inulag Command
Acts as the front end to the subroutines to manage license agreements.
inulag -r [ -n FilesetName | -s FileName | -p Product ] [ -d Description [ -m MessageSpecification ]] -f File
inulag -l | -q [ -c | -v ] [ -n FilesetName | -s FileName | -p Product | -a ]
inulag -u [ -n FilesetName | -s FileName | -p Product ]
inulag -A
inulag -D
The inulag command manages software license agreements. The basic forms are license agreement registration, license agreement listing, license agreement deactivation, license agreement validation, and license agreement revalidation.
The -r flag manages software license agreement registration of a fileset installed with installp or an independently-installed product installed through another installer. The path to a file that is always installed with an independently-installed product must be specified with the -s flag when the license agreement is registered.
The -l flag lists software license agreement registrations. If the -c flag is specified, the path to the software license agreement file is displayed rather than the contents of the file.
The -q flag queries for existence of software license agreements. A return code of 0 is returned if a license agreement exists. If the -a flag is also specified, then a return code of 0 is returned if there is a pending license agreement.
The -u flag removes the listing of software license agreements for a fileset or independently-installed product.
The -D flag forces revalidation of software license agreements upon the next system reboot.
Item | Description |
-a | Used with the -l flag to show products that have a pending license agreement. |
-A | Registers agreements for all pending license agreements. |
-c | Used with the -l flag for colon-separated listing. Cannot be used with the -v flag. |
-d Description | Specifies the default description for the fileset or product to which license applies. |
-D | Forces the revalidation all license agreements on the next reboot. |
-f File | Specifies the pathname specification for the license agreement. A '%L' in the specification is a substitution pattern for the current locale. en_US is the default locale. A "%l" in the specification matches the first two characters of the locale unless the current locale is zh_CN, in which all five characters of the locale designation are used. |
-l | Lists software license agreements. |
-m MessageSpecification | Specifies the message catalog for a translated description of the form "catalog,set number,message number". |
-n FilesetName | Specifies the name of a fileset registered in the software vital product database governed by the license agreement. |
-p Product | Specifies the product id, a nontranslatable alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies a product. |
-q | Queries for license agreements. Does not show output. The value of 0 is returned if a license agreement exists. The -q flag can be used with other flags to query for particular license agreements or pending license agreements. |
-r | Registers a software license agreement. Requires the -f flag for the path to the agreement file and either the -n flag or the -s flag to indicate the fileset name or signature file containing software subject to the agreement. The -r flag cannot be used with the -l, -q, or the -u flag. License agreements are registered as pending (status='P') during system installation, and NIM SPOT installation unless the environment variable ACCEPT_LICENSES is set to yes. |
-s FileName | Specifies a signature file unique to installed software that identifies software not registered in the software vital product database that is governed by the license agreement. This is for use by software products not registering into the software vital product database. This form exists for the purpose of identifying software installed but not registered in the software vital product database. The FileName includes the full path to the file. |
-u | Removes a license agreement. This does not actually remove the license agreement file, rather it changes the status of a license agreement associated with a fileset to inactive. Inactive license agreements do not need to be reagreed to, but they do not show up when listing installed software licenses. |
-v | Used with the -l flag for verbose listing. Cannot be used with the -c flag. |
The agreement database is writable only by root. As a result, all flags other than the -l flag can only be used by a user operating with root user authority.