cllsres command


ISorts PowerHA® SystemMirror® for AIX® Configuration Database resource data by name and arguments.


cllsres [-g group ] [-e] [-c] [-s] [-d odmdir ] [-qquery ]


-g group
Specifies name of resource group to list.
Specifies a colon output format.
Expands the user-defined resource list in "resourcetype=resourcenames" format.
Used with the -c flag, specifies native language instead of English.
-d odmdir
Specifies an alternate ODM directory.
-q query
Specifies search criteria for ODM retrieve. See the odmget man page for information on search criteria.


  1. Run the following command to list source data for all resource groups.
  2. Run the following command to list resource data for grp1 resource group.
    cllsres -g grp1
  3. Run the following command to lists file system resource data for grp1 resource group.
    cllsres -g grp1 -q"name = FILESYSTEM"