emgr Command
Starts the interim fix manager, which installs, removes, lists, and checks system interim fixes.
emgr -l [ -L Label | -n interimfixNumber | -u VUID ] [-v{1|2|3} ] [ -X ] [-a path]
emgr -e interimfixPackage | -f ListFile [-w Directory ] [ -b | -k | -I ] [ -p ] [ -q ] [ -m ] [ -o ] [ -X ] [-a path]
emgr -i interimfixPackage | -f ListFile [ -w Directory ] [ -C ] [ -p ] [ -q ] [ -X ] [ -a path ]
emgr -C -i interimfixPackage | -f ListFile [ -w Directory ] [ -p ] [ -q ] [ -X ] [ -a path ]
emgr -C -L Label [ -p ] [ -q ] [ -X ]
emgr -r -L Label | -n interimfixNumber | -u VUID | -f ListFile [-w Directory ] [-a path] [ -b | -k | -I ] [ -p ] [ -q ] [ -X ]
emgr -c [ -L Label | -n interimfixNumber | -u VUID | -f ListFile ] [ -w Directory ] [-a path] [-v{1|2|3} ] [ -X ]
emgr -M | -U [ -L Label | -n interimfixNumber | -u VUID | -f ListFile ] [ -w Directory ] [-a path] [ -X ]
emgr -R interimfixLabel [ -w Directory ] [-a path] [ -X ]
emgr -P [ Package ] [-a path] [ -X ]
emgr -d -e interimfixPackage | -f ListFile [-w Directory ] [-v{1|2|3} ]
The emgr (interim fix manager) command can be used to install and manage system interim fixes. The interim fix manager installs packages created with the epkg command and maintains a database containing interim fix information. The emgr command performs the following operations:
- interim fix package installation
- interim fix removal
- interim fix listing
- interim fix checking
- interim fix mounting
- interim fix unmounting
- package locks displaying
- installed interim fix forced removal
- If an attempt is made to update a fileset (using the installp, install_all_updates, or smit update_all command) that has been locked by the interim fix manager, a notice will be displayed indicating which filesets are locked. In some cases, there is no notice to indicate why a fileset was prevented from being installed. The lslpp command shows that any locked filesets are in the IFIXLOCKED state.
- Any library or executable program updated by an interim fix or service update which is in use by an active process will not be reflected in that process unless it is restarted. For example, an update that changes the ksh will not have the changes reflected in any ksh processes that are already running. Likewise, an update to the libc.a library will not be reflected in any process that is already running. In addition, any process that is using a library and does a dlopen operation of the same library after the library has been updated could experience inconsistencies if it is not restarted.
Referencing an Ifix
The ways to reference an interim fix are as follows:
- Reference by Label
- Each interim fix that
is installed on a given system will have a unique interim fix label. This is
the unique key that binds all of the different database objects. To
reference an interim fix by label, pass the label as a parameter to the -L flag. For
example, to run a check operation on an interim fix with label ABC123, enter:
emgr -cL ABC123
- Reference by Ifix ID
- Each interim fix that is installed on a given system
has an interim fix ID. The interim fix ID is simply the order number in which the interim fix is listed in the interim fix database. Using this option may be convenient if
you are performing operations on interim fixes based on interim fix listings. The emgr command will convert the
interim fix ID into an interim fix label before performing the given operation. To
reference an interim fix by ID, pass the ID as an parameter
to the -n flag. Note: Ifix IDs can change as interim fixes are removed and added. Always verify the current interim fix ID number by using the -l flag to list the specific interim fix or all interim fixes.For example, to run a check operation on the first interim fix with ID equal to 1, enter:
emgr -cn1
- Reference by VUID
- Because interim fix packages are not formally tracked
by any entity, it is possible that the same interim fix
label could be used for more than one interim fix package.
However, the emgr command does not accept the installation of more than one interim fix with the same interim fix label at the same time. The VUID (Virtually Unique
ID) can be used to differentiate packages with the same interim fix label. The emgr command converts the VUID
into an interim fix label before performing the given
operation. For example, to list an installed interim fix
with VUID equal to 000775364C00020316020703, enter:
emgr -l -u 000775364C00020316020703
Note: The VUID is displayed in the preview phase of interim fix installation and removal. The VUID is also displayed when listing with verbosity level set to 3 with the -v flag.
Ifix Logging
The following operations are logged to the emgr command log file, /var/adm/ras/emgr.log:
- Installation
- Removal
- Checking
- Mounting
- Unmounting
- Forced Removal
Enabling Automatic Interim Fix Removal by installp
An interim fix can be packaged by the epkg command to contain an APAR reference file containing APAR reference numbers. An APAR reference number will allow installp to map an interim fix back to the APARs for all the Technology Levels where the fix was shipped. If installp determines that the interim fix is contained in the Technology Level, Service Pack, or PTF being applied, installp will automatically remove the interim fix prior to applying the updates.
If an interim fix is enabled for automatic removal, the emgr command will display the following message during the installation of the interim fix:
ATTENTION: Interim fix is enabled for automatic removal by installp.
Concurrent Updates
The emgr command supports the installation of a new kind of interim fix called a concurrent update. This form of interim fix contains a modification to the AIX® kernel, or one of its kernel extensions, that can be applied directly to the system memory and does not require the system to be rebooted. This direct patching to the system memory allows you to safely evaluate and test a kernel modification without modifying the file containing the system's current kernel on the disk. Any concurrent update applied to the system memory will not persist after a system reboot unless you choose to commit the changes introduced by the concurrent update to the disk using the -C flag. You can apply a concurrent update directly over another patch for the same module. You do not need to remove the previous patch. However, there must be only one version of the module loaded. Also, you cannot run any concurrent update operations (in-memory or on disk) for interim fixes in the REBOOT_REQUIRED state until the system is rebooted.
The emgr command supports the apply of in-memory concurrent updates on NIM thin servers (diskless or dataless clients). Since thin servers share operating system files with other clients (/usr directory is read-only), the emgr option to commit a concurrent update to disk (-C flag) is not valid on a thin servers.
The emgr database will be located in the /var/emgrdata directory on thin servers, since the /usr file system is read-only on thin servers.
Certain emgr operations can not be supported in a thin server environment, such as bosboot and file system expansion. As a result, the following emgr flags are not supported in a thin server environment: -C, -e, -I, -k, and –X. Also, the –b flag, which skips the bosboot process for interim fixes that require rebooting, will always be utilized when applicable since the bosboot operation cannot be supported for thin servers.
Item | Description |
-a path | Specifies an alternative directory path for
installation. Note: The -a flag works during the removal of
an interim fix only if
the -e and -a flags of the emgr command were
used during the installation of the interim fix. If the interim fix was not installed
by using the -e and -a flags, the emgr command
does not completely remove an interim fix from the alternative directory
As a workaround, use the following command to remove an interim fix that was installed
in the alternative directory:
-b | Causes the emgr command to skip the usual AIX bosboot process for interim fixes that require rebooting. |
-c | Specifies the check operation. Instructs the emgr command to run a check operation on the specified interim fix or interim fixes. |
-C | Commits an interim fix containing concurrent updates to the disk. This option must
be used along with the -i option, or can be used after an interim fix has been applied
with the -i option. This causes the concurrent updates to persist
across system reboots. After a concurrent update has been committed, removal will result in the module being restored to its original un-patched state, regardless of whether other patches for the module exist or not. All prior patches for the module are removed at the time the commit is performed. |
-d | Displays the contents and topology. This option is useful with the -v flag in displaying verbosity output. |
-e interimfixPackage | Specifies the path of the interim fix package file, and installs the interim fix package. The interim fix package file must be created with the epkg command and must end with the 16-bit compression extension, .Z. |
-f ListFile | Specifies a file that contains one of the following:
-i interimfixPackage | Specifies the path of an interim fix package file
containing a concurrent update, and applies the concurrent update to the system memory. The update
does not persist across system reboots unless the -C flag is used. You can also use the -i flag to apply one concurrent update over another for the same module. Such a concurrent update is termed a "follow-on". |
-I | Runs the low-level debugger for AIX bosboot by using the bosboot command's -I flag. |
-k | Loads the low-level debugger during AIX bosboot using the bosboot command's -D flag. |
-l | Instructs the emgr command to run the list operation on the specified interim fix or interim fixes. |
-L Label | Selects the interim fix for this operation by interim fix label. |
-m | Instructs the emgr command to perform a mount installation. When and interim fix is mount-installed, the interim fix files are mounted over the target files. |
-M | Instructs the emgr command to mount an interim fix or interim fixes that have been mount-installed by using the -m flag. The -M flag can be used to mount an interim fix that was installed using the -m flag and has been unmounted by the -U flag or by some other means, such as rebooting the system. |
-n interimfixID | Selects the interim fix for this operation by specifying the interim fix ID. |
-o | Specifies that the interim fix installation can overwrite an existing package. |
-p | Instructs the emgr command to perform a preview for either installation or removal. The preview runs all of the check operations, but does not make any changes. |
-P [ Package ] | Specifies the package-view operation, which displays all packages that are locked by the interim fix manager, their installer, and the locking label or labels. |
-q | Suppresses all output other than errors and strong warnings. |
-r | Instructs the emgr command to run a remove operation on the specified
interim fix or interim fixes. Removal of an active patch reinstates any prior patch for the module, provided one exists. If no prior patch exists, the module is restored to its original un-patched state. |
-R Label | Instructs the emgr command to run a force-remove operation. This option
removes interim fix data and package locks associated with
the interim fix label without actually removing interim fix files, running any remove scripts, or boot
processing. This option can be used for only one interim fix at a time. The interim fix label is required to identify
the target interim fix. Attention:
-u VUID | Selects the interim fix for this operation by specifying the VUID. |
-U | Instructs the emgr command to unmount an interim fix or interim fixes that have been mount-installed by using the -m flag. |
-v{1|2|3} | Specifies the verbosity level for the listing operation or the verification level for the check operation. Valid levels are 1, 2, and 3. |
-w Directory | Instructs the emgr command to use the specified working directory instead of the default /tmp directory. |
-X | Attempts to expand any file systems where there is insufficient space to
perform the requested emgr operation. This option expands file systems based on available
space and size estimates that are provided by the interim fix package and the emgr command. Note:
Exit Status
- 0
- All of the emgr command operations completed successfully.
- >0
- An error occurred.
System administrators or users with the aix.system.install authorization can run the emgr command on a multi-level secure (MLS) system. Ifix data, saved files, and temporary files are accessible only by the root user.
The emgr command looks for a supported MD5 generating command on the system. If one is located, the emgr command displays the MD5 checksum to the user. The user can then cross check this MD5 sum with a secured source. If an MD5 generating command is not located, the emgr command takes no further action.
The user can force set the path to an MD5 command by exporting the EMGR_MD5_CMD shell variable. This variable should contain the absolute path to the MD5 generating command.
- This feature is not supported in the original release of interim fix management. It is recommended that the user updates to the latest level of interim fix management by updating bos.rte.install to the latest level.
If Trusted Execution (TE) policy is turned on along with the
policy or theTSD_FILE_LOCK
policy, the emgr command fails. To continue with the installation,manually turn off theTSD_LOCK
policy or theTSD_FILE_LOCK
policy. The emgr command runs successfully with TE policies other than theTSD_LOCK
policy or theTSD_FILE_LOCK
policy.Also, when a TE policy is turned on, only one instance of the emgr command is supported.
- To preview the installation of an interim fix package
called games.020303.epkg.Z, enter:
emgr -p -e games.020303.epkg.Z
- To install the interim fix package called
games.020303.epkg.Z and automatically expand file systems if additional space is needed,
emgr -X -e games.020303.epkg.Z
- To list all interim fixes on the system, enter:
emgr -l
- To do a level 3 listing of interim fix label games, enter:
emgr -lv3 -L games
- To remove the interim fix with label games, enter:
emgr -r -L games
- To preview the removal of the interim fix labels in file /tmp/myfixes, enter:
emgr -rp -f /tmp/myfixes
- To check all interim fixes with verification level 2, enter:
emgr -cv2
- To check interim fix ID number 3 with verification level 1 (the default verification
level), enter:
emgr -c -n3
- To check interim fix with VUID of 000775364C00020316020703 and verification level
3, enter:
emgr -u 000775364C00020316020703 -c -v3
- To list all locked packages and their interim fix labels, enter:
emgr -P
- To list all interim fix labels that have locked the installp package bos.rte.lvm, enter:
emgr -P bos.rte.lvm
- To mount-install the interim fix package called
games.020303.epkg.Z and suppress AIX
bosboot, enter:
emgr -e games.020303.epkg.Z -mb
- To mount all interim fix files that have been mount-installed on the system by using
the -m option, enter:
emgr -M
- To unmount all interim fix files associated with interim fix label games, enter:
emgr -U -L games
- To apply an interim fix package called
kernelmod.031007.epkg.Z with concurrent updates to the system memory, enter:
emgr -i kernelmod.031007.epkg.Z
- To commit the concurrent updates associated with the interim fix label kernelmod to the disk, enter:
emgr -C -L kernelmod
- To apply an interim fix package called
kernelmod2.031007.epkg.Z with concurrent updates to the system memory, and also to commit the
concurrent updates to the disk, enter:
emgr -i kernelmod2.031007.epkg.Z -C
- To display level 3 verbosity output on interim fix
package test.102403.epkg.Z, enter:
emgr -v3 -d test.102403.epkg.Z
Item | Description |
/usr/sbin/emgr | Contains the emgr command |
/usr/emgrdata/DBS/ifix.db | Contains the interim fix header database |
/usr/emgrdata/DBS/files.db | Contains the interim fix files database |
/usr/emgrdata/DBS/pkglck.db | Contains the package locks database |
/usr/emgrdata/DBS/prereq.db | Contains the prerequisite database |
/usr/emgrdata/DBS/e2eprereq.db | Contains the interim fix prerequisite database |
/usr/emgrdata/DBS/aparref.db | Contains the APAR reference file database |