lscluster Command


Lists the cluster configuration information.


lscluster { -i | start of change-g [ -k ]end of change | -d | -c [ -n clustername ] } | { -m [ nodename ] | -s | -i interfacename | start of change-g interfacenameend of change | -d diskname }


The lscluster command displays the attributes associated with the cluster and the cluster configuration.


Item Description
-c Lists the cluster configuration.
-d Lists the cluster storage interfaces.
start of change-gend of change start of changeLists the currently active network gateway interfaces as reported by each node.end of change
-i Lists the network device driver (NDD) and pseudo NDD interfaces that are currently configured on each of the Cluster Aware AIX® (CAA) nodes. CAA might not use all of the interfaces to exchange heartbeat packets.
Note: The storage framework communication (sfwcom) interface is displayed as UP only if this interface is configured and available. Otherwise, it is not displayed.
start of change-kend of change start of changeLists the assigned network gateway interfaces for each node. The interfaces can be down or not even configured. You can specify this flag only with the -g flag. end of change
-m Lists the cluster node configuration information. This information includes a list of points of contact. Points of contact are cluster configuration interfaces that are used by the cluster to exchange heartbeat packets. If a point of contact has no CAA traffic for an extended period, it is removed from the list of points of contact.
-n Allows the cluster names to be queried for all interfaces, storage, or cluster configurations (applicable only with -i, -d, or -c flags).
-s Lists the cluster network statistics on the local node.


  1. To list the cluster configuration for all nodes, enter:
    lscluster -m
    The sample of the output follows:
    # lscluster -m
    Calling node query for all nodes...
    Node query number of nodes examined: 2
                        Node name:
                        Cluster shorthand id for node: 1
                        uuid for node: 84088524-b124-11e3-8210-32c8e74b1e02
                        State of node:  UP  NODE_LOCAL
                        Smoothed rtt to node: 0
                        Mean Deviation in network rtt to node: 0
                        Number of clusters node is a member in: 1
                        CLUSTER NAME       TYPE  SHID   UUID
                        Sample local        84ee37f4-b124-11e3-8210-32c8e74b1e02
                        Number of points_of_contact for node: 0
                        Point-of-contact interface & contact state
                        Node name:
                        Cluster shorthand id for node: 2
                        uuid for node: 8492a5a6-b124-11e3-8210-32c8e74b1e02
                        State of node:  UP
                        Smoothed rtt to node: 70
                        Mean Deviation in network rtt to node: 82
                        Number of clusters node is a member in: 1
                        CLUSTER NAME       TYPE  SHID   UUID
                        Sample local        84ee37f4-b124-11e3-8210-32c8e74b1e02
                        Number of points_of_contact for node: 2
                        Point-of-contact interface & contact state
                        dpcom  UP  RESTRICTED
                        en0  UP
  2. To list the cluster configuration for the local node, enter:
    lscluster -s
    The sample of the output follows:
     # lscluster -s
                Cluster Network Statistics:
                pkts seen: 33861217                   passed: 32052241
                IP pkts: 5778096                      UDP pkts: 1934943
                gossip pkts sent: 1463320             gossip pkts recv: 688759
                cluster address pkts: 0               CP pkts: 1808962
                bad transmits: 5                      bad posts: 4
                Bad transmit (overflow - disk ): 0
                Bad transmit (overflow - tcpsock): 0
                Bad transmit (host unreachable): 0
                Bad transmit (net unreachable): 0
                Bad transmit (network down): 0
                Bad transmit (no connection): 0
                short pkts: 0                         multicast pkts: 1808880
                cluster wide errors: 0                bad pkts: 0
                dup pkts: 0                           dropped pkts: 14
                pkt fragments: 1                      fragments queued: 0
                fragments freed: 0
                pkts pulled: 0                        no memory: 0
                rxmit requests recv: 10               requests found: 3
                requests missed: 7                    ooo pkts: 0
                requests reset sent: 7                reset recv: 0
                remote tcpsock send: 0                tcpsock recv: 0
                rxmit requests sent: 0
                alive pkts sent: 0                    alive pkts recv: 0
                ahafs pkts sent: 2                    ahafs pkts recv: 0
                nodedown pkts sent: 0                 nodedown pkts recv: 1
                socket pkts sent: 62                  socket pkts recv: 54
                cwide pkts sent: 275321               cwide pkts recv: 275318
                socket pkts no space: 0               pkts recv notforhere: 0
                Pseudo socket pkts sent: 0            Pseudo socket pkts recv: 0
                Pseudo socket pkts dropped: 0
                arp pkts sent: 1                      arp pkts recv: 2
                stale pkts recv: 0                    other cluster pkts: 4
                storage pkts sent: 1                  storage pkts recv: 1
                disk pkts sent: 174                   disk pkts recv: 0
                unicast pkts sent: 275364             unicast pkts recv: 82
                out-of-range pkts recv: 0
                IPv6 pkts sent: 0                     IPv6 pkts recv: 122
                IPv6 frags sent: 0                    IPv6 frags recv: 0
                Unhandled large pkts: 0
                mrxmit overflow     : 0               urxmit overflow: 0
  3. To list the interface information for the local node, enter:
    lscluster -i
    The sample of output follows:
    # lscluster -i
                Network/Storage Interface Query
                Cluster Name:  Sample
                Cluster uuid:  84ee37f4-b124-11e3-8210-32c8e74b1e02
                Number of nodes reporting = 2
                Number of nodes expected = 2
                Node uuid = 84088524-b124-11e3-8210-32c8e74b1e02
                Number of interfaces discovered = 2
                        Interface number 1 en0
                                ifnet type = 6 ndd type = 7
                                Mac address length = 6
                                Mac address =  32:C8:E7:4B:1E:02
                                Smoothed rrt across interface = 0
                                Mean Deviation in network rrt across interface = 0
                                Probe interval for interface = 100 ms
                                ifnet flags for interface = 0x1E080863
                                ndd flags for interface = 0x0021081B
                                Interface state  UP
                                Number of regular addresses configured on interface = 1
                                IPv4 ADDRESS:  broadcast  netmask
                                Number of cluster multicast addresses configured on interface = 1
                                IPv4 MULTICAST ADDRESS:  broadcast  netmask
                        Interface number 2 dpcom
                                ifnet type = 0 ndd type = 305
                                Mac address length = 0
                                Mac address =  00:00:00:00:00:00
                                Smoothed rrt across interface = 750
                                Mean Deviation in network rrt across interface = 1500
                                Probe interval for interface = 22500 ms
                                ifnet flags for interface = 0x00000000
                                ndd flags for interface = 0x00000009
                                Interface state  UP  RESTRICTED  AIX_CONTROLLED
                        Pseudo Interface
                                Interface State DOWN
                Node uuid = 8492a5a6-b124-11e3-8210-32c8e74b1e02
                Number of interfaces discovered = 2
                        Interface number 1 en0
                                ifnet type = 6 ndd type = 7
                                Mac address length = 6
                                Mac address =  32:C8:EF:AD:7C:02
                                Smoothed rrt across interface = 0
                                Mean Deviation in network rrt across interface = 0
                                Probe interval for interface = 990 ms
                                ifnet flags for interface = 0x1E084863
                                ndd flags for interface = 0x0021081B
                                Interface state  UP
                                Number of regular addresses configured on interface = 1
                                IPv4 ADDRESS:  broadcast  netmask
                                Number of cluster multicast addresses configured on interface = 1
                                IPv4 MULTICAST ADDRESS:  broadcast  netmask
                        Interface number 2 dpcom
                                ifnet type = 0 ndd type = 305
                                Mac address length = 0
                                Mac address =  00:00:00:00:00:00
                                Smoothed rrt across interface = 750
                                Mean Deviation in network rrt across interface = 1500
                                Probe interval for interface = 22500 ms
                                ifnet flags for interface = 0x00000000
                                ndd flags for interface = 0x00000009
                                Interface state  UP  RESTRICTED  AIX_CONTROLLED
                        Pseudo Interface
                                Interface State DOWN
  4. To list the storage interface information for the cluster, enter:
    lscluster -d
    The sample of output follows:
    # lscluster -d
                Storage Interface Query
                Cluster Name:  Sample
                Cluster uuid:  84ee37f4-b124-11e3-8210-32c8e74b1e02
                Number of nodes reporting = 2
                Number of nodes expected = 2
                Node uuid = 84088524-b124-11e3-8210-32c8e74b1e02
                Number of disk discovered = 1
                          state : UP
                          uDid  :
                          uUid  : 76c94719-7335-ded6-10e2-77d61ff7998c
                          type  : REPDISK
                Node uuid = 8492a5a6-b124-11e3-8210-32c8e74b1e02
                Number of disk discovered = 1
                          state : UP
                          uDid  : 382300c4f4f700004c0000000140799c6e39.3105VDASD03AIXvscsi
                          uUid  : 76c94719-7335-ded6-10e2-77d61ff7998c
                          type  : REPDISK
  5. To list the cluster configuration, enter:
    lscluster -c
    The sample of the output follows:
    # lscluster -c
    Cluster Name: Sample
    Cluste UUID: 8e1d89da-b39d-11e3-91e7-d24dc2d9d309
    Number of nodes in cluster = 2
            Cluster ID for node 1
            Primary IP address for node
            Cluster ID for node 2
            Primary IP address for node
    Number of disks in cluster = 1
            Disk = hdisk6 UUID = 57208624-fda4-d404-a7c0-8e425e2941a4 cluster_major = 0 cluster_minor = 1
    Multicast for site LOCAL: IPv4 IPv6 ff05::e403:cf84
    Communication Mode: multicast
    Local node maximum capabilities: HNAME_CHG, UNICAST, IPV6, SITE
    Effective cluster-wide capabilities: HNAME_CHG, UNICAST, IPV6, SI
  6. start of changeTo list the currently assigned network gateway interfaces for each node, enter the following command:
    lscluster -g -k
    The sample of the output follows:
    # lscluster -g -k
    Configured Network Gateway Interfaces
    Cluster Name: Sample
    Cluster UUID: 6b535f42-b3d3-11e9-8004-00145e742bf8
    Number of nodes found = 2
    Node SHID = 1
    Node UUID = 6b2d5f36-b3d3-11e9-8004-00145e742bf8
            Number of network gateways Configured = 1
                    IPv4 ADDRESS:
    Node SHID = 2
    Node UUID = 3f5c5970-b789-11e9-800a-00145e742bf8
            Number of network gateways Configured = 2
                    IPv4 ADDRESS:
                    IPv4 ADDRESS:
    In the output, the IP address,, is not active but is displayed because of the -k flag.
    end of change