clstat command (ASCII mode and X Windows mode)

Note: This topic contains information about the ASCII mode and the X Windows mode for the clstat command.

ASCII mode


Cluster Status Monitor (ASCII mode).


clstat [-c cluster ID | -n cluster name] [-i] [-r seconds] [-a] [-o][-s]


-c cluster id
Displays cluster information only about the cluster with the specified ID. If the specified cluster is not available, clstat continues looking for the cluster until the cluster is found or the program is canceled. May not be specified if the -i option is used.
Runs ASCII clstat in interactive mode. Initially displays a list of all clusters accessible to the system. The user must select the cluster for which to display the detailed information. A number of functions are available from the detailed display.
-n name
Displays cluster information about the cluster with the specified name. May not be specified if the -i option is used.
-r seconds
Updates the cluster status display at the specified number of seconds. The default is 1 second; however, the display is updated only if the cluster state changes.
Causes clstat to display in ASCII mode.
Provides a single snapshot of the cluster state and exits. This flag can be used to run clstat out of a cron job. Must be run with -a ; ignores -i and -r options.
Displays service labels and their state (up or down).

X Windows mode

X Windows mode purpose

Cluster Status Monitor (X Windows mode).

X Windows mode syntax

clstat [-a] [-c id | -n name ] [-r tenths-of-seconds ][-s]

X Windows mode flags

Runs clstat in ASCII mode.
-c id
Displays cluster information only about the cluster with the specified ID. If the specified cluster is not available, clstat continues looking for the cluster until the cluster is found or the program is canceled. Might not be specified if the -n option is used.
-n name
Displays cluster information only about the cluster with the specified name.
-r tenths-of-seconds
The interval at which the clstat utility updates the display. For the graphical interface, this value is interpreted in tenths of seconds. By default, clstat updates the display every 0.10 seconds.
Displays service labels and their state (up or down).

X Windows mode examples

  1. Run the following command to display the cluster information about the mycluster cluster.
    clstat -n mycluster
  2. Runs ASCII clstat in interactive mode, allowing multi-cluster monitoring.
    clstat -i
    The following are the buttons on X Window System Display:
    Displays previous cluster.
    Displays next cluster.
    Refresh bar, pressing bar causes clstat to refresh immediately.
    Exits application.
    Pop-up help window shows the clstat manual page.