lslv Command


Displays information about a logical volume.


To Display Logical Volume Information

lslv [ -L ] [ -l| -m ] [ -n PhysicalVolume ] LogicalVolume

To Display Logical Volume Allocation Map

lslv [ -L ] [ -n PhysicalVolume ] -p PhysicalVolume [ LogicalVolume ]


The lslv command displays the characteristics and status of the LogicalVolume or lists the logical volume allocation map for the physical partitions on the PhysicalVolume. The logical volume can be a name or identifier.
Note: If the lslv command cannot find information for a field in the Device Configuration Database, it will insert a question mark (?) in the value field. As an example, if there is no information for the LABEL field, the following is displayed:

The command attempts to obtain as much information as possible from the description area when it is given a logical volume identifier.

You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) smit lslv fast path to run this command.


Item Description
-L Specifies no waiting to obtain a lock on the Volume group.
Note: If the volume group is being changed, using the -L flag gives unreliable date.
-l Lists the following fields for each physical volume in the logical volume:
Physical volume name.
The following three fields:
  • The number of logical partitions containing at least one physical partition (no copies) on the physical volume
  • The number of logical partitions containing at least two physical partitions (one copy) on the physical volume
  • The number of logical partitions containing three physical partitions (two copies) on the physical volume
In band
The percentage of physical partitions on the physical volume that belong to the logical volume and were allocated within the physical volume region specified by Intra-physical allocation policy.
The number of physical partitions allocated within each section of the physical volume: outer edge, outer middle, center, inner middle, and inner edge of the physical volume.
-m Lists the following fields for each logical partition:
Logical partition number.
Physical volume name where the logical partition's first physical partition is located.
First physical partition number allocated to the logical partition.
Physical volume name where the logical partition's second physical partition (first copy) is located.
Second physical partition number allocated to the logical partition.
Physical volume name where the logical partition's third physical partition (second copy) is located.
Third physical partition number allocated to the logical partition.
-n PhysicalVolume Accesses information from the specific descriptor area of PhysicalVolume variable. The information may not be current since the information accessed with the -n flag has not been validated for the logical volumes. If you do not use the -n flag, the descriptor area from the physical volume that holds the validated information is accessed and therefore the information that is displayed is current. The volume group need not be active when you use this flag.
-p PhysicalVolume Displays the logical volume allocation map for the PhysicalVolume variable. If you use the LogicalVolume parameter, any partition allocated to that logical volume is listed by logical partition number. Otherwise, the state of the partition is listed as one of the following:
Indicates that the partition is allocated to another logical volume.
Indicates that the specified partition is not being used on the system.
Indicates that the specified partition is no longer consistent with other partitions. The computer lists the logical partitions number with a question mark if the partition is stale.

If no flags are specified, the following status is displayed:

Item Description
LOGICAL VOLUME Name of the logical volume. Logical volume names must be unique system-wide and can range from 1 to 15 characters.
VOLUME GROUP Name of the volume group. Volume group names must be unique system-wide and can range from 1 to 15 characters.
LOGICAL VOLUME IDENTIFIER (LV identifier) Identifier of the logical volume.
PERMISSION Access permission; read-only or read-write.
VOLUME GROUP STATE (VG state) State of the volume group. If the volume group is activated with the varyonvg command, the state is either active/complete (indicating all physical volumes are active) or active/partial (indicating all physical volumes are not active). If the volume group is not activated with the varyonvg command, the state is inactive.
LOGICAL VOLUME STATE (LV state) State of the logical volume. The Opened/stale status indicates the logical volume is open but contains physical partitions that are not current. Opened/syncd indicates the logical volume is open and synchronized. Closed indicates the logical volume has not been opened.
TYPE Logical volume type.
WRITE VERIFY Write verify state of on or off.
MIRROR WRITE CONSISTENCY Mirror write consistency state of on or off.
MAX LPs Maximum number of logical partitions the logical volume can hold.
PP size Size of each physical partition.
COPIES Number of physical partitions created for each logical partition when allocating.
SCHEDULE POLICY(Sched policy) Sequential or parallel scheduling policy.
LPs Number of logical partitions currently in the logical volume.
PPs Number of physical partitions currently in the logical volume.
Stale partitions Number of physical partitions in the logical volume that are not current.
BB POLICY Bad block relocation policy.
INTER-POLICY Inter-physical allocation policy.
INTRA-POLICY Intra-physical allocation policy.
UPPER BOUND If the logical volume is super strict, upper bound is the maximum number of disks in a mirror copy.
RELOCATABLE Indicates whether the partitions can be relocated if a reorganization of partition allocation takes place.
MOUNT POINT File system mount point for the logical volume, if applicable.
LABEL Specifies the label field for the logical volume.
Each LP copy on a separate PV? The strictness value. Current state of allocation, strict, nonstrict, or superstrict. A strict allocation states that no copies for a logical partition are allocated on the same physical volume. If the allocation does not follow the strict criteria, it is called nonstrict. A nonstrict allocation states that at least one occurrence of two physical partitions belong to the same logical partition. A superstrict allocation states that no partition from one mirror copy may reside the same disk as another mirror copy.
SERIALIZE IO? Serialization of overlapping IOs state of yes or no. If serialization is turned on (yes), then overlapping IOs are not allowed on a block range, and only a single IO in a block range is processed at any one time. Most applications, such as file systems and databases, perform serialization; therefore, serialization should be turned off (no). The default setting for new logical volumes is no.
STRIPE WIDTH The number of physical volumes being striped across.
STRIPE SIZE The number of bytes per stripe.
INFINITE RETRY Lists the infinite retry option of the logical volume.
PREFERRED READ Lists the preferred logical volume copy for the read operation.
start of changeENCRYPTIONend of change start of changeLists the data encryption option of the logical volume. This information is available in AIX® 7 with 7200-05, or later.end of change


  1. To display information about the testlv logical volume, enter:
    lslv testlv
    Information about the testlv logical volume, its logical and physical partitions, and the volume group to which it belongs is displayed as shown in the following example output:
    LOGICAL VOLUME:     testlv                 VOLUME GROUP:   testvg
    LV IDENTIFIER:      000e8b6e0000d900000001476c303bc8.1 PERMISSION:     read/write
    VG STATE:           active/complete        LV STATE:       closed/syncd
    TYPE:               jfs                    WRITE VERIFY:   off
    MAX LPs:            512                    PP SIZE:        128 megabyte(s)
    COPIES:             3                      SCHED POLICY:   parallel
    LPs:                10                     PPs:            30
    STALE PPs:          0                      BB POLICY:      relocatable
    INTER-POLICY:       minimum                RELOCATABLE:    yes
    INTRA-POLICY:       middle                 UPPER BOUND:    32
    MOUNT POINT:        N/A                    LABEL:          None
    Serialize IO ?:     NO
    INFINITE RETRY:     no                     PREFERRED READ: 3 
  2. To display the logical volume allocation map for hdisk2, enter:
    lslv -p hdisk2
    An allocation map for hdisk2 is displayed, showing the state of each partition. Since no LogicalVolume parameter was included, the map does not contain logical partition numbers specific to any logical volume.
  3. To display information about logical volume lv03 by physical volume, enter:
    lslv -l lv03
    The characteristics and status of lv03 are displayed, with the output arranged by physical volume.
  4. To display information about physical volume hdisk3 gathered from the descriptor area on hdisk2, enter:
    lslv -n hdisk2 -p hdisk3 lv02
    An allocation map, using the descriptor area on hdisk2, is displayed. Because the LogicalVolume parameter is included, the number of each logical partition allocated to that logical volume is displayed on the map.
  5. To display information about a specific logical volume, using the identifier, enter:
    lslv 00000256a81634bc.2
    All available characteristics and status of this logical volume are displayed.


Item Description
/usr/sbin Contains the lslv command.