lssrc Command
Gets the status of a subsystem, a group of subsystems, or a subserver.
To Get All Status
To Get Group Status
lssrc [ -h Host ] -g GroupName
To Get Subsystem Status
lssrc [ -h Host ] [ -l ] -s Subsystem
To Get Status by PID
lssrc [ -h Host ] [ -l ] -p SubsystemPID
To Get Subserver Status
lssrc [ -h Host ] [ -l ] -t Type [ -p SubsystemPID ] [ -o Object ] [ -P SubserverPID ]
To Get Subsystem Status in SMIT Format
lssrc -S [ -s Subsystem | -d ]
To Get Subserver Status in SMIT Format
To Get Notify in SMIT Format
The lssrc command sends a request to the System Resource Controller to get status on a subsystem, a group of subsystems, or all subsystems. The lssrc command sends a subsystem request packet to the daemon to be forwarded to the subsystem for a subserver status or a long subsystem status.
You can choose whether to request a short or long status for a subserver. When the -l flag is absent, the status request is assumed to be a short status. A short status of a subsystem, group of subsystems, or all subsystems is handled by the System Resource Controller.
When the -l flag is present for a subsystem, a status request is taken to the subsystem and the subsystem sends the status back. The -l flag is supported only for those subsystems not using signals as their communication method. For either a long or short status of a subserver, the subsystem is sent a status request packet, and the subsystem sends the status back.
The lssrc command output can sometimes show two entries for a particular daemon. One instance will be active and another instance will be inoperative. This can happen if the subsystem is modified (using the mkssys command or chssys command) without stopping the subsystem. The original subsystem will remain active and the modified instance will be inoperative until the subsystem is stopped and started again.
Item | Description |
-a | Lists the current status of all defined subsystem. |
-d | Specifies that the default record is printed. |
-g GroupName | Specifies a group of subsystems to get status for. The command is unsuccessful if the GroupName variable is not contained in the subsystem object class. |
-h Host | Specifies the foreign host on which this status action is requested. The local user must be running as "root". The remote system must be configured to accept remote System Resource Controller requests. That is, the srcmstr daemon (see /etc/inittab) must be started with the -r flag and the /etc/hosts.equiv or .rhosts file must be configured to allow remote requests. |
-l | Requests that a subsystem send its current status in long form. Long status requires that a status request be sent to the subsystem; it is the responsibility of the subsystem to return the status. |
-n NotifyName | Specifies the name of a notify method. |
-N | Specifies that the Object Data Manager (ODM) records are output in SMIT format for the notify object class. |
-o Object | Specifies that a subserver Object variable is passed to the subsystem as a character string. |
-p SubsystemPID | Specifies a particular instance of the SubsystemPID variable to get status for, or a particular instance of the subsystem to which the status subserver request is to be taken. |
-P SubserverPID | Specifies that a SubserverPID variable is to be passed to the subsystem as a character string. |
-s Subsystem | Specifies a subsystem to get status for. The Subsystem variable can be the actual subsystem name or the synonym name for the subsystem. The command is unsuccessful if the Subsystem variable is not contained in the subsystem object class. |
-S | Specifies that the ODM records are output in SMIT format for the subsystem object class. |
-t Type | Requests that a subsystem send the current status of a subserver. The command is unsuccessful if the subserver Type variable is not contained in the subserver object class. |
-T | Specifies that the ODM records are output in SMIT format for the subserver object class. |
Exit status
- 0
- The command ran successfully.
- 1
- The command failed.
- To get the status of all
subsystems on the local machine, enter: lssrc -aThis gets the status of all subsystems known on the local machine.
- To get the status of all subsystems on a foreign host, enter: This gets the status of all subsystems known on the zork machine.
- To get the status of the
srctest subsystem, enter: lssrc -s srctestThis gets the status of all instances of the srctest subsystem on the local machine.
- To get the status of the
subsystem by PID, enter: lssrc -p 1234This gets the status of the subsystem with the subsystem PID of 1234 on the local machine.
- To get the status of
the tcpip subsystem group, enter: lssrc -g tcpipThis gets the status of all instances of subsystems in the tcpip group on the local machine.
- To get the status of the tester subserver, enter: This gets the status of tester subserver that belongs to the srctest subsystem with the subsystem PID of 1234 on the local machine.
- To get the status of the subsystem by PID, enter: This gets the long status of the subsystem with the PID of 1234.
Item | Description |
/etc/objrepos/SRCsubsys | Specifies the SRC Subsystem Configuration Object Class. |
/etc/objrepos/SRCsubsvr | Specifies the SRC Subserver Configuration Object Class. |
/etc/objrepos/SRCnotify | Specifies the SRC Notify Configuration Object Class. |
/etc/services | Defines the sockets and protocols used for Internet services. |
/dev/SRC | Specifies the AF_UNIX socket file. |
/dev/.SRC-unix | Specifies the location for temporary socket files. |