Sy Wa Id PhysB Vcsw %istl %bstl
ptoolsl3 A54 3.1 0.9 2 0 0 0 99 0.00 228 - -
ptoolsl1 A52 3.1 2.7 1 0 1 0 99 0.01 0 - -
Time: 07:28:39 ----------------------------------------------------------------
The CEC Shared-processor-pool report contains information about the shared processor pools.
Item | Description |
psize | Effective maximum capacity of the pool. |
entc | Entitled capacity of the pool. |
maxc | Maximum capacity of the pool. |
physb | Sum of the physical busy of processors in the shared partitions of a pool. (The "physical busy" refers to fraction of physical processors that are busy.) |
app | Available physical processors in the pool. |
mem | Sum of the monitored memory for all of the shared partitions in the pool. |
muse | Sum of the memory consumed by all of the shared partitions in the pool. |
Sample Output
#Report: Topas CEC Pool Detailed --- hostname: ptoolsl1 version: 1.0
pool psize entc maxc physb app mem muse
0 3.0 2.0 3.0 0.1 1.0 2.0 1.0
1 4.0 3.0 5.0 0.5 1.5 1.0 0.5
2 3.0 2.5 4.0 0.2 2.0 1.0 0.5
Host Pi OS M Mem InU Lp Us Sy Wa Id PhysB Vcsw Ent %EntC PhI
ptools1 0 53 U 11 9 2 11 13 0 75 0.10 121 0.25 0.3 3
ptools5 1 53 U 12 10 2 12 3 0 85 0.20 121 0.25 0.3 3
ptools3 1 53 C 5.0 2.6 2 10 1 0 89 0.15 52 0.25 0.3 2
ptools7 2 53 c 2.0 0.4 1 0 1 0 99 0.05 2 0.10 0.3 2
Host OS M Mem InU Lp Us Sy Wa Id PhysB Vcsw %istl %bstl %bdon %idon
ptools6 52 1.1 0.1 1 11 7 0 82 0.50 50 10 5 10 0
ptools8 52 1.1 0.1 1 11 7 0 82 0.50 60 0 1 - -
ptools2 52 1.1 0.1 1 11 7 0 82 0.50 200 0 15 25 10
Memory pool report
Item | Description |
Mshr | Number of LPAR that are running in the shared-memory mode |
Mded | Number of LPAR that are running in the dedicated-memory mode |
Pools | Total number of memory pools in the system |
Mpsz | Total size of physical memory of all the memory pools in gigabytes |
MPuse | Total memory used by LPAR associated with all the pools in gigabytes |
Entl | Total I/O memory entitlement of all of the LPAR in all of the pools in gigabytes |
Use | Total I/O memory entitlement in use of all of the LPAR in all of the pools in gigabytes |
Mon | Total monitored memory of the system in gigabytes |
InUse | Total memory in use of the system in gigabytes |
Avl | Total free memory available in the system in gigabytes |
Item | Description |
mpid | ID of the memory pool |
mpsz | Size of the total physical memory of the memory pool in gigabytes |
mpus | Total memory of the memory pool in use (this value is the sum of the physical memory allocated to all of the LPAR in the pool) |
mem | Aggregate logical memory size of all of the partitions in the pool in gigabytes |
memu | Aggregate logical memory used for all of the partitions in the pool in gigabytes |
iome | Aggregate of I/O memory entitlement that is configured for all of the LPAR in the pool in gigabytes |
iomu | Aggregate of the I/O memory entitlement that is used for all of the LPAR in the pool in gigabytes |
hpi | Aggregate number of hypervisor page faults that have occurred for all of the LPAR in the pool |
hpit | Aggregate amount of time spent waiting for hypervisor page-ins by all of the LPAR in the pool in milliseconds |
Item | Description |
mem | Logical memory size of the partition in gigabytes |
memu | Logical memory that is used for the partition in gigabytes |
meml | Logical memory that is loaned to the hypervisor by the LPAR |
pmem | Physical memory allocated to the partition from the memory pool in gigabytes |
iom | Amount of I/O memory entitlement that is configured for the LPAR in gigabytes |
iomu | Amount of I/O memory entitlement that is used for the LPAR in gigabytes |
hpi | Number of hypervisor page faults |
hpit | Time spent waiting for hypervisor page-ins in milliseconds |
vcsw | Virtual context switches as an average per second |
physb | Physical processor busy |
%entc | Percentage of the processor entitlement that is consumed |
Comma-separated reports
The topasout command generates a CEC report that contains data that are separated with comma.
Use the topasout command with the -c flag to generate this report. The output file is written to recordedfilename_01 file.
topasout -c /etc/perf/topas_CEC.070221
The output file is the topas_CEC.070221_01 file, which locates in the same directory as the original file.
The topas recordings support only the-m mean option.
#Monitor: topas_CEC recording--- hostname: ptoolsl3 ValueType: mean
Time="2007/03/06 07:19:39", CEC/Lpars/monitored=3.00
Time="2007/03/06 07:19:39", CEC/Lpars/unmonitored=0.00
Time="2007/03/06 07:19:39", CEC/Lpars/shared=1.00
Time="2007/03/06 07:19:39", CEC/Lpars/dedicated=2.00
Time="2007/03/06 07:19:39", ptoolsl1/LPAR/Sys/osver=5.30
Time="2007/03/06 07:19:39", ptoolsl1/LPAR/Sys/shared=1.00
Time="2007/03/06 07:19:39", ptoolsl1/LPAR/Sys/capped=0.00
Time="2007/03/06 07:19:39", ptoolsl1/LPAR/Sys/smt=1.00
Spreadsheet format reports
The topasout command generates a CEC report in spreadsheet format.
Use the topasout command with the -s flag to generate this report. The output file is written to recordedfilename_01 file.
topasout -s /etc/perf/topas_CEC.070221
The output file is the topas_CEC.070221_01 file, which locates in the same directory as the original file.
The topas recordings can use only the -m mean option.
VIOS report
Item | Description |
Server | Name of the VIO Server. |
Client | Name of the VIO Client. |
KBPS | Number of kilobytes read and written per second over the monitoring interval. This field is the sum of the values of the KB-R and KB-W metrics. |
TPS | Number of transfers that are issued per second. |
KB-R | Number of kilobytes read per second. |
KB-W | Number of kilobytes written per second. |
AQD | Average number of requests waiting to be sent. |
AQW | Average queue that is waiting per request reported in millisecond. The suffix indicates the unit of time. The default time unit is millisecond. |
ART | Average time to receive a response from the hosting server for the read request sent. The suffix indicates the unit of time. The default time unit is millisecond. |
AWT | Average time to receive a response from the hosting server for the write request sent. The suffix indicates the unit of time. The default time unit is millisecond. |
MRT | Maximum time to receive a response from the hosting server for the read request sent. The suffix indicates the unit of time. The default time unit is millisecond. |
MWT | Maximum time to receive a response from the hosting server for the write request sent. The suffix indicates the unit of time. The default time unit is millisecond. |
VIOS adapter report
Item | Description |
Adapter | Name of the server adapter. |
Vtargets | Name of the virtual target device belonging to the server adapter. |
Client_disk | Name of the client disk that is mapped to the virtual target device of the server adapter. |
Item | Description |
KBPS | Amount of data transferred (read or written) in the adapter in kilobytes per second. |
TPS | Number of transfers per second issued to the adapter. |
KB-R | Total number of kilobytes read from the adapter. |
KB-W | Total number of kilobytes written to the adapter. |
AQD | Average number of requests waiting to be sent to the virtual target device or disk. |
AQW | Average queue waiting per request reported in millisecond. The suffix indicates the unit of time. The default time unit is millisecond. |
ART | Average time to receive a response from the hosting server for the read request sent. The suffix indicates the unit of time. The default time unit is millisecond. |
AWT | Average time to receive a response from the hosting server for the write request sent. The suffix indicates the unit of time. The default time unit is millisecond. |
MRT | Maximum time to receive a response from the hosting server for the read request sent. The suffix indicates the unit of time. The default time unit is millisecond. |
MWT | Maximum time to receive a response from the hosting server for the write request sent. The suffix indicates the unit of time. The default time unit is millisecond. |
Item | Description |
Busy% | Percentage of time that the virtual target device or disk is active. |
KBPS | Number of kilobytes read and written per second over the monitoring interval. This field is the sum of the value of the KB-R and KB-W metrics. |
TPS | Number of transfers per second that are issued to the virtual target device or disk. A transfer is an I/O request to the virtual target device or disk. Multiple logical requests can be combined into a single I/O request to the disk. A transfer is of medium size. |
KB-R | Number of kilobytes read per second from the virtual target device or disk. |
KB-W | Number of kilobytes written per second to the virtual target device or disk. |
AQD | Average number of requests waiting to be sent to the virtual target device or disk. |
AQW | Average queue waiting per request that is reported in milliseconds. The suffix indicates the unit of time. The default time unit is milliseconds. |
ART | Average time to receive a response from the hosting server for the read request sent. The suffix indicates the unit of time. The default time unit is milliseconds. |
AWT | Average time to receive a response from the hosting server for the write request sent. The suffix indicates the unit of time. The default time unit is milliseconds. |
MRT | Maximum time to receive a response from the hosting server for the read request sent. The suffix indicates the unit of time. The default time unit is milliseconds. |
MWT | Maximum time to receive a response from the hosting server for the write request sent. The suffix indicates the unit of time. The default time unit is milliseconds. |
Item | Description |
-a | The -a flag is used only for nmon analyzer report. |
-b time | The time in the recorded file that the topasout command
begins to generate reports from. The time can either be in the YYMMDDHHMM
format or the HHMM format. You must use the same time format for end
time if it is specified. YYMMDD represents year, month, and day. HHMM represents hour and minute. In HHMM format, the value must range from 0000 through 2359. The default value for begin time is 0000. The report is generated for the first day of the recording within the given time range. In YYMMDDHHMM format, the default value is the time of the first recorded data in the recording file. The command generates report for the data between the begin and end time range. |
-c | Specifies that the topasout command should format the output files as comma-separated ASCII. Each line in the output files contains one time stamp and one observation. |
-e time | The time in the recorded file that the topasout command
stop generating reports from. The time can be in the YYMMDDHHMM format
or the HHMM format. You must use the same time format for the begin
time if it is specified. YYMMDD represents year, month, and day. HHMM represents hour and minute. In YYMMDDHHMM format, the default value is the time of the last recorded data in the recording file. The report is generated for the data between the begin and end date and time range. In HHMM format, the default value for end time is 2359. The report is generated for the first day of the recording within the given time range. |
-i interval | The -i flag defines the interval in minute that the topasout command need to average the values. The valid values of the -i flag are 5, 10, 15, 30, or 60. The default value is 5 minutes. |
-m type | By default, the topasout only outputs the mean values. Other recorded values and the full set for local recordings are available through other options including the min, max, mean, stdev, set, and exp options. |
-O | The -O flag can have the following values: fullhostname=[on|off]. When the -O flag is set to on, it displays the full hostname in a new column. The default value is off for the fullhostname. |
-R type | Use the -R flag to specify the type of a report for xmwlm recordings
or topasout recordings. The type parameter
has the following variables:
The reports generated with the -R flag are printed to the console. |
-s | Specifies that topasout should format the output files in a format suitable for input to spreadsheet programs. |
Item | Description |
xmwlm_recording_file | Specifies that the input file is a recording created using the topasrec/xmwlm command. |
topas_recording_file | Specifies that the input file is a recording created using the topasrec/topas command. |
nmon_recording_file | Specifies that the input file is a recording created using the nmon command. |
- To generate a Detailed report from an xmwlm recording file
from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., enter the following command:
topasout -R detailed -i 15 –b 1000 -e 2300 /etc/perf/daily/xmwlm.070226
- To generate a Summary report from an xmwlm recording file,
enter the following command:
topasout -R summary /etc/perf/daily/xmwlm.070226
- To generate a Disk report from an xmwlm recording file,
enter the following command:
topasout -R disk /etc/perf/daily/xmwlm.070226
- To generate a LAN report from an xmwlm recording file,
enter the following command:
topasout -R lan /etc/perf/daily/xmwlm.070226
- To generate an adapter report from an xmwlm recording file,
enter the following command:
topasout -R adapter /etc/perf/daily/xmwlm.070226
- To generate a virtual adapter report from an xmwlm recording
file, enter the following command:
topasout -R vadapter /etc/perf/daily/xmwlm.070226
- To generate a nmon analyzer report from an xmwlm recording
file named xmwlm.070226 in the /etc/perf/daily/ directory,
enter the following command:
topasout –a /etc/perf/daily/xmwlm.070226
The output is written to /etc/perf/daily/xmwlm.070226.csv
- To generate a Shared-processor-pool report from topas CEC recording,
enter the following command:
topasout -R poolinfo /etc/perf/topas_CEC.070302
- To generate a Summary report from topas CEC recording from
2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on the first day of recorded data, enter the
following command:
topasout -R summary -b 1400 –e 1600 /etc/perf/topas_CEC.070302
- To generate a VIOS report from a topas CEC recording, enter
the following command:
topasout -R vios /etc/perf/topas_CEC.070302
- To generate a VIOS adapter report from a topas CEC recording,
enter the following command:
topasout -R vios_adapter /etc/perf/topas_CEC.070302
- To generate a memory pool report from a topas CEC recording,
enter the following command:
topasout -R mempool /etc/perf/topas_CEC.070302
- To generate a summary report from a topas CEC recording
from 2:00 p.m., March 10, 2008 to 4:00 p.m., March 12,2008, enter
the following command:
topasout -R summary -b 0803101400 -e 0803121600 /etc/perf/ptoolsl1_cec_080310.topas
- To generate a detailed report from a topas Cluster recording
from 2:00 p.m., March 10, 2008 to 4:00 p.m., March 12,2008, enter
the following command:
topasout -R summary -b 0803101400 -e 0803121600 /etc/perf/ptoolsl1_cluster_080310.topas
- To generate a nmon analyzer report from an CEC Recording file
named ptoolsl1_cec_080310.topas in the /etc/perf/ directory
enter the following command:
topasout -a /etc/perf/ptoolsl1_cec_080310.topas
- To generate a nmon analyzer report from an Cluster Recording file
named ptoolsl1_cluster_080310.topas in the /etc/perf/ directory,
enter the following command:
topasout -a /etc/perf/ptoolsl1_cluster_080310.topas
- To report the full hostname in the detailed reported, enter the following
topasout -R detailed -O fullhostname=on
Item | Description |
/usr/bin/topas | Contains the topas command. |
/usr/bin/xmwlm | Contains the xmwlm command. |
/usr/bin/topasout | Contains the topasout command. The topasout command is included in the fileset. |