ctadmingroup Command
Defines a cluster administration group.
To define a group:
ctadmingroup [-h] [-TV] group_name
To remove a group:
ctadmingroup -u [-h] [-TV] [group_name]
The ctadmingroup command is used to define a cluster administration group. This command sets group ownership for trace files, so users who belong to a cluster administration group have the permissions needed to examine trace files that are produced by Reliable Scalable Cluster Technology (RSCT) subsystems. ctadmingroup changes existing trace files to the new permissions and group ownership. Trace files, which are created after the ctadmingroup command is run, contain the new permissions. This command does not create the specified group, nor does it add users to this group; it only gives users of this group access to the trace files.
- a different group name, the new group that is specified becomes the cluster administration group, thus replacing the previous group.
- no flagsoptions or parameters, it displays the group name and ID of the cluster administration group. If no cluster administration group is defined, this command does not produce any output.
- the -u flagoption, it removes the cluster administration group. After the group is removed, users who belong to that group might not be able to examine trace files. If no cluster administration group is defined, this command does not produce any output.
The location of the trace file of the security subsystem is configurable. To determine the location of the trace file, the ctadmingroup command requests information from the /var/ct/cfg/ctcasd.cfg file (if it is present) and the /opt/rsct/cfg/ctcasd.cfg file.
- group_name
- Specifies the name of the cluster administration group. This group must exist in the group database (/etc/group, for example).
- -u
- Removes the cluster administration group. After the group is removed, users who belong to that group might not be able to examine trace files. If no cluster administration group is defined, this command does not produce any output.
- -h
- Writes the command usage statement to standard output.
- -T
- Writes the command trace messages to standard error. For your software service organization use only.
- -V
- Writes the command verbose messages to standard output.
- /etc/group
- The group database.
- /var/ct/cfg/ctgroups
- Stores the administration group name and caches the corresponding group ID.
- /var/ct/cfg/ctcasd.cfg
- The primary location of the cluster security configuration file, which contains the location of the trace file of the security subsystem.
- /opt/rsct/cfg/ctcasd.cfg
- The secondary location of the cluster security configuration file. The ctadmingroup command requests information from this file if the /var/ct/cfg/ctcasd.cfg file is not present.
Exit status
- 0
- The command has run successfully.
- 1
- The group name that was specified on the command line is not in the group database.
- 2
- An internal error occurred.
- 3
- An incorrect flagoption was entered on the command line.
- 4
- An incorrect operand was entered on the command line.
Only root users can run this command.
Standard output
When the -h flagoption is specified, this command usage statement is written to standard output. All verbose messages are written to standard output.
Standard error
All trace messages are written to standard error.
Unpredictable results can occur if the mapping of the group name and group ID is changed after the command is run.
Implementation specifics
This command is part of the Reliable Scalable Cluster Technology (RSCT) fileset for AIX®package for Linux®.
- /opt/rsct/bin/ctadmingroup
- To display the group name and ID of the cluster administration group, enter: