cli_chlv command


Change the attributes of a logical volume on all nodes in a cluster.


cli_chlv  [-a Position] [-b BadBlocks] [-d Schedule] [-e Range]
          [-L label] [-p Permission] [-r Relocate] [-s Strict]
          [-t Type] [-u Upperbound] [-v Verify] [-w MirrorWriteConsistency]
          [-x Maximum] [-U userid] [-G groupid] [-P modes] LogicalVolume 


Uses C-SPOC to run the chlv command with specified the parameters, and update the logical volume definition on all cluster nodes.


-a Position
Sets the physical volume allocation policy (the position of the logical partitions on the physical volume). The following Position variables are valid:
Allocates logical partitions in the outer middle section of each physical volume. This variable is the default setting.
Allocates logical partitions in the center section of each physical volume.
Allocates logical partitions in the outer edge section of each physical volume.
Allocates logical partitions in the inner edge section of each physical volume.
Allocates logical partitions in the inner middle section of each physical volume.
-b BadBlocks
Sets the bad-block relocation policy. The following BadBlocks variables are valid:
Causes bad-block relocation to occur.
Prevents bad block relocation from occurring.
-d Schedule
Sets the scheduling policy when more than one logical partition is written. You must use parallel or sequential processing to mirror a striped logical volume. The following Schedule variables are valid:
Establishes a parallel scheduling policy.
Parallel write with sequential read policy. All mirrors are written in parallel but always read from the first mirror if it is available.
Parallel write and reads are done for all mirrors. This policy is similar to the parallel policy, except an attempt is made to spread the reads to the logical volume more evenly across all mirrors.
Establishes a sequential scheduling policy. Use this variable when you specify policy of parallel or sequential strictness (super strictness).
-e Range
Sets the physical volume allocation policy. The allocation policy is the number of physical volumes to extend across by using the volumes that provide the best allocation. The value of the Range variable is limited by the Upperbound variable that is set with the -u flag. The following Range variables are valid:
Allocates logical partitions across the maximum number of physical volumes.
Allocates logical partitions across the minimum number of physical volumes.
-G Groupid
Specifies group ID for the logical volume special file.
-L Label
Sets the logical volume label. The maximum size for this variable is 127 characters.
-n NewLogicalVolume
Changes the name of the logical volume that is specified by the NewLogicalVolume variable. Logical volume names must be unique system wide and can have a maximum of 15 characters.
-p Permission
Sets the access permission to read/write or read-only. The following Permission variables are valid:
Sets the access permission to read/write.
Sets the access permission to read-only. Mounting a JFS file system on a read-only logical volume is not supported.
-P Modes
Specifies permissions (file modes) for the logical volume special file.
-r Relocate
Specifies whether you want to allow or prevent the relocation of the logical volume during reorganization. The following Relocate variables are valid:
Allows the logical volume to be relocated during reorganization. If the logical volume is striped, you cannot use the chlv command to change the relocation flag to y.
Prevents the logical volume from being relocated during reorganization.
-s Strict
Determines the strict allocation policy. You can allocate copies of a logical partition to be shared or not shared for the same physical volume. The following Strict variables are valid:
Sets a strict allocation policy, so copies of a logical partition cannot share the same physical volume.
Does not set a strict allocation policy, so copies of a logical partition can share the same physical volume.
Sets a super strict allocation policy, so that the partitions allocated for one mirror cannot share a physical volume with the partitions from another mirror. When you change to a non-super strict logical volume to a super strict logical volume, you must use the -u flag.
-t Type
Sets the logical volume type. The maximum size is 31 characters. If the logical volume is striped, you cannot change the Type variable to boot.
-U Userid
Specifies user ID for the logical volume special file.
-u Upperbound
Sets the maximum number of physical volumes for the new allocation. The value of the Upperbound variable is between one and the total number of physical volumes. When you use super strictness, the upper bound indicates the maximum number of physical volumes that are allowed for each mirror copy. When you use striped logical volumes, the upper bound must be multiple of Stripe_width variable.
-v Verify
Sets the write-verify state for the logical volume. Causes all writes to the logical volume either to be verified with a follow-up read or not to be verified with a follow-up read. The following Verify variables are valid:
All writes to the logical volume are verified with a follow-up read.
All writes to the logical volume are not verified with a follow-up read.
-w MirrorWriteConsistency
The following MirrorWriteConsistency variables are valid:
Turns on active mirror write consistency. This variable verifies data consistency on the mirrored copies of a logical volume during normal I/O processing.
Turns on passive mirror write consistency. This variable verifies data consistency on the mirrored copies during volume group synchronization after a system interruption. This function is only available on Big Volume Groups.
No mirror write consistency.
-x Maximum
Sets the maximum number of logical partitions that can be allocated to the logical volume. The maximum number of logical partitions per logical volume is 32,512.


To change the physical volume allocation of logical volume that is named lv01, enter:
cli_chlv -e m lv01