dhcpsdv6 Daemon
Implements a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCPv6) server. Serves addresses and configuration information to DHCPv6 clients.
To serve information to the DHCPv6 clients by using the System Resource Controller (SRC):
startsrc -s dhcpsdv6 [-a Argument]
To serve information to the DHCP clients without using SRC:
dhcpsdv6 [-d] [-f ConfigurationFile] [-a DadminPort] [-p ServerPort]
The DHCPv6 server handles the assignment and maintenance of dynamic address assignment. It also handles the distribution of additional configuration information. The dhcpsd daemon runs in the background and maintains a database of server information that contains logging parameters, IP (Internet Protocol) address ranges, other network configuration information, and accessibility information. The initial database is specified by the configuration file. The configuration file contains all the data to start configuring DHCP clients.
The DHCPv6 server maintains a database of addresses it provided and who has them. These databases are kept in the files /etc/dhcpv6/db_file.crbk and /etc/dhcpv6/db_file.cr. A server on startup reads the configuration file and setup its initial database of available addresses. The server accepts the refresh command or a SIGHUP signal to reread the configuration file.
Item | Description |
-a | Specifies the Dadmin port; by default it is 942. |
-d | Displays debugging information. |
-f ConfigurationFile | Specifies the configuration file to be used. By default, the configuration file is /etc/dhcpv6/dhcpsdv6.cnf. |
-p | Specifies the port that is used by the server to listen for incoming request; by default it is 547. |
Exit Status
This command returns the following exit values:
Item | Description |
0 | Successful completion. |
>0 | An error occurred. |
Access Control: You must have root authority to run this command.
- To start the DHCPv6 server with the configuration file dhcpsdv6.cnf located
in /usr/local, type:
startsrc -s dhcpsdv6 -a "-f /usr/local/dhcpsdv6.cnf"
Item | Description |
/usr/sbin/dhcpsdv6 | Contains the dhcpsdv6 daemon. |
/etc/dhcpv6/db_file.cr | Contains the client records. This file is created by the server daemon and is not configurable. |
/etc/dhcpv6/db_file.crbk | Contains the client records. This file is created by the server daemon and is not configurable. |
/etc/dhcpv6/dhcpsdv6.duid | Contains the server identifier file. This file is created by the server daemon and is not configurable. |