stopwpar Command
Deactivates an active workload partition.
/usr/sbin/stopwpar[ -h | -F ] [ -r ] [ -t seconds | -N ] [ -v ] WparName
The stopwpar command
deactivates a running workload partition.
This includes stopping the following tasks:
- Stopping processes running within the workload partitions.
- Unloading the workload partition's WLM class, if any.
- Deactivating the workload partition's IP addresses, if any.
- Unmounting the workload partition's file systems, if any.
- Restarting the system workload partition.
- Removing the application workload partition.
The stopwpar command fails
under the following circumstances:
- The specified workload partition does not exist.
- One or more processes cannot be stopped by the kill command (use the -F flag to force.)
- One or more file systems cannot be unmounted (use the -F flag to force.)
Item | Description |
-F | Forces the workload partition to stop and signals the running processes more aggressively and unmounts the remote file systems. If the processes cannot be stopped, the workload partition remains in the Broken state and cannot be restarted. |
-h | Uses a hard stop to signal the workload partition subsystems to end. The default timeout value is 60 seconds when using a hard stop. |
-N | Specifies that the shutdown/halt to complete with no timeout. |
-r | Restarts the workload partition after all stopping operations complete. This is equivalent to calling the startwpar command after the stopwpar command. This flag is not valid for application workload partitions. |
-t seconds | Specifies the timeout length in number of seconds to wait for shutdown/halt to complete before the command fails and the program exits. The default is to fail after 600 seconds if the shutdown/halt has not completed. |
-v | Specifies to show verbose output. |
Item | Description |
WparName | Name of workload partition to stop. This parameter must be the last parameter on the command line. |
Access Control: Only the root user can run this command for system workload partitions. For application workload partitions, only the creator of the workload partition (or root) can run this command.
- To stop the workload partition called roy,
stopwpar roy
- To discontinue the shutdown processing for the workload partition called pinto after
85 seconds, enter:
stopwpar -t 85 pinto