mkboot Command
Creates the boot image, the boot record, and the service record. This command is not a user-level command and is NOT supported.
mkboot -d Device [ -b ] [ -D ] [ -c ] [ -h ] [ -i ] [ -I ] [ -l LVDev ] { -k Kernel | -e Expander } [ -L] [ -s ] [ -r ] [ -p Offset ] [ -w ] -f FileSystem
The mkboot command combines a kernel and file system into a boot image. The resulting image is written to standard out. It is copied to a boot device with the appropriate boot record information. The boot image can be made compressed or uncompressed and with or without a boot record at the beginning of the image. An image created for a tape is compressed with the boot record at the start of the image file. A disk boot image may be created without compression and has no boot record. The boot record is written to the first sector of the disk. The record contains information about the size and location of the image after it is written to the boot logical volume on that disk.
If the boot logical volume is mirrored, the mkboot command not only writes the boot image to each copy of the boot logical volume but also writes a boot record to each physical disk comprising the mirror. As long as the mkboot command is able to update at least one of the copies of a mirrored boot logical volume, no error is returned. To enable booting from each copy of a mirrored boot logical volume, each of the physical disks must be specified using the bootlist command.
The mkboot command is usually called by the bosboot command. However, you can run the mkboot command a second time to put expand code at the beginning of a compressed boot image.
Item | Description |
-b | Zeros out save-base fields. This flag is optional. |
-d Device | Specifies the device required for the IPL record. This flag is required. |
-c | Zeros out the boot record on the device. This flag is optional. |
-D | Loads the low-level debugger at boot time. |
-e Expander | Specifies kernel expansion code to create a compressed boot image file. Either the -e flag or the -k flag must be specified. |
-f FileSystem | Specifies the boot file system. This flag is required. |
-h | Prevents the mkboot command from updating the boot header. This flag is optional. |
-i | Writes the normal portion of the boot record. |
-I (uppercase i) | Invokes the low-level debugger at boot time. |
-k Kernel | Specifies the kernel in the boot image. Either the -k flag or the -e flag must be specified. |
-l (lowercase L) LVDev | Specifies the logical volume device that contains the loadable boot code. |
-L | Enables lock instrumentation for MP systems. This flag has no effect on systems that are not using the MP kernel. |
-p Offset | Specifies the address to use as boot_pr_start field in the boot record. This flag is used in creating the CD-ROM boot image. This flag is optional. |
-r | Creates an image that is read-only storage (ROS) emulation code. |
-s | Writes the service portion of the boot record. |
-w | Outputs first two blocks of boot logical volume before the boot image. This flag is applicable to disk boot image only. |
Access Control: Only the root user can read and execute this command.
- To create an uncompressed
boot image, using the kernel /usr/lib/boot/unix and the /tmp/bootfs file
system for the device /dev/hdisk0, enter
mkboot -d /dev/hdisk0 -k /usr/lib/boot/unix -f /tmp/bootfs \ -b -i -s > /tmp/boot.image
- To clear the boot record
but leave the PVID for disk hdisk0, enter:
mkboot -d /dev/hdisk0 -c
- Although the mkboot command
combines a kernel and a random access memory (RAM) file system to
create one boot image, you can run the mkboot command a second
time to put expand code at the beginning of a compressed boot image.
For example, enter:
for a bootable tape where:mkboot -b -d /dev/rmt0 -k unix -f ramfs | compress > /tmp/image mkboot -b -i -s -d /dev/rmt0 -k bootexpand -f /tmp/image \ > bootfile
Item Description unix Specifies the kernel. ramfs Specifies the RAM disk file system. compress Specifies the compression or compact routine. bootexpand Specifies the expansion or kernel uncompact routine.
Item | Description |
/usr/include/sys/bootrecord.h | Specifies the structure of the boot record. |